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Mikkel a simple technical glitch. 4 toosmooth 5629 14/05/2014 06:47:41
Mikkel [Latest Reply]
Lmfaooo reaper your a pussy bitch 1 NVTT! 9003 09/05/2014 18:10:55
sterlihalla [Latest Reply]
Who is Gonna win : Pebian Vs Love 0 NVTT! 5546 04/05/2014 03:27:11
NVTT! [Latest Reply]
strip nvtt 0 sterlihalla 5503 02/05/2014 00:50:44
sterlihalla [Latest Reply]
Seems like game is finished 11 Mikkel 13759 28/04/2014 14:15:06
XXX [Latest Reply]
My Official Retirement - Miss you all and this game! 4 Tyrant 8169 21/04/2014 02:12:26
Mikkel [Latest Reply]
Champion NVTT and his incredible Style 7 NVTT! 7852 19/04/2014 16:17:48
NVTT! [Latest Reply]
Well lets make it easy for some fighters 0 NVTT! 5672 17/04/2014 06:09:21
NVTT! [Latest Reply]
Reaper comes back,begs for the title i hand it to him but 0 NVTT! 5360 15/04/2014 22:55:54
NVTT! [Latest Reply]
Hey Everybody 1 The Great Yacoob 6878 27/03/2014 20:32:38
johnbludger [Latest Reply]
Hip Hop Video 2 Unstoppable 8574 08/03/2014 15:07:40
The Great Yacoob [Latest Reply]
Can we strip the current champs and give belts to active fighters?
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15 sterlihalla 12809 15/02/2014 00:59:02
johnbludger [Latest Reply]
The Poop that Took a Pee 3 Surj 7639 15/02/2014 00:57:26
johnbludger [Latest Reply]
Is this game dead?
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56 Redneck 300368 12/02/2014 23:56:12
Redneck [Latest Reply]
Reaper 1 Its me Vicious 6126 04/02/2014 21:54:28
sterlihalla [Latest Reply]
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