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Joined: 24/08/2008 22:48:05
Messages: 1657
Location: Akron, Ohio

how bout this

say P4P had the title and another group say chaoscrew wants a shot this spring

there will be 5 fights. whoever wins the three matches get the group title.

Now u said that the group that wins fight each other............. theres 5 people in each group. the vet and the 4 drafted people.

so everyboy has to fight each other twice

the group title is much better

John Record Wins-5341 Lost-2047 KOs-5203 Draw-35 Title Wins- 183 Title Defenses- 1025
JAB Record Wins- 1240 Loss- 160 KOs- 1197 Draw- 18 Title Wins- 25 Title Defenses- 83
Total Record Wins- 6581 Loss- 2207 KOs- 6400 Draw- 53

OB Style: "The John Style"

OB Status: Active

OB Member Since: May 2007

OB Accounts: john / James A. Braddock

OB Class: Hall of Fame

All-Time Winning Streak: 198

1x Superchamp
4x Undisputed champ
208x OB Champ- 1108 Defenses
23x OBA Champion Defenses- 104
35x OBC Champion Defenses- 139
128x OBF Champion Defenses- 830
10x OBW Champion Defenses- 6
12x Tournament Champion Defenses- 29

The Legend
The Beast
The Machine

"John represents the renaissance of OB. John stepped up and filled the vacuum Fatny left behind. Not only his skills are amazing, also his dedication to keep this game interesting and alive. I was there when he first won the title, I was watching over his shoulder when he bullied all competition, I was there when he became a HOF´er. I may not be a great fighter myself, but I do have eye for talent. John is something special, I told him right after he won his first title. John is the spark that became a flame that turned into a devastating fire. Apart from being a great guy he never stepped down from a challenge and always looked to square off against OB´s best to further improve his skills. Many HOF´ers made short comebacks during the year John reigned OB, only to be knocked out by Big Bad John." - Dick E. Boon

"The thing with John is that he's just so extremely accurate, both in offense and in defense. There's some punches I consider myself a master of, like the small hook and the long upper. Well they're useless against John no matter how well you throw them, he just keeps blocking 90% of them and hurting you in the process. Speaking of which...if he hurts you (and he will), you better move your head a lot because he also happens to be one of the best finishers i've ever seen. Basically if you're not extremely good AND creative, you'll end up on the floor. A fine addition to the hall of fame indeed." - Fatny
[Email] [Yahoo!]
M. A R A G O N

Joined: 16/06/2007 20:34:40
Messages: 478

well right now im a a free agent. highest bidder for me wins. GO. jk i will prolly be an undrafted free agent .


Joined: 24/08/2008 22:48:05
Messages: 1657
Location: Akron, Ohio

and if one of the members quit then the title is vacated or they will do a 4 fights and if its a tiebreaker then the vet fights again

John Record Wins-5341 Lost-2047 KOs-5203 Draw-35 Title Wins- 183 Title Defenses- 1025
JAB Record Wins- 1240 Loss- 160 KOs- 1197 Draw- 18 Title Wins- 25 Title Defenses- 83
Total Record Wins- 6581 Loss- 2207 KOs- 6400 Draw- 53

OB Style: "The John Style"

OB Status: Active

OB Member Since: May 2007

OB Accounts: john / James A. Braddock

OB Class: Hall of Fame

All-Time Winning Streak: 198

1x Superchamp
4x Undisputed champ
208x OB Champ- 1108 Defenses
23x OBA Champion Defenses- 104
35x OBC Champion Defenses- 139
128x OBF Champion Defenses- 830
10x OBW Champion Defenses- 6
12x Tournament Champion Defenses- 29

The Legend
The Beast
The Machine

"John represents the renaissance of OB. John stepped up and filled the vacuum Fatny left behind. Not only his skills are amazing, also his dedication to keep this game interesting and alive. I was there when he first won the title, I was watching over his shoulder when he bullied all competition, I was there when he became a HOF´er. I may not be a great fighter myself, but I do have eye for talent. John is something special, I told him right after he won his first title. John is the spark that became a flame that turned into a devastating fire. Apart from being a great guy he never stepped down from a challenge and always looked to square off against OB´s best to further improve his skills. Many HOF´ers made short comebacks during the year John reigned OB, only to be knocked out by Big Bad John." - Dick E. Boon

"The thing with John is that he's just so extremely accurate, both in offense and in defense. There's some punches I consider myself a master of, like the small hook and the long upper. Well they're useless against John no matter how well you throw them, he just keeps blocking 90% of them and hurting you in the process. Speaking of which...if he hurts you (and he will), you better move your head a lot because he also happens to be one of the best finishers i've ever seen. Basically if you're not extremely good AND creative, you'll end up on the floor. A fine addition to the hall of fame indeed." - Fatny
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Joined: 19/04/2006 11:00:44
Messages: 1394
Location: Buffalo,NY

No theres 4 teams of 4 3 drafted 1 captain so u fight ever body on ur team once single elim vs ur team.
Ok there cud b 2 sections-Single Winner and Team Winner
The actually Single winner gets "Champ" next to his name and the Team just gets it in Spirit lmao.

Title History
42xOB Champ



Joined: 19/04/2006 11:00:44
Messages: 1394
Location: Buffalo,NY

if one member quits the captain picks up some1 off the "Free Agents List" to fill the spot and it continues regularly....

Title History
42xOB Champ



Joined: 24/08/2008 22:48:05
Messages: 1657
Location: Akron, Ohio

hmmmm maybe well you an go for the single elimination ill go for the group title

John Record Wins-5341 Lost-2047 KOs-5203 Draw-35 Title Wins- 183 Title Defenses- 1025
JAB Record Wins- 1240 Loss- 160 KOs- 1197 Draw- 18 Title Wins- 25 Title Defenses- 83
Total Record Wins- 6581 Loss- 2207 KOs- 6400 Draw- 53

OB Style: "The John Style"

OB Status: Active

OB Member Since: May 2007

OB Accounts: john / James A. Braddock

OB Class: Hall of Fame

All-Time Winning Streak: 198

1x Superchamp
4x Undisputed champ
208x OB Champ- 1108 Defenses
23x OBA Champion Defenses- 104
35x OBC Champion Defenses- 139
128x OBF Champion Defenses- 830
10x OBW Champion Defenses- 6
12x Tournament Champion Defenses- 29

The Legend
The Beast
The Machine

"John represents the renaissance of OB. John stepped up and filled the vacuum Fatny left behind. Not only his skills are amazing, also his dedication to keep this game interesting and alive. I was there when he first won the title, I was watching over his shoulder when he bullied all competition, I was there when he became a HOF´er. I may not be a great fighter myself, but I do have eye for talent. John is something special, I told him right after he won his first title. John is the spark that became a flame that turned into a devastating fire. Apart from being a great guy he never stepped down from a challenge and always looked to square off against OB´s best to further improve his skills. Many HOF´ers made short comebacks during the year John reigned OB, only to be knocked out by Big Bad John." - Dick E. Boon

"The thing with John is that he's just so extremely accurate, both in offense and in defense. There's some punches I consider myself a master of, like the small hook and the long upper. Well they're useless against John no matter how well you throw them, he just keeps blocking 90% of them and hurting you in the process. Speaking of which...if he hurts you (and he will), you better move your head a lot because he also happens to be one of the best finishers i've ever seen. Basically if you're not extremely good AND creative, you'll end up on the floor. A fine addition to the hall of fame indeed." - Fatny
[Email] [Yahoo!]
M. A R A G O N

Joined: 16/06/2007 20:34:40
Messages: 478

wait woe woe woe. what ur sayign is. let me give u an example fo what i think ur sayig.
this is example

i am captain i choose skillz, john, redneck

red viper is another captain and he has 3 guys.

but we fight each other 1st? so i would fight skillz redneck and john...??? than we would fight the winner of red vipers little civil war??

than why dont the captains just pick the worst possible people they can????

am i correct in thinking what ur saying?

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 22/12/2008 01:09:13



Joined: 24/08/2008 22:48:05
Messages: 1657
Location: Akron, Ohio

good point

John Record Wins-5341 Lost-2047 KOs-5203 Draw-35 Title Wins- 183 Title Defenses- 1025
JAB Record Wins- 1240 Loss- 160 KOs- 1197 Draw- 18 Title Wins- 25 Title Defenses- 83
Total Record Wins- 6581 Loss- 2207 KOs- 6400 Draw- 53

OB Style: "The John Style"

OB Status: Active

OB Member Since: May 2007

OB Accounts: john / James A. Braddock

OB Class: Hall of Fame

All-Time Winning Streak: 198

1x Superchamp
4x Undisputed champ
208x OB Champ- 1108 Defenses
23x OBA Champion Defenses- 104
35x OBC Champion Defenses- 139
128x OBF Champion Defenses- 830
10x OBW Champion Defenses- 6
12x Tournament Champion Defenses- 29

The Legend
The Beast
The Machine

"John represents the renaissance of OB. John stepped up and filled the vacuum Fatny left behind. Not only his skills are amazing, also his dedication to keep this game interesting and alive. I was there when he first won the title, I was watching over his shoulder when he bullied all competition, I was there when he became a HOF´er. I may not be a great fighter myself, but I do have eye for talent. John is something special, I told him right after he won his first title. John is the spark that became a flame that turned into a devastating fire. Apart from being a great guy he never stepped down from a challenge and always looked to square off against OB´s best to further improve his skills. Many HOF´ers made short comebacks during the year John reigned OB, only to be knocked out by Big Bad John." - Dick E. Boon

"The thing with John is that he's just so extremely accurate, both in offense and in defense. There's some punches I consider myself a master of, like the small hook and the long upper. Well they're useless against John no matter how well you throw them, he just keeps blocking 90% of them and hurting you in the process. Speaking of which...if he hurts you (and he will), you better move your head a lot because he also happens to be one of the best finishers i've ever seen. Basically if you're not extremely good AND creative, you'll end up on the floor. A fine addition to the hall of fame indeed." - Fatny
[Email] [Yahoo!]


Joined: 19/04/2006 11:00:44
Messages: 1394
Location: Buffalo,NY

No thts not wht im goes lyk this 4 TEAMS RITE?? OK NOW 1 TEAMS FACES ANOTHER TEAM ex. Skillz Team vs Vipers Team...
Than on the other side of tha Tourney Bracket..Vargas Team vs Rocky Team
okk noowww Say that my team won and rockys team won...
It would than be Skillz Team vs Rocky Team...the winning team
Fights each other single elim. so it would be like if i picked...
Then it would b Me vs Redneck...John vs Mara...
Ok nowww if i Win and John win its Skillz vs John for the main Championship....
But our team won the Group Championship

Do yall get it now? i did enuf explainin lolz

Title History
42xOB Champ

M. A R A G O N

Joined: 16/06/2007 20:34:40
Messages: 478

yes i understand. but how do we decide who is captains?


Joined: 19/04/2006 11:00:44
Messages: 1394
Location: Buffalo,NY

Which ever vets (TOP PLAYER) want to apply for captain... if theres more than 4 that apply...tht applications r accepted will have to fight for captainship...

Title History
42xOB Champ



Joined: 24/08/2008 22:48:05
Messages: 1657
Location: Akron, Ohio

ok so heres the info

Online Boxing Group title/Tournament title

This is a seasonal/month tournament. Whoever wins the title will give shots next season or month.

Theres 4 groups comprised of 4-5 people( 5 is better)
The leader(veteran) and the 3-4 drafted people

The veteran can train them to become better and will not tell them what to do besides fighting.

The draft will have 16 people that wil be selected out of can or basket. They will be assigned to the 4 groups. If there is more people that want a group then they will fight for the captainship(as said by skillz).

Then the groups name will be put in the can and will be selected.

heres and example of the bracket

1-2 3-4

1-4 2-3
W L W L 3 and 4 lost

L W 2nd group gets title

3-5 days of training then the fights will start. The lineup of each group will be decided by and only the leader.
The leader will send their lineups to the moderator of the title tournament(me).

If a group wins the title then they will defend every season or month to any group that asks for a shot. If one of the members quit then their will be a draft and the person will be assigned to the group.
That new person will not acquire the title when they join the group or if they retain the title.

Thats my rules, idea and how everything goes

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 22/12/2008 03:52:32

John Record Wins-5341 Lost-2047 KOs-5203 Draw-35 Title Wins- 183 Title Defenses- 1025
JAB Record Wins- 1240 Loss- 160 KOs- 1197 Draw- 18 Title Wins- 25 Title Defenses- 83
Total Record Wins- 6581 Loss- 2207 KOs- 6400 Draw- 53

OB Style: "The John Style"

OB Status: Active

OB Member Since: May 2007

OB Accounts: john / James A. Braddock

OB Class: Hall of Fame

All-Time Winning Streak: 198

1x Superchamp
4x Undisputed champ
208x OB Champ- 1108 Defenses
23x OBA Champion Defenses- 104
35x OBC Champion Defenses- 139
128x OBF Champion Defenses- 830
10x OBW Champion Defenses- 6
12x Tournament Champion Defenses- 29

The Legend
The Beast
The Machine

"John represents the renaissance of OB. John stepped up and filled the vacuum Fatny left behind. Not only his skills are amazing, also his dedication to keep this game interesting and alive. I was there when he first won the title, I was watching over his shoulder when he bullied all competition, I was there when he became a HOF´er. I may not be a great fighter myself, but I do have eye for talent. John is something special, I told him right after he won his first title. John is the spark that became a flame that turned into a devastating fire. Apart from being a great guy he never stepped down from a challenge and always looked to square off against OB´s best to further improve his skills. Many HOF´ers made short comebacks during the year John reigned OB, only to be knocked out by Big Bad John." - Dick E. Boon

"The thing with John is that he's just so extremely accurate, both in offense and in defense. There's some punches I consider myself a master of, like the small hook and the long upper. Well they're useless against John no matter how well you throw them, he just keeps blocking 90% of them and hurting you in the process. Speaking of which...if he hurts you (and he will), you better move your head a lot because he also happens to be one of the best finishers i've ever seen. Basically if you're not extremely good AND creative, you'll end up on the floor. A fine addition to the hall of fame indeed." - Fatny
[Email] [Yahoo!]


Joined: 19/04/2006 11:00:44
Messages: 1394
Location: Buffalo,NY

Almost will take long so it will be one every season...Winter,Spring etc...
4 Groups of 4 so 16 people cuz it will be hard finding anymore tht will be on.
The draft will not be random. the Team leaders will fight for there draft pick number...So say that i win my fights and i have 1st pick..and oh sayy Redneck is pick him hes my 1st after the runner up n the leader fights picks thts 2nd pick Overall-BUT 1ST FOR THERE TEAM lets just say the 2nd overrall pick was Captain America...Redneck and Cap would have to fight cuz there both 1st picked by there team.
Team 1 will vs Team 2
Team 3 will vs Team 4

So i could go lyk this
1 vs 2 - 3 vs 4

-So Teams 1 and 3 goto Group Finals-
Final Round would be..
1 vs 3

Team 3 Wins group Finals-They are the Championship winning Team.

Than Team 3 has to fight each other for singles championship, the main one (which will possibly get "Champ" next to his name in tourney)
The fights n group will go by draft order...i.e.
If Team 3 was..
1st Pick-Dick
2nd Pick-Maragon
3rd Pick-John
Than Captain-Vargas vs Dick
2nd Pick-Maragon vs 3rd Pick John

The Teams will be mixed up each time so there will be no defending team title...So if one team is dominating the tournament it will be completly different the next time...
As for the Single-Main Championship it will be defended..Now lemme explain how this goes.
The Singles Champ cannot participate in the next tournament untill the very end. When the Captain and 1st pick of winning team face..the winner will face the defending champ.
The winner of this is the NEW or REGAINING champ.

Lol long but gottta explain the rules since no1 gets it lmao.

Title History
42xOB Champ

Paul Dion


Joined: 22/11/2006 14:30:30
Messages: 963
Location: Manchester, England, UK

A lot of people will read this and think it is too damn complicated!

It would be easier to get people to watch a few episodes of The Ultimate Fighter...same kinda thing where it's team vs team. A team captain picks one of his members and picks an opponent for him from another team...not sure if it will work out though...seems like this needs to be run properly by someone who can keep it all organised and non corrupt!

Plus how do you determine who is a "vet"? I for example have been playing OB since 2004...but I only joined the forum in 2006...So that's 4 years in OB for me...does that mean I'm a vet? I have won over 10 World Titles but I'm nowhere near the "elite" status LMAO...I'm better than average though!

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 22/12/2008 11:49:43


- Paul Dion Junior: W320 L165 (KO319)
- Join Date: 2006
- Status: Active

- 7 time OBW World Champion
- 3 time OBC World Champion
- 1 time OBF World Champion
- 1 time Tournament World Champion

- Style: Elusive Defence and Counter Punch
- Signature Punch: The Dion Double Hook
- Signature Taunt: The Dion Crouch and Point

- Paul Dion Promotions record: 5-7



Joined: 24/08/2008 22:48:05
Messages: 1657
Location: Akron, Ohio

well my idea is based on the UFC idea. I just want it to be a team vs team thing along with a team title. Doing an elimination with ur own team is pointless cuz a vet can pick the worst players if he gets the first pick

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 22/12/2008 12:17:32

John Record Wins-5341 Lost-2047 KOs-5203 Draw-35 Title Wins- 183 Title Defenses- 1025
JAB Record Wins- 1240 Loss- 160 KOs- 1197 Draw- 18 Title Wins- 25 Title Defenses- 83
Total Record Wins- 6581 Loss- 2207 KOs- 6400 Draw- 53

OB Style: "The John Style"

OB Status: Active

OB Member Since: May 2007

OB Accounts: john / James A. Braddock

OB Class: Hall of Fame

All-Time Winning Streak: 198

1x Superchamp
4x Undisputed champ
208x OB Champ- 1108 Defenses
23x OBA Champion Defenses- 104
35x OBC Champion Defenses- 139
128x OBF Champion Defenses- 830
10x OBW Champion Defenses- 6
12x Tournament Champion Defenses- 29

The Legend
The Beast
The Machine

"John represents the renaissance of OB. John stepped up and filled the vacuum Fatny left behind. Not only his skills are amazing, also his dedication to keep this game interesting and alive. I was there when he first won the title, I was watching over his shoulder when he bullied all competition, I was there when he became a HOF´er. I may not be a great fighter myself, but I do have eye for talent. John is something special, I told him right after he won his first title. John is the spark that became a flame that turned into a devastating fire. Apart from being a great guy he never stepped down from a challenge and always looked to square off against OB´s best to further improve his skills. Many HOF´ers made short comebacks during the year John reigned OB, only to be knocked out by Big Bad John." - Dick E. Boon

"The thing with John is that he's just so extremely accurate, both in offense and in defense. There's some punches I consider myself a master of, like the small hook and the long upper. Well they're useless against John no matter how well you throw them, he just keeps blocking 90% of them and hurting you in the process. Speaking of which...if he hurts you (and he will), you better move your head a lot because he also happens to be one of the best finishers i've ever seen. Basically if you're not extremely good AND creative, you'll end up on the floor. A fine addition to the hall of fame indeed." - Fatny
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