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Flying out of the ring while leaning/throwing punches  XML
Forum Index » Technical issues
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Joined: 01/11/2007 16:10:40
Messages: 10

Occasionally in test mode (I can never get it to reproduce in a real fight) while leaning with my analog joystick and throwing a punch, I will suddenly fly backwards, sometimes way out of the ring. Half the time I'll end up on the ground in such a way that I can't stand back up and actually lose the test fight! I imagine it is due to the way the analog joystick data isn't being smoothened out any, but I'm not totally sure... It would be awesome if someone could test for this and provide results or a specific way to reproduce this bug for someone to analyze.
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Ray Johnson


Joined: 10/01/2007 13:36:12
Messages: 1983

DoomRater wrote:Occasionally in test mode (I can never get it to reproduce in a real fight) while leaning with my analog joystick and throwing a punch, I will suddenly fly backwards, sometimes way out of the ring. Half the time I'll end up on the ground in such a way that I can't stand back up and actually lose the test fight! I imagine it is due to the way the analog joystick data isn't being smoothened out any, but I'm not totally sure... It would be awesome if someone could test for this and provide results or a specific way to reproduce this bug for someone to analyze.

1 - I think the 'test' mode is only for Mikkel's use.
2 - If it happens in multiplayer or while using the heavy bag, it will definately be fixed. We gotta remember that we wanted it early and we got it. It's not going to be 100% straight away.

Joined: 18/04/2006 06:15:39
Messages: 1584

DoomRater wrote:Occasionally in test mode (I can never get it to reproduce in a real fight) while leaning with my analog joystick and throwing a punch, I will suddenly fly backwards, sometimes way out of the ring. Half the time I'll end up on the ground in such a way that I can't stand back up and actually lose the test fight! I imagine it is due to the way the analog joystick data isn't being smoothened out any, but I'm not totally sure... It would be awesome if someone could test for this and provide results or a specific way to reproduce this bug for someone to analyze.

Yes I know about this but dont know why it does it. But like Ray pointed out, the "test mode" is just something I created to test. Then I forgot to remove it when the game was deployed.

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