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Ray Jhonson, super best friend of every OB player.  XML
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The Contender

Joined: 29/07/2008 14:44:04
Messages: 55

Apparently this kid Ray Jhonson not only has the ability to hack both OB2D and OB3D but he has also been doing it. He keeps doing it screwing with the rankings and in OB messing with stamina etc. stats in matches.

If you have ever lost your point, ranking or title in 2D there is a high change it was because of this kid Ray Jhonson decided to once again hack the database for just his personal amusement.

If you have ever witnessed strange things happen in 3D in middle of your match your best bet is that this kid has been there hacking the game for his personal amusement.

This is not the first time he has done things like this on this game and most likely not the last time. All he does is cause Mikkel to do more work to fix the things this Ray kid manages to screw.

Ray Johnson> i said i did hack OB3D
Ray Johnson> because i did, but that was for fun
The Contender> You first said you hack ob2d and then said you can do same to ob3d and both just for fun. You even wanted to prove it and even told me how you do the first OB2D hack regarding the rankings.
Ray Johnson> mmhmhm yea
* pats went online
The Contender> and you said you hacked ob2d database very recently which may have caused this current mess and you told me the very specific way how you did it
Ray Johnson> yup
Ray Johnson> finally you're getting it
Ray Johnson> I hacked ob2d which may have caused
The Contender> ok so you hack OB2D database just for the fun of it to get kick out of it
pats> di i miss something
The Contender> hacking ob2d
The Contender> and hacking ob3d
Ray Jhonson> yeah I did
Ray Johnson> mikkel let me
Ray Johnson> ..
The Contender> You are total asshole who gets kick out of screwing with other peoples things.

So mods and Mikkel please do tell me why an earth has this people not been banned forever yet especially if you Mikkel know he does this?

Ray Johnson


Joined: 10/01/2007 13:36:12
Messages: 1983

Lol I'm banned. Congratulations Rocky, for taking it out of context. I only modded an xml file in 2D (and other things on 3D which mikkel knows about) and that's it........

I'll tell you exactly what I did.

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 03/09/2008 12:05:13

The Contender

Joined: 29/07/2008 14:44:04
Messages: 55

There is no point whatsoever to play OB2D or OB3D if someone is allowed to hack or mod rankings and the game itself for his personal amusement. Not only that but if this same person is allowed to keep doing that.
OB2D is a really good game and I expect OB3D to be even better. Unfortunately I myself cannot play OB3D during weekdays due to not being able to install required physics engine (University policy). This is about to change soon enough and I am looking forwards to start playing OB3D more or rather was.

I am fairly sure in time OB3D will become pay to play and I got no issues with that. In fact I feel Mikkel is more than entitled to make good profit as a reward for his hard work. This all being said there is just no way in hell I will play and play to play for OB3D if people are allowed to hack or mod the game - total waste of both my time and money. Also there is no way in hell I will continue to play OB2D if people are allowed to hack or mod the game – again total waste of my time.

This Ray person does not even play OB2D or OB3D. All he does is log on to make trouble and hack/mod your game Mikkel. Maybe he feels it is funny and all but it is not. Frankly said I will not play any version of OB till this situation is resolved. Yeah I am just one player and not an important one in any way whatsoever. It is not a big deal if OB loses me as player. It is also not big deal for me either. I will have more free time to do other things. Personally I just do not think it is worth of my time or money to play some game that is being hacked/modded for personal amusement of some kid. It takes the fun out of the game.

ps. I am not here to debate this with you Ray. It is totally irrelevant how you do it and/or what kind of specific method you use when you should not be doing it at all. You yourself said and proved you can hack/mod the gameplay of OB3D and you yourself proved you can hack/mod the rankings of OB2D. You said the reason you do it is to get kick out of it and for your personal amusement. Not to help Mikkel finish OB3D, not to make OB2D better - just for your own personal amusement.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 03/09/2008 12:04:22

Ray Johnson


Joined: 10/01/2007 13:36:12
Messages: 1983


For mikkel only

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 03/09/2008 12:19:13

Ray Johnson


Joined: 10/01/2007 13:36:12
Messages: 1983

Look, everything you just wrote was bullshit. No matter how many times I tell you. I'm still trying to meet you half way, but don't push me I'm not really in a great mood.

EDIT: You have to think, i'm a non-experienced java programmer and i can still understand most of the stuff there. I'm telling you about me modding the game IN THE OPEN. One day a real javascripter will come along and destroy your game.

Sure I could have done this in secret but I just did this for entertainment and NOT to annoy anyone, so i believed that Mikkel, Rocky and everyone else would not have a problem with that. If you've changed your mind mikkel, I'm happy to agree not to mod the game, even if it's JUST the sound files. I don't think banning me is the way to go, especially after you told me it was ok.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 03/09/2008 12:10:15

The Contender

Joined: 29/07/2008 14:44:04
Messages: 55

Do you not realise and understand that you should not be do any modding or hacking whatsoever and in general not do anything else but play the game?

You are not supposed to mod the game in any way whatsoever.

You are not supposed to hack the game in any way whatsoever.

How hard can that be to understand?

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 03/09/2008 12:12:51

Ray Johnson


Joined: 10/01/2007 13:36:12
Messages: 1983

The Contender wrote:Do you not realise and understand that you should not be doing any modding or hacking whatsoever and in general not doing anything else but playing the game?

Read my previous post.
The Contender

Joined: 29/07/2008 14:44:04
Messages: 55

All these little experiments you do out of curiosity and for your personal amusement, do is cause trouble and more work for Mikkel.

Can you not just the play the game like everyone else without any of the modding (or whatever you call it) or whatever bullshit it is you do?
Ray Johnson


Joined: 10/01/2007 13:36:12
Messages: 1983

The Contender wrote:All these little experiments you do out of curiosity and for your personal amusement, do is cause trouble and more work for Mikkel.

Can you not just the play the game like everyone else without any of the modding (or whatever you call it) or whatever bullshit it is you do?

Sure, and if Mikkel told me not to, I would have simply just played the game. But what he said was "wif u want to". Awesome.........
The Contender

Joined: 29/07/2008 14:44:04
Messages: 55

Posting the exact way you messed up the rankings (provided you did it and that is really how you did it) is really not smart at all, is it Ray? Do you remember what happened when Edder posted instructions on how to freeze ko people... I suppose you do not or do not care.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 03/09/2008 12:18:39

Ray Johnson


Joined: 10/01/2007 13:36:12
Messages: 1983

The Contender wrote:Posting the exact way you did it is really not smart at all, is it Ray? Do you remember what happened when Edder posted instructions on how to freeze ko people... I suppose you do not or do not care.

What I'm trying to get through to you, and everyone else who's jumping for joy about me being banned, is that I'm TELLING you that i'm doing these things. So, if i wanted to fuck you over rocky, I wouldn't have told people that i've modded.

Edit: I see your point. I will PM Mikkel on what I did so that nobody else will know.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 03/09/2008 12:18:36

The Contender

Joined: 29/07/2008 14:44:04
Messages: 55

Do you REALLY not understand that you should NOT be doing anything like this at all?

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 03/09/2008 12:19:51

Ray Johnson


Joined: 10/01/2007 13:36:12
Messages: 1983

The Contender wrote:Do you REALLY not understand that you should NOT be doing anything like this at all?

Do you REALLY not understand that mikkel said "if u want too" at all?
The Contender

Joined: 29/07/2008 14:44:04
Messages: 55

I do but I do not believe you. I do not think he would give you special permission to mod or hack his game. All it does is cause trouble and more work for him and take the fun out of the game. I do not see a reason why he would have given you some special permission to mod/hack Ob2D or Ob3D.

and if he did then fuck with both OB2D and OB3D. Keep ruining the game all you want Ray with Mikkels permission. I wont be here to see you ruin this game for everybody with these little "experiments" of yours.

This message was edited 4 times. Last update was at 03/09/2008 12:36:43

Ray Johnson


Joined: 10/01/2007 13:36:12
Messages: 1983

Well, obviously, if i get the chance i'm not going to do it again...
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