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I have just become obc CHAMP!  XML
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Ray Johnson


Joined: 10/01/2007 13:36:12
Messages: 1983

Donny_king wrote:
Congratulations Ray you finally figured out how opinions work

Now your next task is to figure out why mine matters and yours doesn't when it comes down to me Moderating someone.

Also I never gave anyone 10000 chances, I gave him two, his first and his second. Like I say everyone deserves a second chance. I also never said anything about it being ok to destroy a game, I banned him for it once and gave him a second chance then he failed and is now banned again.

You're obviously trying to argue a stupid point and you are failing at every attempt. Just give it up, your argument failed and all this is bullshit which doesn't need to be discussed anymore. So stop trying to make me out to be some fuckwit with half a brain (I have two thirds) and get back to playing OB or with yourself, whichever comes first

PS. Reaper is an idiot and no longer needs to be discussed. Can we agree on this ?

I'm not even trying to argue with you. Yes, we can agree that he doesn't need to be discussed. But this discussion is about you being a moderator, not Reaper. The discussion has become quite pathetic and has some of the dumbest shit i've ever read in a long time. Still, i'm going to continue it because i've got nothing better to do.

1. That first bit.. it's just dumb.

2. I never said my opinion counted when you moderated someone. I just think your opinion sucks.

3. "I never gave anyone 10000 chances".. hmm.. "I gave him endless warnings". which kills the rest of your paragraph.

4. I was pissed off because you wouldn't ban reaper. It makes sense. Wouldn't you be pissed off if you saw some idiot trying to kill your favourite game and then seeing nobody do anything about it?

5. I don't even know why you continuously insult me every post. I care about seeing Reaper banned, not having lame arguments with you. I'm holding back because i think you're a decent guy, it's just that i think you're a bad moderator.

6. " You're obviously trying to argue a stupid point and you are failing at every attempt". My arguments aren't failing, you can't keep up with it and can't understand.

7. Why do I obsess about Reaper? It's because I know what he's thinking and I can't sit back and let him do it. Like trying to tell someone their best friend is gonna kill them, they won't believe it and the guy who is telling him can't stress enough how stupid they're being for not trying to understand.

8. Let's say i shot your mum/mom when you were a kid (time aside). Do i deserve a second chance? Let's be honest, not everyone deserves a second chance.. unless you would say to me after i killed your mum/mom "It's ok, you deserve another chance.. even though you killed my mother". Come on, that's plain stupid.

9. If anyone is giving up, it's you. I know you'll do something to 'win' this argument. Like ban me stopping me from replying.. or saying "I don't need to talk about this anymore" and running like you've said something that's too amazing to say anything back. The point of #9 is to tell you to continue this, it's fun.. unless it's just making you angry. In which case, do whatever the hell you like. (I don't want to have pleasure with other peoples pain anymore). So, yeah, i'm waiting ..

10. Before you reply, remember to not act like you are great/wise/all-knowing etc etc. That attitude is boring, something along the lines of "fuck you dumbass" is a lot more entertaining.

11. Yes, i am having fun

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 07/05/2008 13:07:32



Joined: 18/04/2006 14:22:37
Messages: 907
Location: Manchester , England

Dude you don't get what I'm saying to you so I think you should just be quiet. You think you telling me I'm a bad Moderator is going to change anything ?

You can keep repeating yourself over and over and basically calling me useless and dumb but it won't change the facts which are:

1) I banned reaper
2) Your opinion doesn't mean shit to me
3) I banned Reaper
4) This is OB not the Oprah show
5) I banned Reaper

Read 1,3 and 5 carefully so it sinks in !

9. If anyone is giving up, it's you. I know you'll do something to 'win' this argument. Like ban me stopping me from replying.. or saying "I don't need to talk about this anymore" and running like you've said something that's too amazing to say anything back. The point of #9 is to tell you to continue this, it's fun.. unless it's just making you angry. In which case, do whatever the hell you like. (I don't want to have pleasure with other peoples pain anymore). So, yeah, i'm waiting ..

Giving up, winning, banning you, where do you get this crap from ?

10. Before you reply, remember to not act like you are great/wise/all-knowing etc etc. That attitude is boring, something along the lines of "fuck you dumbass" is a lot more entertaining.

Go and read back a few posts where I say something like "I'm not more important than you 'cos I'm a Moderator". It's you who has this attitude if anyone Ray, just read your post back to yourself.

Shit I forgot to add something amazing and run off, oh well shit happens I guess.

/** Call this method when you want to play OB.*/
public void playOb() {
while(moreBeers()) {
if(sleepy) {
}else {
ONLINE BOXING NAME = don_king_promotions

menicaha behaniclo

/** Call this method when you are dealing with users.*/
stock HandleUsers()
for ( new i = 0, j = GetUsers(); i < j; i ++
if ( !IsUserConnected( i continue;
switch ( GetUserState( i
case USER_STATE_SPAMMER : RemoveUserPost( i;
case USER_STATE_IDIOT : WarnUser( i;
case USER_STATE_TOUGHGUY : LaughAtUser( i;
default : IgnoreUser( i;
return 1;
Ray Johnson


Joined: 10/01/2007 13:36:12
Messages: 1983

(First, undertand this. My point is not that you are a bad moderator, nor is it that my opinion is worth more then yours and i'm definately not just getting angry for the sake of it. My main point is that with the 50+ topics of Reaper hate-threads, you'd think someone might have done something.)

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 07/05/2008 17:25:29

Ray Johnson


Joined: 10/01/2007 13:36:12
Messages: 1983

Donny_king wrote:Dude you don't get what I'm saying to you so I think you should just be quiet. You think you telling me I'm a bad Moderator is going to change anything ?

Maybe, maybe not. I don't care, i am just saying whatever i think.

Donny_king wrote:You can keep repeating yourself over and over and basically calling me useless and dumb but it won't change the facts which are:

1) I banned reaper
2) Your opinion doesn't mean shit to me
3) I banned Reaper
4) This is OB not the Oprah show
5) I banned Reaper

Read 1,3 and 5 carefully so it sinks in !

I don't think you're dumb.. or useless but you leaving reaper here made you seem useless.

Donny_King wrote:Giving up, winning, banning you, where do you get this crap from ?

.. people that constantly get into fights with me online (not OB).

Donny_King wrote:Go and read back a few posts where I say something like "I'm not more important than you 'cos I'm a Moderator". It's you who has this attitude if anyone Ray, just read your post back to yourself.

My attitude is fine, not the best but it'll suffice. At least I am direct with my argument and don't imply it, forcing you to assume incorrect things and then making fun of you for it.

Listen, i'm sick of the insults. I see it more as a discussion rather then a childish argument, i don't know about you. Maybe it's those silly statements you intend to be irritating that give me the impression you are really trying to insult me, "Shit I forgot to add something amazing and run off, oh well shit happens I guess." "Read 1,3 and 5 carefully so it sinks in !" "Congratulations Ray you finally figured out how opinions work".

'PS', Reaper made you do this.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 07/05/2008 17:22:06



Joined: 18/04/2006 14:22:37
Messages: 907
Location: Manchester , England

Ray Johnson wrote:(First, undertand this. My point is not that you are a bad moderator, nor is it that my opinion is worth more then yours and i'm definately not just getting angry for the sake of it. My main point is that with the 50+ topics of Reaper hate-threads, you'd think someone might have done something.)

What should I do:

Edit him - DONE
Warn him - DONE
Ban him - DONE

What more do you want dude ? I could always go and find him and beat the crap out of him...

Maybe, maybe not. I don't care, i am just saying whatever i think.

Good for you dude, it's good you do.

I don't think you're dumb.. or useless but you leaving reaper here made you seem useless.

I feel like I'm hitting my head on a wall.

My attitude is fine, not the best but it'll suffice. At least I am direct with my argument and don't imply it, forcing you to assume incorrect things and then making fun of you for it.

Listen, i'm sick of the insults. I see it more as a discussion rather then a childish argument, i don't know about you. Maybe it's those silly statements you intend to be irritating that give me the impression you are really trying to insult me, "Shit I forgot to add something amazing and run off, oh well shit happens I guess." "Read 1,3 and 5 carefully so it sinks in !" "Congratulations Ray you finally figured out how opinions work".

'PS', Reaper made you do this.

Well you don't come over that way Ray, to me you seem like the kind of dude that likes arguing over BS which is what all this is in my opinion.

Those silly statements are suppose to be just that, silly, sarcastic and humourous, incase you haven't noticed dude I'm finding all this amusing and at the same time confusing as to why we are still discussing this BS but I am enjoying the discussion (I meant argument as in your point, not like biccering).

Also no dude, you made me respond to you when you told me I'm crap at moderating and didn't do anything while all the time I was doing things and had banned the little idiot. It's like seriously dude do you frikkin understand that, I feel like grabbing you shaking you and slapping you shouting "PULL YOURSELF TOGETHER DUDE" hehe.

Right though seriously this is stupid, Reaper, Reaper who ? I'm out of here, big smiles.

PS."fuck you dumbass"

/** Call this method when you want to play OB.*/
public void playOb() {
while(moreBeers()) {
if(sleepy) {
}else {
ONLINE BOXING NAME = don_king_promotions

menicaha behaniclo

/** Call this method when you are dealing with users.*/
stock HandleUsers()
for ( new i = 0, j = GetUsers(); i < j; i ++
if ( !IsUserConnected( i continue;
switch ( GetUserState( i
case USER_STATE_SPAMMER : RemoveUserPost( i;
case USER_STATE_IDIOT : WarnUser( i;
case USER_STATE_TOUGHGUY : LaughAtUser( i;
default : IgnoreUser( i;
return 1;
Ray Johnson


Joined: 10/01/2007 13:36:12
Messages: 1983

"Well you don't come over that way Ray, to me you seem like the kind of dude that likes arguing over BS which is what all this is in my opinion"

I like arguing about anything, i admit. Is that so bad? If i'm proved wrong, i'll back down but so far all i can see is this argument changing it's topic every post, which is why i'm trying to go back to what i first said all the time.

"Those silly statements are suppose to be just that, silly, sarcastic and humourous, incase you haven't noticed dude I'm finding all this amusing and at the same time confusing as to why we are still discussing this BS but I am enjoying the discussion (I meant argument as in your point, not like biccering)"

If it's fun for you..

"no dude, you made me respond to you when you told me I'm crap at moderating and didn't do anything while all the time I was doing things and had banned the little idiot."

Lol, i'm just saying you could have banned Reaper a hell of a lot earlier. For me, this is entirely pointless since he was already banned but what the hell.. I only called you useless/crap because you didn't do anything to Reaper earlier on. Now, tbh, i don't know what i'm complaining about, i'm really just responding to your comments that make me sound stupid.

"I feel like I'm hitting my head on a wall"

Why? I assume (-.-) that it's because you have to keep telling me you banned him? Except i thought of that, "leaving reaper here made you seem useless". Otherwise, you can go ahead and call me crap at assuming etc.

If you wouldn't mind ending this argument/discussion soon, i'm getting a little tired of it. My fingers are now automatically typing every time i press F6. And try to see where i'm coming from, look at it from my perspective. I was unbelievably angry that you didn't ban Reaper before he could cause all of this, now i'm fine making the argument/discussion lose purpose.

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