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Mikkel  XML
Forum Index » General discussions
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Joined: 24/05/2006 12:42:45
Messages: 327

I try on firefox it says Server not responding. I try on safari it says server not responding i turned off my firewall still nothing what should i do my java is working fine

Record: (All Accounts)
1777-2077-36 1595 KO's

Title History: (All Accounts)
OBW: 9x with 11 def
OBA: 1x with no def
Europe: 13x with 8 def

"Surj AKA The Sickness, has been here longer than you"

"Surj AKA The Sickness, is probably better than YOU."

Joined: 24/05/2006 12:42:45
Messages: 327

its been doing this for like over a week now

Record: (All Accounts)
1777-2077-36 1595 KO's

Title History: (All Accounts)
OBW: 9x with 11 def
OBA: 1x with no def
Europe: 13x with 8 def

"Surj AKA The Sickness, has been here longer than you"

"Surj AKA The Sickness, is probably better than YOU."

Joined: 18/04/2006 06:15:39
Messages: 1584

Im not sure, could also be your router. Did you change internet lately ?


Joined: 24/05/2006 12:42:45
Messages: 327

Mikkel wrote:Im not sure, could also be your router. Did you change internet lately ?

no and I am running it strait from the router to prevent the skips that wireless causes. It was working just fine 2 weeks ago i have no idea what the problem is.

Record: (All Accounts)
1777-2077-36 1595 KO's

Title History: (All Accounts)
OBW: 9x with 11 def
OBA: 1x with no def
Europe: 13x with 8 def

"Surj AKA The Sickness, has been here longer than you"

"Surj AKA The Sickness, is probably better than YOU."


Joined: 09/04/2009 15:35:19
Messages: 459

just dont use this hardware:


Joined: 24/05/2006 12:42:45
Messages: 327

Redneck wrote:just dont use this hardware:


I hate you,


Record: (All Accounts)
1777-2077-36 1595 KO's

Title History: (All Accounts)
OBW: 9x with 11 def
OBA: 1x with no def
Europe: 13x with 8 def

"Surj AKA The Sickness, has been here longer than you"

"Surj AKA The Sickness, is probably better than YOU."
Ray Johnson


Joined: 10/01/2007 13:36:12
Messages: 1983

Redneck wrote:just dont use this hardware:

I like the cooling system.

Joined: 18/04/2006 06:15:39
Messages: 1584

atm, i really dont know whats wrong, sorry.


Joined: 24/05/2006 12:42:45
Messages: 327

Mikkel wrote:atm, i really dont know whats wrong, sorry.

Ugh please kill me or bring back the download version!

Record: (All Accounts)
1777-2077-36 1595 KO's

Title History: (All Accounts)
OBW: 9x with 11 def
OBA: 1x with no def
Europe: 13x with 8 def

"Surj AKA The Sickness, has been here longer than you"

"Surj AKA The Sickness, is probably better than YOU."


Joined: 09/04/2009 15:35:19
Messages: 459

Surj wrote:
Mikkel wrote:atm, i really dont know whats wrong, sorry.

Ugh please kill me or bring back the download version!

try changing your lan-driver. Another option is to check your security options for the internet on your browser and if you use a firewall check your security options there.

Joined: 18/04/2006 06:15:39
Messages: 1584

It has nothing to do with the download version or not.



Joined: 18/04/2006 17:13:32
Messages: 904

Mikkel wrote:It has nothing to do with the download version or not.

Another thing that sucks Mikkel.. If you click out of the onlineboxing screen and then click back in during a fight. you lose all controls.

~*~oOo~*~ <--- You can look but you cant touch!!!!

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