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Messages posted by: Mikkel
Forum Index » Profile for Mikkel » Messages posted by Mikkel
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It's not up to you to "conclude"..that's what I do
It looks like the people who regularly plays will keep playing, pay or not. When the game turned pay there was no decrease in players, when it turned none pay there was no increase..
There would only be one winner after that fight and his name would be.. Don King !
It sounds as if you have the old version of OB..try uninstall OB, download newest installer and install again.
How do u know "what u need" if it doesnt work ? did u try different resolutions ? and goto your graphic cards vendors website and download/install new drivers. I dont know where that is, you have to know what card you have then google the information.
Did you try with different settings ? like fullscreen/non fullscreen, different screen resolution etc ?

It also might be that u need opengl drivers for ur graphics card. If u can't even get a window, try update your drivers.
Professor wrote:Bah. Forget it, I dont know what I'm doing wrong.

It's really hard to help you professor. You're just like "it dont work, help me !!". This time I got no clues at all !
Ray Johnson wrote:
HTF wrote:Guys you need to install this one. Also make sure the file path is not program/files it needs to be C:/games thats a example

and you shouldnt have to change that the installer should have that as default location.

also you cant install it into program files.

I installed it into program files and it worked for me.. but if it doesn't for other people, then why not? (just curious)

If you're on vista onlineboxing is not allowed to download updates unless you specifically run it as admin. It will run the update, it will appear as the files are being downloaded but ob don't have write access in the c:\program files folder. So after you download 30 mb program won't start anyway. Pretty strange that a program is not allowed to write in it's own folder but that's just Windows.
U just need java 1.6. Goto and download it
HTF wrote:I am telling people 2d is a great game but 3D is where its at.

I set there last night Bobin N Weavin throwin jabs and tripe hooks and shit.

you got angles. The fighters are still being created so you got some funky lookin dudes. but its just amazing how the physics make you move. I was very impressed.

^Finally someone who speak the truth !
I think there's been a pause of 2 days from the usual post storm and you already declare OB and the forum dead ? Please stop these threads they are not doing anything good.
I don't charge anything for this game and spent a lot of time developing it would be nice with a little positive attitude once in a while. Thanks.
I dont know about 2D but 3D is very much alive, with new players every day.
Well u develop a 3d engine and a boxing logics layer..I dont know what to say..
Great ! thanks Ray
To those who couldn't get ob3d to work, there's a new installer that includes physx and all you need.

This should make it much easier to play the game for new players.

You don't need to install this If you already have OB3D working.

Here's the link:

Ps anyone would help me test the installer ?

Just uninstall PhysX and OB, then try to reinstall using this.
Forum Index » Profile for Mikkel » Messages posted by Mikkel
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