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Messages posted by: Mikkel
Forum Index » Profile for Mikkel » Messages posted by Mikkel
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Yeah it looks like u make good progress.
sterlihalla wrote:What u mean by copying something?

Often in boxing you find fighters are doing something that they saw another fighter doing, without really understanding what is behind that and why it is useful.
In that case you can often imitate it it and it will look right, but as soon as you get under any form of pressure you can't use it..
In the case with the head movements, that you probably have from watching someone like tyson or frazier, you need to know exactly when to use them and when not seems that you have some natural abilities using head movements so it might be something to build upon.
Not bad I see some good movements looks as if a good choice of style for you is moving around and boxing.
You had some good head movements in the beginning of the round then completely forgot about them. It looked as if you copied something
but really didnt truly know how to use it, though it looks as if you could
learn it pretty easily.
People often dont know when and how and even WHY to use head movements, though its pretty simple:right after any kind of attack you always accompany it by an evasive move. Example, you throw a hard right hand, weave to the left..or if you throw four light punches in combo, weave to the opposite side that ends the combo, example right hand ends it, weave to the left ..left hands ends it, weave to the right. Keep your hands up when u weave of course. From that stance you can continue with counters. Important thing is, after each attack, can weave, often when ur close, or dance away, either side to side or back.
Also when you circle your opponent you can combine it with headmovements, to comfuse him and set him up for counters.
Nothing wild, but keep him guessing all the time.
Just dont stand there waiting for him to retaliate, thinking that you can block whatever he throws, because that is impossible and will get you knocked out.

Many trainers would probably tell you not to use this or thatt, but remember you have to use the things that feel natural an easy to you, and avoid the things that doesnt feel natural.
Like if a trainer tells you to slug slug slug and you feel better bouncing around, do that instead. Its often something you can feel right away.

Your body punches looks ok though your not putting a lot into them. What if you stepped with them as well ?

You throw your jab kind of half hearted like you dont really believe in it and are afraid of his counters, except the very first one (i think). You kind of turn away, leaving your chin exposed. If your going to throw a jab, either step straight into him or move directly to one side, not half and half.

I think you make an obvious error looking at his belly instead of his hand or chest and I dont understand why he dont correct that because you cant see whats coming your way.
If you watch Tyson he always looks at his opponents face or chest, never down at the floor.
Fred187 wrote:
TKO wrote:ok fred your in but we gonna see u online

When is everbody online? I've not found anyone since the first time I played.

Try play2D until 3D gets a little better.
monkeytail wrote:OB is a "MAKG" period. Major Arse Kicking Game

Thanks alot MT.
One things for certain the "MMO whatever" has nothing todo with 2D or 3D..
Ray Johnson wrote:
Skillz wrote:OB is simply an MMO its not RPG......

wtf? OB isn't an MMO lmao. MMO's have thousands of people playing at once.. OB has up to 10 at one time, how can you call that massive?

OB is not an MMO nor an RPG, it's a 2D (3d would be different but definately not MMO or an RPG either)..

I think ray that all online internet games are "MMO" because anyone from the entire globe can reach them. Even if not so many are playing them, the other thing you could call it would be "LAN" game but that wouldnt fit with OB.
Sometimes I think that OB is really just a good old "2 player" game with a highscore played over the internet.. isnt that really what it is ?
Skillz wrote:damn Reaper ur Sig sounds like u live for this frikkin game...News Flash this aint real life!!!

U got that wrong, it IS real life..!
Not dont get any benefits the longer you play, only of course you get better urself..then again I dont know if u can call it a mmorpg..
I played it..never understood it.
Reason why I said this is if they cut my card or something OB will not be paid. .not that I would close it on purpose really. It would be something forced.
Don't know it happens to some, still don't know why. What computer/OS do you have ?
Thanks for your as usual long list, I will look it over once more tomorrow and give you some feedback.
Funny how people getting banned always acts "huh me, why ? " when they know why.
You'llget unbanned soon.
I might have to stop ob for some time..I don't have the time and means for it..but let's see.
If it stops I'll try to make it come back at a later stage of course.
Just so that you know what happened if the server suddenly don't respond.
Forum Index » Profile for Mikkel » Messages posted by Mikkel
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