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Messages posted by: naruto14
Forum Index » Profile for naruto14 » Messages posted by naruto14
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nah man you should come back!!not leave!!
yeah man come back!!
i still dont laughed about it!
i wish i could pay for you man but i cant.. im still to young to pay!! i wish you the best luck you could get in trying 2 upgrade ur account!!
i need a tittle shot to become at least somebody!
im coming back once and for all with my original name as you know naruto aka flash!! im going to try my best to be put on the top and to be remember
coooool man!!
hmmmmm that sound coooooool man!!
yea thats wat i had in mined
yea captain he is a legend.. who is in the hof.. like others
yea man i agree 110%!!!everybody should give EVERYTHING THEY GOT!!! including if ur new or hof, put everything on the line!!! and it doesnt matter how great ur ability are or how bad it matter how much effort u put in to it


watch this fight its hot.. i starte coming back at the 8th round.. enjoy it

i was fighting bad but i kinda liked it how i came back.. but i still loose.. lol.. of couse boxa is a great fighter.. everybody knows that..
Forum Index » Profile for naruto14 » Messages posted by naruto14
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