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Messages posted by: thesniper
Forum Index » Profile for thesniper » Messages posted by thesniper
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I can't stand lag or slow fights. With a 110-120 ish ping, my fights aren't blazing fast but I live with it. I'll admit, I've complained about others slowing the game down when it's absolutely unplayable.... freezes for several seconds, etc. If my fights do that, I simply log off and come back on when the network is behaving better. That is a rare occasion for me and lately I haven't had any of these problems.

Today, I was defending the title for the 8th time in 3 days, and REDNECK decides to pull the "you slowed the fight down" card. I have respect for him... at least I did. I'm on a wireless connection - my fights skip every once in awhile but not unplayable by any means. What happens this time when I beat him again? He says I "cheat," intentionally slow the game down for an advantage. This, coming from someone with roughly 150 ping who's fights are always slow to begin with.

My point? This game is starting to become a chore and not fun at all. I work my ass off to win the title - I then defend it several times and what do I get for it? I'm told I'm a cheat, liar, and a lagger. What fun is that? I have one of the highest KO% in the history of the game, and am 39X champ, but why do I even play this game if my accomplishments are questioned no matter what I do? I'm tired of this crap, and this community is about to lose yet another long time player over it.

If you lose a fight, LIVE WITH IT. If the match skips a couple times, LIVE WITH IT. But don't try to tell me the reason I kicked your ass was because I cheat or lag the game. That's the LAST thing I would do - I can't stand fighting in it and REDNECK - that fight was definitely playable and no slower than any other time we have fought. You should check your own connection instead of blaming me. REDNECK and Toosmooth you can go f--- yourself. It's always everyone elses fault why you can't win and apparently everyone in this game is a cheater.

Looks like his ways finally bit him in the ass, you won the decision. Congrats champ!

You didn't give the defending champ a rematch - you should be stripped. I thought only slugger did stuff like that. And your only defense is against a newb....

Good to hear from ya man. Hope to see you around sometime.
Dick E. Boon wrote:I dont think these guys are cheaters eithers. But if they are, just don't fight them. I don't understand this whole thread and the other thread where Redneck announces his retirement. Just dont fight the guys you dont wanna fight and problem solved.

The whole point of this thread is to warn others that if you fight these types of guys and the fight happens to freeze, don't expect them to give you the courtesy to exit their browser and restart the game. They will take advantage of the situation, whether or not they intentionally created it and knock you out when you're not there. For years it has been a common OB courtesy to exit the fight when this happens.

Also, to top it off this guy is bragging in the chat about how he knocks people out when they're frozen and doesn't see a problem with it. Stay away from this guy.
Whoever this Maxie character is, he's found a way to freeze the fight then getting freeze KO's. He did it to me twice in a row which has never happened. It's bullshit and needs to be looked into. DO NOT ACCEPT FIGHTS WITH MAXIE.
Redneck wrote:well..that sucks. No i liked it when the rankings where on the first page. But if its better for search engines with this way, why not.
But logging in to see the rankings is nonsense, that noone will do, just in special cases. So why not making another menu-link with "Rankings"? Next to the Hall of Fame for click is ok to see the rankings, logging in will fail for most and it will take a part of OB2D-History with this. I push "Start Game!" without logging in etc. and i think most of us do it this way.
It would be cool if you think of a link to show the rankings.


Hey guys - I could not give shots yesterday because it is my busiest weekend of the year. My 2nd job revolves around Halloween and so this time of year is a big deal for me and I am out of town. I should be on tonight to give at least a shot or two. Absolute worst case scenario, Monday I will be back in full force after I'm off work.

Just wanted to let you guys know because I know how frustrating it can be when it seems like the champ is never online to give shots.

Also whoever is posing as me and made a new account "The sniper" - please get a life.

Settings are perfect - thanks Mikkel.
Mikkel I know you are very busy but if you get time it would mean a lot to many of us if we could use the client sometime soon. The game is not the same for me in the applet - it's extremely slow and almost unplayable at times. The client was much faster.

I just found out the game is back online today - I'm back.
This "Science" guy hasn't been online since winning the title in almost a week, and didn't even defend against the reigning champ at the time (Black Bear).

All I know is that out of the last 10 times I've fought slugger, the 2 times he won his ping was still low, but once the fight loaded it was SIGNIFICANTLY slower than the times I beat him. I don't know if his connection goes through periodic problems or he is using some sort of cheat, but I do know whatever it is it gives him an advantage.

Unfortunately Boon, your ping also gives you an advantage. An unfair one if you ask me. After that fight we had today, I've chosen never to fight you again. It's not even the same game, and it's ridiculous how slow it is.

Well it was good times guys... since 2003 for me. Very sad news.

Take it easy.

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