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Messages posted by: Bukowski
Forum Index » Profile for Bukowski » Messages posted by Bukowski
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I think I am going to start a clan for people who can actually play this game decently Not like the other clans that just are newbie sess pools....

join me.
My record is like 40 and 4 those aren't fluke wins.. tko in one aren't fluke wins... and I am pretty sure that i tkoed you in the first round two times in a row Ray.. so... Yea.

Hey guys this guy that I am fighting in this fight is about as skilled as your other -P4P- clan members.. You guys should consider him.
-P4P- Rocky Marciano wrote:Well hello there HTF or would you like to be called Bukowski

HTF will tell you him self.. if he is on I will fight him.
Ray Johnson wrote:All succesfull clans
- P4P

Big list, coward. You might TKO twice but you don't have the balls to fight again? New match, no excuses best of 3. You can't expect to beat someone twice then never fight them again.

You are horrible. I beat your whole clan pretty much.. one after another.. i think i know what those P's stand for in yalls name....
I see a lot of clans around, who is running them and what are they?
Forum Index » Profile for Bukowski » Messages posted by Bukowski
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