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Messages posted by: Redneck
Forum Index » Profile for Redneck » Messages posted by Redneck
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M. A R A G O N wrote:There are only two things in this world that make me angry and one is nuclear war. the other is when someone calls me a cartoon.

lol. Your retirement sucks. Come on, take your gloves from the nail and come back.
Mikkel wrote:Thank you !

Mikkel are making jokes of me. I stop immediately with that just happens automatically.

Redn (nope..not this time!)
Mikkel wrote:You called him a cartoon !

Mikkel wrote:Yes I dont know what it is..right now I dont have alot of time..but I will figure it out soon.


M. A R A G O N wrote:i dont consistently watch boxing, only major fights of people ive heard of. so thank you for imforming me. but what does your last sentence mean?

I think this is the time in the cartoons tom, jerry etc. morphing into a jackass. Well done maragon.

are you calling me a jackass? or a cartoon? or giving me props?

i honestly dont know......................what that means, and want to because it was directed at me.

i was just kidding maragon. I am NOT calling you a jackass or a cartoon. forget that was bad english (i knew it while writing). And it was not offensive, believe me

M. A R A G O N wrote:super 6? sounds like a marvel comic book. what has this game come to?....

so you play(ed) a boxing game and you dont have a glue what Super 6 is? Its the most important event in boxing sports at the moment. The 6 best fighters of the world (Abraham, Kessler, Ward, Froch etc.) fight in a tournament for 2 titles. Its not established from Onlineboxing, its a real event.
I think this is the time in the cartoons tom, jerry etc. morphing into a jackass. Well done maragon.

johnbludger wrote:I accept your challenge, but lets wait intil this problem is fixed so the fight would count.

IF this problem get fixed. Its the 3th day now. Looks like mikkel lost interest in the game at the moment.

ACR wrote:i found his posts his name was thegoldenboy

lmao. goldenboy aka "The thin man"? He really got problems when the wind blows.

Reaper...something is wrong with OB2D at the moment. After a fight its freeze-shit. And the fight does not count. This happens after EVERY fight. I think mikkel is about to solve that problem.

yeah. edder is right with that. The problem still exists. I just fought a guy former called crazy and he asked me what happened to OB2D? I said that this is a new problem and that mikkel is about to solve it. He got good skills..i hope he come back again.

sterlihalla wrote:u jus replied on the forum 10 mins ago so get ur ass online redkneck

lol. i just read your message reaper. I was just during a break in the forum. Now i got time and i come online. I hope i meet you there if not i come again on prime time.

Reaper, Reaper, Reaper...every single player of the Supersix would kick your ass in the first rounds. But i think it will be a pleasure to watch john kick your ass (because i think he is the best of this pack at the moment).
We are online as usual (normaly this is 06:00 - 11:00 forumtime-->take a look to the time from your message and you can calculate the primetime..during this time most of us log on, not everyone at the same time but your chances are very good to meet the most of us between this time).
Tonight i fight round 2 of the Supersix against Red Viper. I think John will be there, too because he said so in his message from yesterday.
I am looking forward to the massacre john vs. Reaper. I make my bet for John, but i dont make postings as audience when your fight is on.

Forum Index » Profile for Redneck » Messages posted by Redneck
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