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Messages posted by: Titan
Forum Index » Profile for Titan » Messages posted by Titan
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johnbludger wrote:
Titan wrote:
Dick E. Boon wrote:
sterlihalla wrote:
Dick E. Boon wrote:Making jokes about my dad is below the belt Mikkel.

Na i think itss just about right lol

Yea well at least my dad won the person of the year award, what did your dad accomplish reaper?

All you do is not defending if you own the belt. You write HOF-comments about an idiot that got the luck that he played the game during an era where no good players where around (James A. Braddock aka john). You let it sound like he is really good but he is not more than a bangaround joke. Your newest action is writing primary-school-stuff like here on the thread. Wow, you are one of the greatest enrichments for OB.

It's not my fault that people didnt play much. If it wasn't for Fatny, Unstop, Dick E. Boon, and Mikkel I would have never got in. Im better then most and im damn better then you.

i dont waste words for you bum. You are nothing compared to the other HOFer.
Dick E. Boon wrote:
sterlihalla wrote:
Dick E. Boon wrote:Making jokes about my dad is below the belt Mikkel.

Na i think itss just about right lol

Yea well at least my dad won the person of the year award, what did your dad accomplish reaper?

All you do is not defending if you own the belt. You write HOF-comments about an idiot that got the luck that he played the game during an era where no good players where around (James A. Braddock aka john). You let it sound like he is really good but he is not more than a bangaround joke. Your newest action is writing primary-school-stuff like here on the thread. Wow, you are one of the greatest enrichments for OB.
sterlihalla wrote:When are the champs going to start defending thier belts? i dont mean fighting the very new guys that come online, i mean fighting people that can fight,

What are you expecting from Dick Eusebia Boon? He is known for sitting on a title (that he never won regular). Its bullshit to give the title to a lagger that is not defending it. But that seems the game-politics.
My last fight was a frozen fight. That cost me my streak because it was frozen in the first rounds and after the freeze it counted to round 8. Opponent got more hits in that first rounds and thats why i lost it in the end.
johnbludger wrote:ill see u in the ring cuz

only one you see in the ring is me at you
Dick E. Boon wrote:Stop crying and start training to face me.

If you start buying a new connection that works proper. With ping >200 its not playable. I wonder why you play this game with that trailerping. Its your only weapon, you make your opponent bore to sleep with that slow-motion and then you ko him. But that got nothing to do with skills. In normal speed everyone would ko your sad ass.
sterlihalla wrote:can be have someone champ that isnt a total lagger? boon is notoriourist for being a major lag noober but with the brand new server his ping stil over 200ms

Dick E. Boon wrote: It's perfect!

maybe for you Others call that unplayable
i got 0 ping most of the time! I think it cant get better. So gimme that belt and i defend it all night till i lose it. Or give the belt to someone else with a ping <70. I dont care, but dont give it to a lagger with >100. That would help a lot.
CHAMPIONBRAIN wrote:Mikkel it would be a nice favor if you can strip the belt to me,cause i come on everyday and i want to have more titles on my stats.Since boon dont come on like that.

If you are "Brain" then it would be horrible if you get that belt. Your ping is 180-350 all the time.
Boon is never online mikkel, give me the belt. I got ping 0-15 all the time. Or give the belt to maxie. He got 40-50 ping.
johnbludger wrote:
Titan wrote:
johnbludger wrote:And ur saying ur shit-talking is better lolololol? I wouldn't even consider what I said shit-talking im speaking the damn truth and u know it. My words is not meant to hurt u its only meant to show how much of a retard u really are. IDK what your motive is here are u saying shit to make me laugh or what cuz thats all ur doing lol. U say im a brown-noser? Look at what u said in the other threads. "Mikkel, please keep us up to date with that slow-motion problem. I dont want to test it again and again. I dont log on again till you say its fixed. Thank you.

"thank you. I will take a look to the forum every day".

So u say Im a brown-noser? Wtf does that make u?????

I bet your the type of dumb ass that makes random accounts and talks bull shit to mikkel or even others right. Ex: Mr.Oizo or Flat Eric(this thread)

"Mikkel, you're a total let down and waste of space. I Knew you'd let me down and the Whole of the OB community. Stop whining about problems and get on with fixing them."

"Yeeaah Nigga Wooooo Mikkels a Turd"!


"What an Absolute Heap of Shit. Dont think im the only one to think that this is a load of rubbish and total let down.

Fatny - Crawl Out Of Mikkels Arse Please".

From what I see from your so-called "shit talking" and what I see from those random ass accounst thats something that u would say. Pretty much just shut the hell up its for your own good pal. I know damn well if someone was talking shit to me and im trying to fix my game I would just say fuck off and leave it broke. You wanna see a little book go to Yacoob. And my question to you is Who the hell are you?

look at all the shit you wrote again. Again a whole book. You bore me little brown-noser. I got not the time to read your slimy shit all the time. You are a waste of time. I just read the first two sentences and that was enough. No quality in your words. Thats why you are unworthy. HOFer in the ass. Just because no skilled ones were there to kick your brown-nosy-ass, thats all.

Titan aka downsyndrome bitch

Whatever man talking to you is talking to a downsyndrome monkey theres just no point.

Yeah it does show what i am Mr. Ozio, someone that won't put up with stupid bullshit like what u told to mikkel.

Reaper ur right I had no control over people wanting to do othershit besides OB. I'm sure I would do just fine if other fighters were still here right now. Hell Id say I would be even better if more skilled fighters still played.

Go play with your dolls
johnbludger wrote:And ur saying ur shit-talking is better lolololol? I wouldn't even consider what I said shit-talking im speaking the damn truth and u know it. My words is not meant to hurt u its only meant to show how much of a retard u really are. IDK what your motive is here are u saying shit to make me laugh or what cuz thats all ur doing lol. U say im a brown-noser? Look at what u said in the other threads. "Mikkel, please keep us up to date with that slow-motion problem. I dont want to test it again and again. I dont log on again till you say its fixed. Thank you.

"thank you. I will take a look to the forum every day".

So u say Im a brown-noser? Wtf does that make u?????

I bet your the type of dumb ass that makes random accounts and talks bull shit to mikkel or even others right. Ex: Mr.Oizo or Flat Eric(this thread)

"Mikkel, you're a total let down and waste of space. I Knew you'd let me down and the Whole of the OB community. Stop whining about problems and get on with fixing them."

"Yeeaah Nigga Wooooo Mikkels a Turd"!


"What an Absolute Heap of Shit. Dont think im the only one to think that this is a load of rubbish and total let down.

Fatny - Crawl Out Of Mikkels Arse Please".

From what I see from your so-called "shit talking" and what I see from those random ass accounst thats something that u would say. Pretty much just shut the hell up its for your own good pal. I know damn well if someone was talking shit to me and im trying to fix my game I would just say fuck off and leave it broke. You wanna see a little book go to Yacoob. And my question to you is Who the hell are you?

look at all the shit you wrote again. Again a whole book. You bore me little brown-noser. I got not the time to read your slimy shit all the time. You are a waste of time. I just read the first two sentences and that was enough. No quality in your words. Thats why you are unworthy. HOFer in the ass. Just because no skilled ones were there to kick your brown-nosy-ass, thats all.

James A. Braddock aka john aka Brown-Nosy
johnbludger wrote:
Titan wrote:
johnbludger wrote:
Titan wrote:
johnbludger wrote:Mikkel will figure it out everyone just have to be patient, be grateful that Mikkel is still keeping OB2D up and running even after the spammer bullshit.

get out of Mikkels ass please.

Get out of your own ass

read your own words. You are a slimy little bastard. Be grateful that mikkel is doing that, mikkel will figure it all out bla bla bla. Now go to your mikkel-church and praise the holy mikkel-lord. Damn brown-noser...and you are in the HOF. That shows what the game is nowadays. I bet you are not in the HOF because of your skills, is that right brown-nosy? I miss the times Ali, Mike Tyson etc. entered the HOF.

...another HOFer

How the fuck am I a slimy bastard? Please tell me I want to hear this. I was correct right? He figured it out, he's doing something about it. Yeah be grateful because I know damn well that if he would have took the game off completely you would go right to your little mommy pissing your pants and sucking your thumb like a little the bitch you are. Why don't u play some shitty RPG game like World of Warcraft or something maybe you would be decent at that haha. So what shows what the game is nowadays? I'm not catching on to what your saying. What about Appreciation? Thats something you lack heavily. I appreciate that he is keeping this game going and honestly I feel sorry for Mikkel because has to deal with retards like you. I made it to the HOF from kicking ass and consistently kicking ass and thats something you can't even do right. Yeah, I bet you missed the old days when you got your ass whooped up and down broadway street. Go do us all a favor and keep your herpe infested mouth shut because honestly thats the only thing I'd say you would really be good it.

look at that. Even your shit-talking got no quality. You write a little book here and nothing hurts me from your childish words.
So: you are a little slimy brown-noser without shittalk-skills quoting again that the great mikkel is figuring everything out (in expectation that mikkel reads all that and that he is thinking "my baby john, this loyal boy"). Fuck that. I bet that mikkel is not that blind, he is able to see your real character. And thats a slimy brown-nosy with average boxing-skills (HOF..LMAO!!). Mikkel prefered the real players back in the days, not the subordinated nosies.
johnbludger wrote:
Titan wrote:
johnbludger wrote:Mikkel will figure it out everyone just have to be patient, be grateful that Mikkel is still keeping OB2D up and running even after the spammer bullshit.

get out of Mikkels ass please.

Get out of your own ass

read your own words. You are a slimy little bastard. Be grateful that mikkel is doing that, mikkel will figure it all out bla bla bla. Now go to your mikkel-church and praise the holy mikkel-lord. Damn brown-noser...and you are in the HOF. That shows what the game is nowadays. I bet you are not in the HOF because of your skills, is that right brown-nosy? I miss the times Ali, Mike Tyson etc. entered the HOF.

...another HOFer
Mikkel wrote:Ill post when it's fixed

thank you. I will take a look to the forum every day.
Mikkel, please keep us up to date with that slow-motion problem. I dont want to test it again and again. I dont log on again till you say its fixed. Thank you.
Forum Index » Profile for Titan » Messages posted by Titan
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