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Messages posted by: monkeytail
Forum Index » Profile for monkeytail » Messages posted by monkeytail
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bear with me if it doesnt make much sense aka. Captain Morgan

Blackred and I were discussing the stamina issue after the recent adjustment. As it stands right now the true slugger has all the advantages cause it never goes down or if it does its minute. The idea we thought of, if feasable would be:

Keep the stamina where its set at right now say for the first 5 rds, then after that if the slugger kept throwing his heavy punches his stamina would decrease say 2x that of the boxer who was using the lighter punches. Therefor if the slugger kept sluggin the entire fight by rd 8 he would be drained and then the boxer has the advantage.

Kinda like in real boxing very seldom do you see a slugger who can slug for the entire fight without making adjustments. We have all heard the saying:

"If he can just make it through the early rounds"

You gotta watch out for the cool aid, Tyrant. Never drink cool-aid at a party that you don't know the host.
Tyrant must know that the tail is already drunk...... Either he's waiting till I can't see or he's gonna give me a chance to sleep it off. Of course i did say i was available after O beer thirty, so maybe they are coming down soon... No matter who ever i get matched up against there will be no 12 rders, either i'm going down or they are, and seeing that i only got a few sparring matches in if there is a betting line i woild put my money on my opponent.

OK i'm done making my excuses, now back to the Captain...
Too's and the Kid. Now those were the days.
Monkeytail will be an alt as well. Don't ask me to post rank and all it doesnt show. I may not even be ranked as far as i know. Tyrant you had me excited for a bit.... Thought the old dogs were gonna take on the new pups in a tourney kinda like the ultimate fighter. For you young pups i was always a gatekeeper and will be practicing under Jeff"LeftHook"Lacy in case i need to be an alternate Ko one of these young pups.

Just an idea, but it would be cool for an old dog vs young pup tourney. Then the old saying well if the old guys were here it would be diff. I watch many fights and believe the old dogs would take the top 4 minus Fatny which I personally believe is an old dog under a new ID....

Oh yea if needed my availability is just after "O BEER THIRTY". If any clarifiaction is needed just ask the cynical one....

Thats a good idea Don. If you need a rest and want someone to take over watchin her, don't hesitate to give me a buzz. BTW does she still have her live cam up? Haven't been able to get on her site since the 13th>?
Just for you Reaper Viper now has 1509 and still ranked 49 so when it updates kiss your #1 ranking goodbye...
Just to add to my earlier comment, Viper "who is a very good boxer" currently ranked 49. Has fought TKOKnockout several times tonite. TKO is currently ranked at # 9 with 1142 points, needless to say Viper beat him several times tonite and now has 1473 points and still ranked at 49... In a nutshell Reaper you are not ranked in the top 10 legitemately just there merely cause of a programming glitch.
LennoxLewis wrote:no your wrong, im not suggesting that i do not like you, i was just saying that your not yet good enough to reach that level of ranking.

Actually what has happened is that when the server was up for a few days "on and off". The point system wasnt working. If you faced a guy with a higher ranking than yourself and won , you gained points, but not rank. The points kept adding up yet the rank didnt, so u have all the points accumalated, but not the rank so you didnt have to worry about losing points. Same thing happened a few yrs ago when the server was messed up. Just look at his record and recent fights that should explain the rest...
Gomez fought a great fight. Had a game plan and worked it till the end. I was very surprised that he Ko'ed Gatti, "the blood and guts champ", but Gatti has been well past his prime for years and doesn't have the big punch at this weight class. As a Gatti fan it was painful to watch such a great warrior get completely dominated by a contender boxer. I hope Gatti hangs it up for good now, and doesnt get sucked into another fight, and as for Gomez I was impressed with his ability in that fight.
I'm looking for a very technical bout. Lots of boxing not much brawling till the end. I think Wright will win by a clear UD unless B-Hop gets the late KO when he starts to brawl.

Wright 7-5 8-4 rds or B-Hop ko 11th rd.
I was just sitting here thinking, drinking some Captain Morgan of course, and a thought came to my mind. Which is amazing in itself. Did the server really start acting up bad on Friday the 13th? I'm pretty sure it was. I've always known there was something to that date, and I bet if you dig a little deeper it was probably a full moon as well.

What your thoughts on this Cynical one?
Personally, I say give Haugen "the boot", put Tyrant in. Tyrant has achieved and done more for OB then Haugen could ever dream of. His style was always annoying as hell, but he was/is a great "boxer" and even a better trainer "no offense".

CYA Haugen
I'll have the beer on ice HTF, and i think for this occassion maybe even a some fresh tenderloin. It should be ready by the 4th or 5th rd. Show the new breed what it's like to fight in all eras, from dial-up to dsl, all forms and styles.

Monk can see it being one hell of a party afterwards
Take your time man. One day these kids will learn that a job and a life comes before a hobby. Great game. Looking forward to giving some tail stompins in 3D...
Forum Index » Profile for monkeytail » Messages posted by monkeytail
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