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Messages posted by: BoXa
Forum Index » Profile for BoXa » Messages posted by BoXa
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no..your the exception to this rule ...
im a big nirvana fan, got all their albums but i cant stand all this praise for kurt cobain.

he was a great lyracist and all, and he came up with some catchy riffs, but kurt cobain wasnt nirvana and was definately not grunge.

his birthday shouldnt be celebrated any more than dave grohls birthday which was last month, or krists in may IMHO
Sugar Ray Robinson wrote:
BoXa wrote:sorry i didnt feel like the shot, i cant play more than 3 long fights in row.

i will be gettin that title back tho

Yes GFs, but we both know why you didn't want the rematch after our last fight.

You took me by surprise by KOing me with those nasty body shots the first two fights, and then when I decided to box, you could barely win a round.

thats a pretty naive thing to say. i said myself i didnt really feel like playing the fight u won, i just dont feel like fighting after a while,it gets tedious,dont have the patience. in fact i guarantee if we fought 10 times after that u would beat me every one of those 10, but if we fought fresh i would give u match (like i did .

also... to further disprove your point ...u know u tried to box all 3 games, and if u didnt in the first u certainly did in the second. i know enough of u ray to know how much that title meant

anway the point of the post was gfs, so gf
sorry i didnt feel like the shot, i cant play more than 3 long fights in row.

i will be gettin that title back tho
Tyrant wrote:
BoXa wrote:
Surj wrote:i mean seriously u get guys like serious business that just spam the chat so theres no way you can have an intelligent conversation with anyone. all i hear is
serious business>ASS FUCKER
serious business>ASS FUCKER
serious business>ASS FUCKER



this shit is really annoying man there has to be some way to stop it.. if you agree put * in your post and ill add you to a list of supporters.

no point, why should OB change for them. Just ignore them...

not necessarily that easy to ignore them...especially when you're trying to talk normally...

it is OB changing because of them for the better...that's like saying "why should laws be stricter against street muggers...just ignore them" should put laws and restrictions down that would help the community as a whole...

the worst thing you can do to an attention freak is to ignore them...but another is to completely cut them off so they cannot be effective

the way i see it is that if we change the game, it is giving them the advantage, as they made us do it. if we simply ignored them they would stop.

Also the law in the first place isnt to ignore street muggers surely, it is to put em away if caught and there is no need to change that

..just like in OB "my law" is to ignore them, and not change for them, and its worked for me fine, so if everyone does it then the scum of OB will be destroyed!
Surj wrote:i mean seriously u get guys like serious business that just spam the chat so theres no way you can have an intelligent conversation with anyone. all i hear is
serious business>ASS FUCKER
serious business>ASS FUCKER
serious business>ASS FUCKER



this shit is really annoying man there has to be some way to stop it.. if you agree put * in your post and ill add you to a list of supporters.

no point, why should OB change for them. Just ignore them...
KillerBee wrote:We have all seen our share of lame people, people who stat pad, duck, ko you if you get DCed and so on. There is absolutely no reason to ever box these people again. Therefore I decided to make a list - BLACK LIST.

Fighters on this list are known lamers and only box against a fighter on this list knowing that he might pull some lame trick on you.



1. Osito [Reason: He totally ducked Black Bear]

2. Flash [Reason: He did the lame and KOed HTF while knowing HTF got DCed]

3. Boondickie [Reason: his ping is so high it is not even remotely playable plus he does the lame and KO's people who get DCed.]


the real black list should go to the people who (over)react to them. if you post a thread for them your giving them the attention they want which is why they spam. just ignore them
ah well he wont improve by doing that so his loss.
Yacoob wrote:I am also announcing my retirement from this game
I thank all of you for teaching me how to play and giving me a shot at the highest status which is champion
i'd like to thank Don King for being a good room moderator and hopefully you'll recommend some good english tea for me to drink
and i'd like to thank Mikkel for creating this game and giving me this opportunity
I'd also like to give respects to all the hall of famers i wish i were as good as you guys and the most likely next hall of famer Fatny for the many title shots

I've been jealous of you guys for a long time because i wanted to be as good as you but i'm not and it's ok
for once i feel good about saying it and feel like a Hall Of Famer for being able to be honest and have the courage to walk away instead of trying to obtain something i'm not good enough to obtain. My power doesn't lie here
Take care of yourselves


well good luck in the next stage of your spiritual journey ....
TURTLEMAN wrote:u should make it like this everytime a round is over we should have the scoreboard so we know who is winning so far, not at the end thats what i think = /

i disagree, in real life they either get a cornermans judgement or their own judgement on who won the round so it should stay the way it is.
Bold As Love wrote:
BoXa wrote:off topic,but hey don hows it going?havent been able to get online much cause of college

Hey boxa how is your semester looking.. mine is tough.

history is hard on the work with all the essays. Psychology isn't too bad right now because ive had a january exam but i will have to start revising soon. philosophy is ok on the work,but when we do get an essay,its gonna cover everything on the whole topic (plato), and pe is fun, although A+P is very hard i find. hows ur course goin.
Donny_king wrote:Lmao Boxa mate, nice pic.

@Mike ~ "Muscley arm paper boy. " lol, you call those toothpics muscle ?

Just messing, I'm not low right now

*Tenses and grins to himself

hehe cheers im in a funny mood
off topic,but hey don hows it going?havent been able to get online much cause of college
yeah there should be a 30minute ban put on when the same sentence is repeated in quick succession. at least this would stop the flooding a bit.
whoops too big
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