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Messages posted by: BoXa
Forum Index » Profile for BoXa » Messages posted by BoXa
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as much as i dont like getting ko'd this has to be seen.
awesome! there's a lesson in there somewhere
Tyrant wrote:Has nothing to do with the gameplay. I have played through it all and have adjusted through it all. Just not what I used to be nor putting in the effort that I used to (and would like to).

When not playing that much, then coming back every once in a while and just losing to everybody I want to step away.

I have never had a problem with gameplay changes. Always liked the challenges.

will you be back for 3-D?
Bold As Love wrote:Ive seen a few people post them opinion on this subject in a few other topics.. I just wanted to see a brauder view.

List who you think will be next and why..

Sugarray, one of the few complete fighters on OB who can box and brawl.

has been fighting in the top 5 consistantly and like Tyrant has said is the only person who can say "I was the first ever Undisputed & Superchampion of Online Boxing"

plus when he is champ he fights all, and ducks nobody.
Tyrant also should be in there
Cynic Ice Black wrote:Way to go buddy

\m/ \m/


HTF wrote:I agree Larry,

I belive a HOFER should be a consistent top player. Not a fighter who wins good for a few days then falls off. I dont think you need to play for years or dominate like crazy.

I worked very hard and I think to hard at a game just to become a elite. Like I said a player who is top 5 and is aways giving hard fights should be considerd.

I can name a few in the past.


maybe we can make some offical rules before you can be voted on

yeah i agree with Sugarray to be considered for sure, and maybe nigel benn.

its strange because the first three people to be inducted in the HOF were on the same day, and the next within two weeks.

im pleased too
on thursday i got my GCSE exam results. GCSEs are end of secondary school exams you take at 15 or 16 to get into college in the Uk.

Cs - in Dt resistant, German and Science

Bs - in P.E, Maths (calc and non), History

As - in English language, English literature and R.S

to get into college to do what i want, all i needed was 5c's or better so it was a success
Skillz wrote:i think the next guy inducted in to the HOF should be, Bricklayer/Mogray just an idea

i think it should be Sugarray - nice one Unstoppable
Larry Holmes wrote:
this has blown way out of proportion lol
= "It's just a game"
Why even post at this forum, "its just a game".

great argument u put up there lol

ah ill just leave it - really didnt want it to be this much of a big deal

see you in the ring
Larry Holmes wrote:I understand Nigells frustration..when someone don't give you a rematch in a titlebout then losses the title to someone's annoying.
Then when you mention it you get the "its only a game" comment which is even more annoying.
You can't just be as irritating as possible then "its only a game relax LOL !" unless your about 6 years old.

A game is something that you can and should take serious to some degree, at least try to follow the unwritten rules and treat other players with respect, if not you cause alot of frustration to other players.
When you ARE wrong in some rare cases then at least have the decency to admit it and appologize, even if you think someone else is overreacting.

i gave him as much respect as he gave me.

this has blown way out of proportion lol
Donny_king wrote:Hehe I love you guys (no I aint a fagel!), you keep me entertained so well.

And what do you mean this is only a game? Dang, does that mean I shouldn't smash my nursery up everytime I lose ?

Poop happens guys, save it for the ropey box



sounds good to me.
Dark Destroyer wrote:
BoXa wrote:
Dark Destroyer wrote:
BoXa wrote:
Dark Destroyer wrote:I thought I was going to be first for a shot at the title seeing as it was the rematch I didn't have?, more to the point, you didn't have time for. I wake up this morning to find you lost it to someday else...nice.

There was me exiting the second fight when you said KO me I have to leave for work, I was being honest and thought no I wont KO a sitting duck, I'll have a proper RM later. obviously not.

we wouldnt be in this situation if u didnt lose to me in the first place

i refuse to apologise for the fact that i didnt have time for a rematch, i had work, as i do again tonight, and there are more important things to me than a game.

however i do apologise for not sticking to my word. i did say i was going to give you a rematch first.sugarray wanted to fight for it, i explained this, and he said he'd give u the title shot if he became champ. (unfortunately i think he has lost it too). that isnt the point though, you wanted it against me.

to be honest though i am surprised that you are angry enough over a game to create a thread like this. i dont think we should be slating each other over something that is really not that important.

I've just been patronised by a 16 year old lol.I went to work today, spent time with my girlfriend and totally forgot all about this until 10 minutes ago when I logged into my computer, I work 40 hours a week to pay off my huge debts, mortgage and become a sucessful engineer, so I know what my priorities are and at the age of 23 I think I know what's important and what's not, I wasn't offensive in any way, I just made my point known, but you somehow interpretted that I was angry, which wasn't the case. Your response can also be intepretted as an angry one, it's so easy to create emotions out of words you read off a computer screen.

By the way I dont remember asking for an apology, nor expecting one, I made this thread to get a explanation to why I got screwed out of a rematch, nothing more, nothing less. So refusing to give an apology wasn't justified.

You are right on one thing though, If I didn't lose, I wouldn't have been in this situation, but I thought I was fighting someone with integrity and honesty and if I did lose, I would get a rematch no questions asked, but I didn't. Law of averages say you would eventually beat me again sometime and unluckily for me it was for the title . Bottom line is, you should have done the decent thing and rematched the next day, especially seeing as I could have knocked you out, but I done the decent thing and left the fight and waited for a proper rematch.

Lastly, there is no need to patronise me over what is and what isn't important, I treat this as exactly what it is...a game, I went to work today, spent time with my girlfriend and totally forgot all about this until 10 minutes ago when I logged into my computer, I work 40 hours a week to pay off my huge debts, mortgage and become a sucessful engineer, so I know what my priorities are and at the age of 23 I think I know what's important and what's not.

I will no longer talk about this anymore, it's done now, I'd like to move on, but in future please don't accuse me of creating threads out of anger and treating this game as my upmost priority when that clearly isn't the case. Peace

now who is being patronising
" your right on one thing though"
lmao, hypocrite

what made you think i was angry? i said it didnt matter to me and that it wasnt important so that's cool.

if you are not going to talk about it then why make the thread in the first place lol. it was completely pointless.

- dont deny you are not angry, the abuse i got off you last night proves that. and over a title lol

i said you could ko me because you were hacked off with me leaving for work. now your using the fact that u didnt ko me as some kind of excuse to make this thread.

"Lastly, there is no need to patronise me over what is and what isn't important"
how is that patronising? i was stating the fact that is not important to me - nothing to do with how you feel.

ill say one thing that is patronising though, you should check out the word patronising in the dictionary, then once youve done that ill give ya a sticker.

"I went to work today, spent time with my girlfriend and totally forgot all about this until 10 minutes ago when I logged into my computer, I work 40 hours a week to pay off my huge debts, mortgage and become a sucessful engineer, so I know what my priorities are and at the age of 23 I think I know what's important and what's not"

in the most non angry way i really dont care and whats age got to do with it, i know what is important also.

You have done exactly what children do, take everything I said out of context and dissed me.

You tell me I should use a dictionary, yet you obviously failed to read and understand what I wrote, for example I said "Your response can also be intepretted as an angry one, it's so easy to create emotions out of words you read off a computer screen." Keyword there is CAN. I didn't say you was angry, infact I know you wasn't, I was just explaining how easy it is to interpret things in your own way. There you go a simple mini English lesson for ya.

You didn't get abused and yes I was a little upset, but that was for an entirely different reason, that hasn't even been mentioned in this thread, (the lack of time for a rematch that day).

And little boy, I have English A levels, I know what the word patronising means and I used the word correctly. If you cannot see that, then further education need to be on the cards, or a more detailed analysis of what was written is in order.

"Lastly, there is no need to patronise me over what is and what isn't important"
how is that patronising? = And you tell me to look up that word, dear god.

I deliberately patraonised you back, but when you get a bit older maybe you will understand that (there you go done it again).

A sticker?, read this carefully kid, while you go off to work and work for a new playstation game, or a new dartboard, while your mum and dad worry about the bills, I work to pay debts, my girlfriend and my own bills to keep a roof over my head, so don't talk down to me, you are just a kid.

I made this thread for the reason I said before, but seeing as you have a problem reading, I'll write it again, TO GET An EXPLANATION. I didn't PM you because I don't even read pms, so just incase you don't either, I made this thread. Please tell me you FINALLY grasp that.

Your reply showed your maturity level and your intelligence, you attacked me on things, but if you read what I said properly you would have seen what was really meant. I'm done with this for real, in person it would be embarrasing arguing with a 16 year old so for me this issue is closed.

lmao , youve made a mountain out of a molehill - even better - because of a game!

for real eh?

btw i wrote all that stuff to lure you into posting another

hook line and sinker baby
Cynic Ice Black wrote: Well, I used to work with kids for pretty long time, and sometimes I'd find myself arguing with an 8 year old, thinking - is it possible he's on to something?
Today I sometimes argue with 40 and 50 year olds, thinking, damn, how stupid can people be, even at that age.

Chill out fellas it's a game, after all

And yeah, well, this comes from a 27 year old geeza, who works about 100 hours per week, got rent, bills and my g-f's education and got 2 bands... though ppl still say I'm a kid

Being a kid's cool, mature living sucks


always was chilled mate

you saying it is a game after all is exactly what ive been trying to say
Forum Index » Profile for BoXa » Messages posted by BoXa
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