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Messages posted by: andy
Forum Index » Profile for andy » Messages posted by andy
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ok this is how we have 2 do it u come on 7 ocklock my time wednesday which is 2 days from this post i live in brisbane so work the times out tornioment room 7 oclock australian eastern standard time be there if u cant make it rearrange a time.
convert it all 2 my time and date and ill b ther bro thank you for being honest thank you alot
come on oscar u know that aint fair man can u get incontact with him and tell him 2 come online shortly pelase
Naaa thats bull shit mate i didint know we was fighting for the tourniment i didnt even know wen it was no one sent me email i didnt even check the message board until now i want a rematch start from fresh i didnt even now we was fighting for the torniment man anyway send me a email a time and wat server and ill b ther
Forum Index » Profile for andy » Messages posted by andy
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