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Messages posted by: That 1 Dope Mexican
Forum Index » Profile for That 1 Dope Mexican » Messages posted by That 1 Dope Mexican
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i want to join this
go online then fat boy
Skillz wrote:but i can beat him im too big of a risk like 1990's winky wright lol. Fatnys never online anymore and lerry ducks me ugh.....

you fucken suck wtf are you talking about?
larry was trying to say that you suck
chopper is a faggot.
ha this whole time you had your name spelled wrong, its "cepillo" not capillo

thats not you, thats rey bautista the guy thats gonna get his ass handed to by ponce de leon
Skillz wrote:hahah dope it was my 1st day outta retirement what do u excpect no rust?

even when you used to be in your prime and was still playing with mad skillz i pimp slapped you
Skillz wrote:i guess all the clans r out 2 beat us hahaha news flash you cant nobody in TBFF can beat me prob rocky prob cannon.Ray on a good day and oscar about 80% of the time.

so how many times have you beaten me, wait i remember now, you havent even beat me once. i beat your ass everytime we fight
get yo facts straight fatbooaay
ill join this just because p4p is talking shit
Ill Join This Gym
P4P aint shit hahahah
Ray Johnson wrote:It happens at random times to everyone and then nobody can fight.


same shit happen to me
the mexican guy (the guy that won) did look like he had boxing in him
slow hard puncher vs faster technical boxer, who wins?
the second fight on that video
Skillz wrote:im going back into retirement beacuse theres alot of people online most of the time but there all Noobs and there are none of the old vets around relitively its getting boring there r no good fights anymore only 1st round 3kd KOs so i wont be back untill 3D unfortunatly so Peace out all. <3 (heart)

you are a noob, man u suck, face it
Forum Index » Profile for That 1 Dope Mexican » Messages posted by That 1 Dope Mexican
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