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Messages posted by: LennoxLewis
Forum Index » Profile for LennoxLewis » Messages posted by LennoxLewis
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Well first of all, he was being racist...

I didnt say nothin to provoke him, he just come out with racist comments which are really uncalled for..

' PAKI' ......... ' LENNOX IS PRAYING '

Iam actually indian and really i dont think there is any need for racist comments, cos believe me i can be racist aswell but i choose not to..

I want something done about this, because really there was no need for shit like that.
oh ok, thanks.

Any info on how to get in the HOF?

Do i have to win titles? and defend them many times?

Or is there another way?
right, yeah getting 500 or more wins is way too easy, like i've saw salvador sanchez in the HOF and he has only got 1 title win with 1 def...

I understand that he has a dominant style, but i've beat him, and it wasnt just one lucky win, i dominated in the rounds with also knockdowns.

Im not saying its easy to get in the HOF but i just don't understand why people with that many title wins has become in the HOF.
Iam very curious on how to get in the HOF...

I can see its not just about winning titles, because ive saw some HOF'ers with like only 1 title win and 1 defense? but yet they are in the HOF.

Ive beaten some of the best fighters in OB including HOF'ers...

So im wondering how to become a HOF'er.
well, there you have it reaper...

Keep your mouth shut next time.
don't play then, as a matter of fact go and fuckoff now...

Don't get too excited you aint even good.
well heres me,

So do i, but you cant do nothing about that so forget about it, they aint gonna get any better by padding...

leave them to it.
no need to make a thread about it, get over it and KO him yourself next time.
The Great Yacoob wrote:Shut the hell up you sensitive prick

You think by gaining people's sympathy that's going to change online boxing?

You talk about this game being JUST A GAME and you quit playing over some words?!!

That means that it hurts your feelings and puts you down you fuck

and you talk about Yacoob being retarded?



You Must have got bullied in school.
shutup and live with it.
if your gonna leave, just go no need to make stupid threads about it.
Obviously The Red Orea is Yacoob.

yac get a fucking life.
oh right, i just wanna KO sum1 in da ring lol
what kind of club? and how much would it cost roughly?
Forum Index » Profile for LennoxLewis » Messages posted by LennoxLewis
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