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Messages posted by: Goldenboy.
Forum Index » Profile for Goldenboy. » Messages posted by Goldenboy.
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fuck boys lets do it up,

oh and alex, i forgot to reply to your facebook thing, if you use it feel free to add me, "Josh Harley"

fuck life, im up too early to train, gotta love fighting.

we should do another face of ob thing, be nice to see a picture of everyone put a face to the name
I had my moments I suppose, I never played this game more then part time and although ive posted on the forums for years I don't think I was ever active for more than a month or two at a time,

this game will always be a fond memory for me though, some of the nicest guys around play it.
Redneck wrote:
Dick E. Boon wrote:Nice pic Josh. Is the referee in the pic Ultimate Fighter winner Roy Nelson?

lmao. You are right boon...he exactly looks like him

haha I didn't even notice that, thats funny.

that ref was a retard
im a bust, looking at my stats from gboy and my alts i won 43 titles, and only ever managed to hold two at once twice,

HTF wrote:
Goldenboy. wrote:well at least your safe, and at least your dignity is intact.

after cassidy and i broke up in january I lost most of mine, looking back I have never been happier.

may the best of your todays, be the worst of your tommorows Alex

Wow never knew u guys split... I am with ya man in the end I am alot happier. I am doing the things I once loved again...

Ever make it to the states man should hit the gym together.

yea at the end of january, we havent talked since,
Redneck wrote:
Goldenboy. wrote:
johnbludger wrote:Hey Goldenboy and X-treme SKillz, long time no talk.

yea its been a while, ill try to make it on for a fight or 2 soon. ive got real life fights coming up and playing this doesnt help much haha

just keep us informed about your fights in real life. I remember you posted us the date etc. for your last fight and i crossed my fingers for you. This asshole just got luck that he catched you and throw you on the floor. The only one who did kicks and made the fight nice was you before that happens. Again my tip to gain a little bit weight and muscle-mass for you. If you had this this idiot in the last fight would be history now. You are focused much more and that is just the thing that you need...more mass.
Hope i see you in the OB-ring...

Yea thats always been my issue, just mass. and your right, I lit him up on the feet for the first few minutes until I threw a leg kick and broke my right foot. once he got me on my back I only had one leg to post up with. he was far bigger and stronger and hit me with like 20+ unanswered punches and elbows.

I was a light 135 for that fight, I am walking around at 160+ plus right now and will keep putting on mass till I am 175. I am going to start cutting to 155, better money and better fights. I have cut about half my cardio and lift weights 5x a week now. eating around 4000 calories a day, taking a hard gainer and creatine, testosterone booster called tribex or something.

Ill keep you posted on whats next. I am training at one of the top gyms in the world. GSP trains there, dennis kang, Jesse Bongfeldt, Kenny florian, Patrick cote, david lolzeou, etc etc.

wrestling is the base there and GSP is the best wrestler in mma, wrestling is my weakest point. so it makes sense to train at a gym like that,


johnbludger wrote:Hey Goldenboy and X-treme SKillz, long time no talk.

yea its been a while, ill try to make it on for a fight or 2 soon. ive got real life fights coming up and playing this doesnt help much haha
well at least your safe, and at least your dignity is intact.

after cassidy and i broke up in january I lost most of mine, looking back I have never been happier.

may the best of your todays, be the worst of your tommorows Alex
oh and fatny., get at me bro. I moved to montreal about 2 weeks ago,

lets get together for some drinks or something. I fight in gateneu in december if you want to come check it out. my cell is 403-359-0117

mikkel my older brother makes his ufc debut in mtl in december.. send me a logo. hes got room on his shorts.

be some pretty strong promotion, 25 thousand there live and a few million watching on ppv...
Redneck wrote:
Goldenboy. wrote:hmm, last time I was around there was no ob site. I figured it had finally been packed in,

nice to be back

Andrew was around and i asked him about your last fight month ago. I saw it and i said to catfish that this opponent was a damn asshole I wish you luck in your next fights and hope to see you soon in the OB-Ring. Nice that the vets come back.

thanks bro, he was a tough fight.. 5-0 and he was a weightclass above me. i had 24 hours notice that I was fighting him because my opponent backed out at weighins. then like a minute into the fight I broke my foot when I kicked him in the knee.

and yea he fucked me up pretty good, andrew has the footage somewhere.
agreed with HTF, I don't think I ever had any problems fighting him..
creatine is pretty decent, i put on 12 lbs my first month of using it. makes me piss like a fucking horse though.
shit sounds fucked,
hmm, last time I was around there was no ob site. I figured it had finally been packed in,

nice to be back
Forum Index » Profile for Goldenboy. » Messages posted by Goldenboy.
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