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Messages posted by: Pitbull
Forum Index » Profile for Pitbull » Messages posted by Pitbull
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oops meant to be on Skillz posting tha hehe
haha it wont survive P4P will eat all other clans alive.
There's No point in that when im better than Skillz.
Oops it lagged soon as i pressed submit.
ha changed my Avatar.
ha changed my Avatar.
ha changed my Avatar.
Too bad im not HTF. lol Lerry im someone else someone potentially better.
Everyone my name is Pitbull i have been sitting back and watching Fatny reign for far too long.I am here to end his streak and take over OB.I have been on OB for about 2 years just developing my skills,not really socializing but now it is time for the New Beginning...a New OnlineBoxing Order.This new Era will be the best ever. My OB names are Pitbull and SisKos and no not Mad Skillz who had a name similar to SisKos i am better i am a physiclly enhanced beast.I am not a spammer of the forums im just here to Get in the ring with OB's Top fighters and prove Dominince over the best Pound For Pound.When i become Champion i will proudly hold my titles with honor.The Road to OB's Greatest has just begun.See you in the Ring.
Forum Index » Profile for Pitbull » Messages posted by Pitbull
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