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Messages posted by: naruto14
Forum Index » Profile for naruto14 » Messages posted by naruto14
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Wich 2 are rockys?
The followin people that qualify for top 10 tourny

1. Larry Holmes
2. Here to Fight
3. Nigel Benn
4. Unstoppable
5. Red Viper
6. Boxa
7. 1 Dope Mexican
8. Black Bear
9. FLash
10. Mad Skillz
11. USA
12. Reaper
13. Oscar De La Hoya
14. Mike Tyson
15. Tyrant
16. Credo
17. ye man
18. Feroz
19. Unpredictable
20. Ray Johnson

If any of you guys that qualify are up for the tourny Just reply to thread.
Until furthur notice

Tourny List
1. Tyrant
2. Unstoppable
3. Credo
4. Reaper
5. Flash
6. Rocky Marciano
7. Ray Johnson
8. Oscar
9. yeman
10. USA
11. 1 Dope Mexican
12. Floyd Patterson
13. Mad Skillz
14. TheSniper

More To Come
If u qualify and i missed u let me know
Unstoppable thnx for the idea
Goood thread Kid
I think u didn't miss out on no one

But i think i should be in top 10
Anyone who wants to participate in the tourny for top 10 in ob .
Just sign up.
By replyin on this thread
Ill start it once is ready

(Im up for it)

General Rules are the same basic rules as in for the other tournys
of ob
Best out of 3
yea i know i missed a few
i missed boxa , tbf feroz , skillz, and larry


1. HTF
5.Black Bear
7.Red Viper
10. Ray Johnson

Hey nc job the enterteinment is nc on your myspace
Ok... Ill take Monketail's Place
My weaknessis acuracy and patience
BlackRed although he never accepts a fight from me
where is mad skillz
ur not bad but ur not ready for next level yet

u stillneed to improve alil bit more
I really want to know ur opinion
some people said reaper is better than me,
but i just wan them to go check our all out fights
and check who is really better
LMAO HTF jus wanted to go get mike tysons signature
in the fan club vip
Forum Index » Profile for naruto14 » Messages posted by naruto14
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