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Messages posted by: M. A R A G O N
Forum Index » Profile for M. A R A G O N » Messages posted by M. A R A G O N
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our team picks up trpche. i think we would all agree thats who we would want to pick up.
its not st. louis...........its arizona. your getting baseball mixed with football here.
Red Viper wrote:
M. A R A G O N wrote:Wait WTF .... I thouht viper and I agreed to fight for the final fight if sudden death. Why do they automaticallly get free win. R team is being discriminated and trying to get cheated left and right. It's team kessler vs the world. It's ridiculous really. By the way im on iPod so stuff might not make sense.

I know BUT I agreed to fight both of you. Kessler was online so I fought him. If it wasn't for Goldenboy's Stupdity than you would have won it anyway.

Heres your exact words before you or Kessler agreed to fight me.

"if its a tie, I or kessler will play red viper for the final title. hopefully kessler has this though".

I hate to say but It was a checkmate.

If TRPCHE is available I will likely want to sign him for my team.

60 time Onlineboxing Champion
118 title defences in all
19- OBC
14- OBW
10- OBA
4- SA
8- OBF
2- NA
1- Tournament
1- PDP
Greatest KO Artist In OB History
Greatest Slugger in OB History
The most hardworking fighter in OB
OB Name- Red Viper

well it would be nice if someone could have said you beat kessler instead of just making it look like you get a free win......
Wait WTF .... I thouht viper and I agreed to fight for the final fight if sudden death. Why do they automaticallly get free win. R team is being discriminated and trying to get cheated left and right. It's team kessler vs the world. It's ridiculous really.
Kessler wrote:LMFAO @ AA's post
YMCA, assless chaps, fishnets....
You've won already lol

Congratz BIGMAC, you are a very dangerous fighter.

thank you thank you, ive noticed though, that i only win major fights lately....PDP and TVT, and otherwise dont really win anythign else.
African Assassin wrote:
M. A R A G O N wrote:BIG MAC k0 john round 6

gf john

put another W next to big mac.

WOW huge upset!!! Probably an early candidate for PDP upset of the year. I say Big Mac gets the credit he deserves and is given a shot at the title against the winner of me vs viper.

I like the words spoken by this man.
BIG MAC k0 john round 6

gf john

put another W next to big mac.
if its a tie, I or kessler will play red viper for the final title. hopefully kessler has this though.

ps. john, you have caps lock on.
. nvm
johnbludger wrote:emmj told me that edder retired before round 2 have to drop him from vipers team.

then why would edder put dont drop me from your team viper, after round 1 was over. and wouldnt it not matter, cause you guys were tlaking before that if you dont have a 4th spot you automatically lose. now its on vipers team but he can pick soemone up after the actual real day they were supposed to fight? i picked jackson up during the day of the fights and he was onn for awhile. and i doubt emmj would say that.
i dont get it? you guys can get a replacement after they have been Disqualified?.....cause that makes sense. (sarcasm for those who dont know)

i mean you were talking before edder gets free win if we didnt have 4th guy, we got a 4th guy and edders not there, so the tables turned and you can pick people up after deadline? this is popostrous.
if you guys are winning by DQ then give us another point cause JACKSON was there and not edder.

red vipers team 1
goldenboys team 2
big mac beats redneck 2-1. good ifghts redneck.

goldenboys team: 1
red vipers team: 0

we pick up jackson to fight against edder to fill up last spot.
I think if this is officail John better be prepared, cause a hurricane is coming.
Forum Index » Profile for M. A R A G O N » Messages posted by M. A R A G O N
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