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Messages posted by: Chrilla
Forum Index » Profile for Chrilla » Messages posted by Chrilla
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man...are u sure? i hit u alot 2
Good Fight wrote:Because that match was not a title fight. You did not have points for title match.

i wanna take this time and protest is hould be the OBC champion right now.... 1 had me winning 134-133 the rest had him winning by 129-136? :S what the fuck that isnt even close and it was a even fight :S wtf...fix this fucking scorecards already :S
CaptainAmerica wrote:chrille chill mikkel keep it the way it is cause i get knocked down all the time in rounds and i still would like a fighting chance even if i dont knock him down i can still tie the round in points after what i do to him after he knocks me down so chill please.

Chrill is chill im jsut asking why? and man....if it would be real lfie...i would have been leading over u be the hundred ;P as an exampel
but thats bullshit ;p sometimes
ok :9 can u ...maybe tell me what the rules is?
well i counted after reallife even if u get owned a whole round and u knock somebody out its till a 10-8 round in reality...right? soo why isnt it ehre in this game?
i dont want too bust your nuts does the computer count the points?

this fight...i knocked him down 1 time in round 1....2 times in round 2...he got me 2 times in round 3 and 1 time in round 4 thats 10-8 10-7 7-10 8-10 = 35-35 ;P but it did give him the Ud by = 33-37 and 34-36 twice ;P wazzup?
i remember me tkoing him 2 times in a row in the first round ;D muhaha
lol are u going too start arguing here 2=
like i said ;P it was fucking crazy ;P
ahh im a lite late too answaer on this 1 but ;P thx u arent bad yourself catfish
2 biggest? reaper? 2 biggest? im the second biggest just look att the record catfish is 3.....ur number 4 but except that i have too agree with u
i dont wanna be an ass....but where the hell is the entrance? u know a dorr?
i got shcoked man i thought i was the only swedish cunning man here
why are u learning Swedish?
Forum Index » Profile for Chrilla » Messages posted by Chrilla
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