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Messages posted by: Red Viper
Forum Index » Profile for Red Viper » Messages posted by Red Viper
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Ray, i am online right now, if you want to fight me for the clan war.

If you don't want to fight me right now, name a time and place to do it.

If you name a time, your time zone is about a five hour difference from where you live because i live in the Eastern United States.
24 time Online Boxing Champion
6- OBW
6- OBA
4- SA
3- NA
3- OBC
2- OBF
Number One KO Artist in OB History
The Master of Slugging
OB Name- Red Viper
I'll fight whoever is the strongest fighter in P4P, and i will be ready by this tuesday.
24 time Online Boxing Champion
6- OBW
6- OBA
4- SA
3- NA
3- OBC
2- OBF
Number One KO Artist in OB History
W- 4180
L- 1589
KO's- 4141
The Master of Slugging
OB Name- Red Viper
Good fight Chrille, you defianlty gotten better but since 2D has working again i am on a hot streak with a 52-4 record.

Enjoy your vacation in Spain.
6 time OBW Champ
5 time OBA Champ
4 time SA Champ
3 time OBF Champ
2 time NA Champ
2 time OC Champ
1 Number KO Artist in OB
WIns- 4058
Losses- 1537
KO's- 4019
5 year veteran
A.K.A.- Nick P., Nick Bomb, Texan Red Wolf, Dallas Bomber, The Scorpion King, Iron Dragon, The Red Destroyer, and The Barbarian
OB Name- Red Viper
Heres all the bullshit that he said between our conversation between me and him after i beaten him the second time today.

Stone Cold> hmm I would say I owned you
Red Viper> you should of gotten up from that
Stone Cold> you just get a lucky combo after your oppenent gets too comfortable
Stone Cold> noticing you have no boxing skills
Red Viper> so look at my record
Stone Cold> you koed some noobs
Red Viper> and you
Stone Cold> pfff
Stone Cold> I owned you and you know it
Red Viper> then show me again
Red Viper> so back it up
Stone Cold> you had like no change other than lucky hit
Stone Cold> which you got
Challenge from Stone Cold
Stone Cold> ok this will be easy
Red Viper> back your words up and prove me wrong
Stone Cold> well accept
Challenge Accepted
Stone Cold is Starting a fight
Red Viper is Starting a fight
Stone Cold> and i will own you again
Red Viper TKO'ed Stone Cold in 6
Red Viper> now shut the fuck up

Stone Cold, you really need to shut the hell up because none of your bullshit is true. Your words never back up anything, because you are wrong. Next time you trash talk to me you stupid little punk, you better think twice what you say or i will keep proving you wrong. So what i don't box, i can still kick your ass, and i have proved that the last two days i have fought you.

Also you need to stop overlooking me because it will make you a fool out of yourself, and plus i am lot better than you think i am. You think all the people I have ko'ed is noobs, yeah right. I have KO'ed many great fighters during my career, especially this week. You have not owned me at all like you said you would. Every fight we have fought this week, i have given you trouble, and you lost to me 5 out of 7 times.

You and your brother both have similar styles, but the only difference is your defence is worse than his. In the near future, i don't need your stupid adivices. Next time you lose to me, don't act like a three year old bitch or disrespect me like you did today. If you do that crap again, i will disrespect you. If your going to reply to this, don't post anything stupid, and you defiantly know who won this argument, and it is not you.

Here is a prime example, i will post my two out of the three wins i did against him today.

Body Shot KO-

He is just standing there like an idiot, and then I KO'ed him with an eight body shot combo to his ribs. No offence Stone Cold, your body defence is really bad.

The fight after he acts cocky online-

Turing point of the fight- Me knocking him down with another body shot combo in the 5th round , and that led to my victory against him with 37 seconds left in the 6th round.

You were winning until you choked after the 5th round into the 6th, where I TKO'ed you and my pressure sliced through your defence really easily. You should be embarrassed after this loss because of your huge ego before that fight and you know who is the better fighter.
6 time OBW Champ
5 time OBA Champ
4 time SA Champ
3 time OBF Champ
2 time NA Champ
2 time OBC Champ
Number One KO Artist in OB
Wins- 4057
Losses- 1537
KO's- 4018
5 year veteran
A.K.A.- Nick P., Nick Bomb, Texan Red Wolf, Dallas Bomber, The Scorpion King, Iron Dragon, The Red Destroyer, and The Barbarian
OB Name- Red Viper

I'm afraid i have some bad news for you Chrille, you do have over 2000 wins BUT you do not have the best KO percentage because i have compared to your KO Percentage to my KO Pecentage per win.

and heres the math

Your KO Percentage- 2008 wins with 1987 KO's= 98.95%

My KO Percentage- 4008 wins with 3969 KO's= 99.02%

Basically, i have beaten you by a small margin. You have a very good percentage, but mine is a little better, and that probably answers your question. Heres some advice, if you get to 3000 wins or over, keeping a high KO percentage is going to be very tough.
6 time OBW Champ
5 time OBA Champ
4 time SA Champ
3 time NA Champ
2 time OBC Champ
2 time OBF Champ
Best KO Artist over 4000 wins with 99%
Offensive style- Offesive Slugger
Defensive Style- Duck Down Defense
5 year veteran
Wins- 4008
Losses- 1535
KO's- 3969
Winning Percentage- 72.3%
A.K.A.- Nick P., Nick Bomb, Texan Red Wolf, The Dallas Bomber, The Scorpion King, Iron Dragon, The Red Destroyer, and The Barbarian.
OB Name- Red Viper

Here's what i think

Most of it is factual, and some of it is opionated, and some it is based on my expierence.

1 Biggest Puncher- Back then- Marvin Hagler, Right Now- Me

2. Best Jabber- Black Bear, and Fernando Vargas.

3. Quickest Puncher- Back Then- HTF, Right Now- Me then X-Treme Skillz A.K.A. Flash.

4. Best Defense- Fatny, Salvador Sanchez, Greg Haugen, and Larry Holmes.

5. Best Offense- HTF, Nigel Benn, and possibly me.

6. Best Technique- Fatny, Tyrant, Boxa, M.A. Barrera, and sugarray

7. Hardest to Fight Against- Fatny, Larry Holmes, Greg Haugen and Salvador Sanchez.

8. Easiest to KO- I can KO anybody with ease except Larry Holmes and Fatny.

9. Easiest to Beat- Mostly Rookies.

10. Best KO Rate- In this game Rocky calcualated and it was Goldenboy, but he is NOT the best KO artist in OB History.

11. Best KO Artist- Me by far because nobody ko's the way i ko people, and i have KO'ed the best fighters that are offered during my five year career.

12. Best Newcomer- Reaper

13- Best Overall fighter in OB History- A five way tie between HTF, Fatny, Labratory, Salvador Sanchez, and Mike Tyson.
6 time OBW Champ
6 time OBA Champ
4 time SA Champ
3 time OBF Champ
2 time NA Champ
2 time OBC Champ
5 year veteran
Best KO Aritst in OB History
Offensive Style- Offensive Slugger
Defensive Style- Duck Down Defense
A.K.A.- Nick P., Nick Bomb, Texan Red Wolf, Dallas Bomber, The Scorpion King, The Iron Dragon, Red Detsroyer, and The Barbarian.
OB Name- Red Viper
Chrilla wrote:no offence...but i think that red viper cant handle his own medicin and if u tell a joke he cant take it ohh well...who cares? : he can hate me i dont care thats not my loss and man i have respect 4 u viper ;P see i only posted that cause its a joke...and u get all gry man soo im not the whining ehre man i never whini......i jus tget pissed thats all and i give u lots of respect but u never notice do u? do u? and im not jealous...cause it isnt your rec soon soo i dont care gl and yes u won the title from me but if u wouldnt lost it too the man i ebat....which makes u seem bad cause i ebat him 2 in a row 2 in the first round...and u lost too him hum.....and i gave u respect but your just like...ohh shit im going too call him namems now when i cant stand it and i have callen u names be4 too...but i always sayu sorry sooner or later and ray can think what he want too

Here's what you don't understand Chrille, some of your so-called jokes can be turned into insults. Here is a prime example, calling cocky to fighters such as Reaper or Yacoob is understandable, BUT calling me "cocky" because I posted a great knockout is an insult. You need to know the difference between joking and insuliting someone, obviously you don't.

You say me losing to Tough Kookie makes me look bad? Losing to Tough Kookie does not make me look bad because losing to him makes me better, and if you fight him now he will beat you 9 out of 10 times.

As of matter of fact you rarely told me your sorry, because the first time this happened I MADE your ass to say sorry in front of everyone after i beaten you for the ninth time on that particular day. After i accepted your apology that day, you blew it again about earlier this week. So your wrong right there, and yes you did whine or get pissed when i defeated you nine times in one day, and you did it again recently so don't bullshit me.

So you think you have my respect, think again. Refusing to say gf, and bad mouthing me after losing to me is not going to earn my respect what so ever. You think you really respect me but you really don't, so don't make shit up, and lie to me.

No i don't hate your guts, i just dislike you. I am just trying to prove a point of what happens you start shit here or real life. If you talk like your doing to me to the wrong person, you will pay the consequences or possibly get beat up. I basically win this argument. You know i am right Chrille, so don't try to prove me wrong because it will make you look stupid in the near future.
6 time OBW Champ
5 time OBA Champ
4 time SA Champ
3 time NA Champ
2 time OBC Champ
2 time OBF Champ
Number One KO Artist beyond 3000 fights or more.
5 year veteran
Offensive Style- Offensive Slugger
Defensive Style- Duck down defense
A.K.A.- Nick P., Nick Bomb, Texan Red Wolf, Dallas Bomber, The Scorpion King, Iron Dragon, The Red Destroyer and The Barbarian.
OB Name- Red Viper
Chrilla wrote:Retire 4 some weeks/months......i dont feel any motivation plus i aint got any time left over 4 this great gotta get my record in the best ko rating later when i come back 4 right now i dont feel anything gl everyone and remember keep my titles warm 4 me

Some highlights of this comeback i had newly=
When i owned Kookie 2 times in a row in the first round
Me fighting some random guy i didnt pad he challenged me and im no ducker soo i showed him how the fists of a 6 time worldchamp is tasting 21 seconds dont blink youl miss it

And of course Red viper was cocky beacuse he had Koed Rocky in some nice fashion and then i come here and destroy him...i deafted him like 10 times this day gf but a littel short like 33 secs ;P

Well thats it 4 now il be back kicking some more ass in a few weeks cya guys

Listen here dumbshit, i did not post my KO against Rocky to be cocky, i posted it because it was a great KO, no wonder mine has more views and replies. You currently jealous at me because i haveKO record right now, get over it.

All you do is brag, talk shit, and act like your the best, but your really not. Also you started this bullshit not me. I have read most of your post, and a lot of them are negative.

Keep my titles warm for me? You should add to your sentence, that I am the one that took your OBA title, and beaten you for the rematch after that. I am not going to make excuses that you beaten me only that one day. Your last win against me was a freeze, so that really does not count as a win.

Just recently, i beaten you four times in a row in one day. Hope you remember that i beaten you nine times in one day, both of those times you cried like a little bitch and refused to say gf after everyone of those losses. That tells me you don't give me credit what so ever. You also need to learn some respect not only to me but other fighters as well. I am beginning to be sick and tired of listening to your garbage.

Heres some advice Chrille, you better think twice what you say, if you don't a lot of people will hate you for that, or possibly beat you up in real life if your not careful. You think your so cool by calling me a "red fucker", i personally think your a low life scumbag.

If you reply anything stupid, i might or might not reply back to it simple as that.
6 time OBW Champ
5 time OBA Champ
4 time SA Champ
3 time NA Champ
2 time OBC Champ
2 time OBF Champ
5 year Veteran
Number One KO Artist beyond 3000 fights
Offensive Style- OFfensive Slugger
Defensive Style- Duck Down Defense
A.K.A.- Nick P., Nick Bomb, Texan Red Wolf, Dallas Bomber, The Scorpion King, Iron Dragon, The Red Destroyer, and The Barbarain.
OB Name- Red Viper
The things that i do on my spare time are

1. Lifting Weights or other forms of working out.

2. Playing video games

3. Watching TV/Movies
6 time OBW Champ
5 time OBA Champ
4 time SA Champ
3 time NA Champ
2 time OBC Champ
2 time OBF Champ
5 year Veteran
Number One KO Artist beyond 3000 fights
Offensive Style- Offensive Slugger
Defensive Style- Duck Down Defense
A.K.A.- Nick P., Nick Bomb, Texan Red Wolf, Dallas Bomber, The Scorpion King, Iron Dragon, The Red Destroyer, and The Barbarian.
OB Name- Red Viper

sterlihalla wrote:
Red Viper wrote:
6 Time OBW Champ
5 time OBA Champ
4 time SA champ
2 time NA Champ
2 time OBF Champ
2 time OBC Champ
5 year Veteran
Best Right Hand in the Game
Style- All out Offensive style with lighting fast hands with deadly accuracy and precision
Number 1 KO Artist in OB with a 99% KO rating beyond 3000 wins
OB Name- Red Viper

wow viper i didnt know u have been playin 5 years thats like as long as boon its crazy ive only been playin 10 months and ive had 28 titles with 129 defenses

I have been playing since February 2003, under nine different names including this one. I basically started my career the same month as Tyrant. Back then we had the pacman type of graphics. Right now i have 22 titles, on my resume for my whole career.

If you wanna know my other names look down my sig.

If you have not looked into Chrille's KO, it is no way good as mine. It is basically newbie flurries with head shots. Your doing very well for a fighter that has been on this site for then less than a year.
6 time OBW Champ
5 time OBA Champ
4 time SA Champ
3 time NA Champ
2 time OBF Champ
2 time OBC Champ
5 year veteram
Number One KO Artist Beyond 3000 fights
Offensive Style- Offensive Slugger
Defensive Style- Duck Down Defense
A.K.A.- Nick P., Nick Bomb, Texan Red Wolf, The Dallas Bomber, The Scorpion King, Iron Dragon, The Red Destroyer, and The Barbarian.
OB Name- Red Viper
Donny_king wrote:Did you move your mouse over/around the screen ?

I have your problem but I do that and the buttons render and I can push them but before that I see only a black window also.

I tried to do that a second ago but it would not work for me, do i have to push the five buttons which are LWJGL to render the screen, by the way how did you get OB3D to work by moving the mouse over or around the screen? If not, anymore solutions.
6 time OBW Champ
5 time OBA Champ
4 time SA Champ
3 time NA Champ
2 time OBC Champ
2 time OBF Champ
5 year veteran
Number One KO Artist beyond 3000 fights
Offensive Style- Offensive Sluger
Defensive Style- Duck Down Defense
A.K.A.- Nick P., Nick Bomb, Texan Red Wolf, Dallas Bomber, The Scorpion King, Iron Dragon, The Red Destroyer, The Barbarian.
OB Name- Red Viper

I have the latest PhysX drive, and also the latest Java installed, BUT i have problems working OB3D.

When i start the OB3D program, the panel system comes up, but after that a black screen comes up then it stopped working after that, can someone figure out my problem so i can get OB3D working for me.
6 time OBW Champ
5 time OBA Champ
4 time SA Champ
3 time NA Champ
2 time OBF Champ
2 time OBC Champ
5 Year Veteran
Greatest KO Artist beyond 3000 fights with a 99% KO Rating
Style- Offensive Slugger
Defensive Style- Duck Down Defense
A.K.A.- Nick P, Nick Bomb, Texan Red Wolf, The Dallas Bomber, The Scorpion King, Iron Dragon, The Red Destroyer, and The Barbarian
OB Name- Red Viper

This was against Rocky Marciano, which is a very good boxer. I Ko'ed him with 4 long rights with shots in the head, this happened in 25 seconds in Round 6.

heres the link of the fight
6 Time OBW Champ
5 time OBA Champ
4 time SA champ
2 time NA Champ
2 time OBF Champ
2 time OBC Champ
5 year Veteran
Best Right Hand in the Game
Style- All out Offensive style with lighting fast hands with deadly accuracy and precision
Number 1 KO Artist in OB with a 99% KO rating beyond 3000 wins
OB Name- Red Viper

Happy birthday Fernando, and enjoy it well.
6 time OBW Champ
3 time SA Champ
3 time OBA Champ
2 time NA Champ
1 time OBC Champ
1 time OBF Champ
Number #1 KO artist in OB History.
OB Career- February 2003-present
Fighters I own during my OB Career- Marvin Hagler(the imposter one), toosmooth, Yacoob, Catfish, and more to come.
Signature Move- Many moves to KO people.
Offensive Style- All Out Brawl Style with lighting speed, and with timing and accuracy.
Defense Style- The Duck Down Defense then the Counter Shot
A.K.A.- Texan Red Wolf, Nick P., Nick Bomb, The Scorpion King, Red Destroyer, The Barbarian, and The Dallas Bomber.
I'll join this tournament, and i will be on the veteran side. I have to take my time manangement very seriously because i am in college now.
5 time OBW Champ- defeated Newguy and others
3 time SA Champ- defeated Jermain Taylor, and Kicknass to claim this titles.
2 time NA Champ- Defeated Tyrant to gain this title.
1 time OBA Champ- Defeated Larry Holmes to gain this title
1 time OBC Champ
1 time OBF Champ- defeated Fernado Vargas to claim this title.
Best fighter with the best KO Percentage above 2000 fights with a 99% KO Rating.
One of the Best Offensive Sluggers in OB History.
Class- A
Experience-4 1/2 Years
Finshing Manuever- The Viper Shot, and The Viper Cutter
A.K.A.- Red Destroyer, Texan Red Wolf, Nick P., Nick Bomb, The Barbarian, Scorpion King, and The Dallas Bomber.
OB Name- Red Viper.
Forum Index » Profile for Red Viper » Messages posted by Red Viper
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