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Messages posted by: DoomRater
Forum Index » Profile for DoomRater » Messages posted by DoomRater
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Yeah I wanna know what happend as well. Did Mikkel just forget to pay the bill on the domain name?
Oscar wrote:One last tip, you need to gtfo of youtube as from what I see it's full of shite wannabe boxers that post vids for people who have no clue to say they're amazing, I don't think I've seen one decent "Me training in my gym" vid yet.

Uh, Oscar, here's what you said. I countered with actual videos.

Who needs to read more closely?
Yeah, who said the other guy looked like a new boxer? He was totally playing around.

Also, whoever is saying "stay off YouTube because there aren't any good people posting vids" isn't looking hard enough.
Of course he has better stamina, but his ground game is shit. He must have WASTED a ton of energy on the ground against Thompson. That, or he had a craving for beer and chips.
Occasionally in test mode (I can never get it to reproduce in a real fight) while leaning with my analog joystick and throwing a punch, I will suddenly fly backwards, sometimes way out of the ring. Half the time I'll end up on the ground in such a way that I can't stand back up and actually lose the test fight! I imagine it is due to the way the analog joystick data isn't being smoothened out any, but I'm not totally sure... It would be awesome if someone could test for this and provide results or a specific way to reproduce this bug for someone to analyze.
-a pause. As it is, there is no way to signal to an opponent that one has to go other than quitting and forfeiting the match. I get intense during my matches and so much as a simple distraction will get me KOed.
-rework the power of the jab. Seriously, it's just as strong as the straight (and boxing jabs are not that strong)
-hit location beneath the ear. Hitting this squarely should be like hitting the jaw marker in the front.
-southpaw stance, for us lefties!
I'm working on that standing test guy, but pretty soon I'm gonna have him lean a bit so I can get some practice on that too.

That said, it would be really awesome if I could hook up two analog joysticks and play with a friend locally.
I still need to see the fight. Been wanting to ever since I hear James Thompson, of all people, being the one to actually hurt Kimbo.

And James Thompson had been a pretty funny joke, especially with his debut against Alexender Emelianako.

(Just saw it- post fight comments: yeah, shoulda been stopped in the second if that's how they were gonna stop it. Realistically, neither had enough gas to knock the other out though, so either the fight should have gone on or it should have ended in the second when Kimbo had no other options and clearly wasn't fighting back.
Hah, half the time I can't hit the STANDING test guy. Also offline 2 player would rock as well- I have two analog joysticks and would love to play this against someone locally.
Let's get the specs out of the way first: Sempron 2800+ proc running at 1.6Ghz and 512MB RAM with GeForce FX 5200 256MB. Anyway, I run training -> heavybag and have no problems, but when running test nothing shows up.
Forum Index » Profile for DoomRater » Messages posted by DoomRater
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