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Messages posted by: Aryeh Yaron
Forum Index » Profile for Aryeh Yaron » Messages posted by Aryeh Yaron
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but not ENTIRELY
i think that Mikkel should set up an automatic ruling
where the champion is not allowed to vacate their titles BUT
if they DUCK they should be stripped of their titles by the computer
when the title is vacant, the two people ranked the highest will be able to challenge each other and it will be a title match
thus, making the winner the champion
that way we don't have to wait for 2 weeks
Place Your Names
For me personally i only have one fighter i think is a great Noob and will be doing some big things in the future and that's
Sha Calcutta
that dudes a cold blooded fighter

Sha Calcutta
In 3D you should make it a TOP PRIORITY to seperate those that dominate the game from those that are slower in their development and increasing details in the game
Such AS

1. Making certain titles that are ONLY AVAILABLE to those who have reached 20 wins, 50 wins, 100 wins, 500 wins, 1,000 wins and so on. This will create a type of career mode so that players won't have stagnant careers and keep going for the same titles and fighting the same people. ALSO I ADVISE you create MORE THAN 7 title belts. TRY CREATING 100 belts if possible since the community will most likely grow in the thousands IF YOU ADVERTISE CORRECTLY.

2. ALSO giving players the ability to create ONLY 3 ACCOUNTS MAXIMUM
SO THAT THEY WILL NOT try to pretend to be rookies and steal the titles from other noob fighters and create hundreds of thousands of names that only pollutes the onlineboxing network.


4. To be able to HAVE A REAL RANKING SYSTEM that won't allow anybody that's a rank 96 fight a rank 5 without climbing the ladder BUT if the RANK 5 challenges the 96 then that will be a special challenge

5. When somebody becomes CHAMPION you could create a system in which they'll have to defend their title so many times, which IF BROKEN, will automatically strip them of their title so that they can't be duckers.
and that when they're champion there will be a computer arrangement that will designate whoever signs in at the time to fight the champion that way the champion won't be a CHOOSER and cheat. Once this game grows in the thousands you better bet your ass thats going to happen.

6. BANNING PROFANITY like in YAHOO CHAT ROOMS and other racial words that will automatically kick out members by computer HOSTS that will give them a warning the first time, 10 minutes the second time, 24 hours for the third offense and a DAY BAN for the fourth strike. This also applies to the message Forum

7. Being able to change the colors of your gloves, eyes, hair length, so on

8. Hopefully i'm praying that the character movement is more realistic this time unlike 2D where the fighters stamina is neutral throughout the entire fight without fatigue and throw punches the speed of bullets

9. Boxers could have their fighter pictures by their chat names, The picture of the title they have when they're champion, which status they are as far as (Rookie), (Amateur), (Professional), (Legend), and you could color code their status,

10. And finally last but not least, giving people the option of being a Corner Man or a Fighter. If somebody is a corner man they could have fighters that they scrub down between rounds and heal during a bout and if they're fighter wins they are rewarded with awards and eventually be made Hall Of Famer corner men. Also giving them the option to create a TEAM of fighters under their control and also CORNER MEN UNDER THEM that help out with the fighters since TOO MANY fighters would make it impossible to help the fighter out.

11. You could BAN talking amongst those in the audience unless you give them things to choose from that you created such as (BOO!) (YEA!) (GOOD JOB)
the only people that could be able to chat during fighting are the CORNER MEN THAT COULD GIVE ADVICE TO THEIR FIGHTERS so that it would be a professional match and not some idiot assholes chatting idiotic things during fights that sometimes distract fighters

That's just advice you can totally disregaurd this if you like but i think it would improve the onlineboxing experience for everybody

My stomach hurts from laughing
im going to miss you man you were the life and soul of online boxing
everybody else was always taking it to the head and trying to be champion that they forgot that this isnt just a game it's a community
MUCH LOVE to you brotha!
Going to miss you man
from the little time we've known each other i've had some good laughs
and your right about COUTURE that boy is a homo
Always arguing and talking about how online boxing is everybody elses life when he's been the champion more than anybody else and is always logged in

i know a secret about him too..........
I heard that Couture likes to try on certain clothing...............and i dont mean MEN'S WEAR if you know what i mean...............anyway holla at cha playa Yac

madd respects
you will die laughing
Forum Index » Profile for Aryeh Yaron » Messages posted by Aryeh Yaron
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