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Messages posted by: The Contender
Forum Index » Profile for The Contender » Messages posted by The Contender
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1. Fatny

- the best and will remain the best despite not being that active till someone starts beating him on constant bases

- machine

2. Salvador/Barack Obama

- Only person who can give Fatny a competitive match at the moment (or rather before he left to Thailand) and on a constant bases. Ranked number two because of winning clearly more than losing against everyone else ranked below him.

- Great boxer with extremely good defense. Weak point: somewhat susceptible to slugging and sometimes loses matches he should win easy having some slight consistency issues.

3. The Contender

- Gets beat by Fatny and trades wins with Barack/Salvador with Salvador having edge. Ranked number two because of winning clearly more against than losing against everyone else ranked below him and losing more against people ranked above him.

- Good defense coupled with great boxing. Weak point: gets careless against cornered opponents trying to force KO, gets bored far too easy and starts boxing carelessly. Has issues with lag and skipping. Claims to have retired completely, due to getting fed up with the constant issues caused by the script.

4. Fernando Vargas/Marquez

- Very good boxer with rather well rounded game, dangerous individual in the ring. Ranked number four because of losing all his recent matches against the Contender (Disclaimer he might have won one. It’s hard to tell since he has been making so many alts after each time he gets KOed/Tkoed.) and trading wins against Barrack so in other words winning against people ranked below him and losing against people ranked above him.

- Note I do not know or rather I am not absolutely sure that Vargas and Marquez are the same person but it does not matter since in every case both of them lost all recent matches against The Contender. So Vargas/Marquez/or whoever you are is 4th.

- Aggressive and accurate person with well rounded game. Weak point: Has a habit of losing too much stamina in the long run.

5. X-Treme Skillz

- Similar to Vargas. A good boxer with well rounded game. Ranked number five because of losing more against the top 4 than winning and beating the rest.

- Fast, REALLY fast. Weak point: Sometimes gets pushed into corner and force slugged to oblivion.

OK this is the situation at the moment based on wins and losses. Marginals between the top 5 boxers (NOT INCLUDING FATNY) are small so next month Vargas might become ranked 2 or Skillz ranked 3rd etc.

Also we are all humans (well Fatny is not) and not unbeatable. Top 5 ranked boxer can and do lose against people not on top 5 list every now and then. It's called being humans. There are lot of good boxers out there like Catfish for example that are perfectly capable of breaking their way into top 5 in near future.

Mikkels script is about to make X-treme Skillz super champion.

Let's see if he will defend his OBW title against me as he is online now.
Whatever happened to our gym being restricted and small Goldenboy?

Your taking people in left and right.
More like retired Boon. I wont go trough the trouble of boxing trough ranks and waiting for months to get title shot only to get stripped once again without reason to when that script goes insane. It would be 3rd or 4th time that happens to me.

btw. I removed myself from rankings.
I am so sorry guys. This tournament is off. Mikkels script bugged again and went crazy. It stripped me of the title and gave Yacoob not only one but three separate titles in OBA room.

Since I do not have the title anymore I can not give it to the winner of this tournament and since this is the 3rd time this has happened to me I am not too interested fighting my way trough ranks and wait forever to get a shot again only to lose it for the 4th time without actually losing a title match.
There is no right or wrong in this Ray. I really think you should use your brain power to do little more constructive things.

This being said... sure let's put this behind us and have fun.
Yeah you did not do it today but did it not too long ago. You know it I said it and you know I said other things too so drop the act Ray.

I suppose we could argue what exactly is "not too long ago" and what is not but whatever. It is not like you would come and admit it. In the end you should have not done anything like that in the first place.
Please do that Ray. I suppose you also just jump in front of a car if I say so. How about taking responsibility for your own actions...

I just think no one should be allowed to mod or hack the game or use scripts or other means to prevent others from playing. I just think people should play this game as it is intended to be played.

BS. I did it to Red Viper and Eddie whilst in mid-depression (I've apologized to both). And who was it again that encouraged me to do it? Oh yes, YOU, traitor.

First of all you did it to more people than just Red Viper and Edder. Second thing is that you should have not done that in the first place. Third thing is you having depression (or not) is irrelevant and bad excuse. Fourth thing is I never encouraged you. In fact you did it to me too.
I suppose he is a good guy for total asshole he is Boxa.

Do you want more examples Ray?
You spamming Red Viper and multiple other player with challenges using some script or some other method unknown to me, that prevented them from playing the game. You kept doing it for a good while too.
Yeah right...

This is not exactly the first time you do something like this.
I do but I do not believe you. I do not think he would give you special permission to mod or hack his game. All it does is cause trouble and more work for him and take the fun out of the game. I do not see a reason why he would have given you some special permission to mod/hack Ob2D or Ob3D.

and if he did then fuck with both OB2D and OB3D. Keep ruining the game all you want Ray with Mikkels permission. I wont be here to see you ruin this game for everybody with these little "experiments" of yours.
Do you REALLY not understand that you should NOT be doing anything like this at all?
Posting the exact way you messed up the rankings (provided you did it and that is really how you did it) is really not smart at all, is it Ray? Do you remember what happened when Edder posted instructions on how to freeze ko people... I suppose you do not or do not care.
Forum Index » Profile for The Contender » Messages posted by The Contender
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