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Messages posted by: Rick the Destroyer
Forum Index » Profile for Rick the Destroyer » Messages posted by Rick the Destroyer
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fuck me - that must have hurt
sorry mate my computer crashed.

rm tomorrow if you are around - you should have knocked me out mate
happy birthday mate
yeah - Mikkel - take out the lean, its crap, crap, crap.
27 at the moment 28 in sept
i too vote for unstop

sugaray also should be considered imo
yeah - and can you put the title shot thing on mine? I havent won any titles yet but i'd like it known that i did win one title fight even if it was in a best of 3 series

Cheers mate

Nige - after the first I was worried I would disgrace myself!
first fight

nigel ko1


me ko 2


nige ko 4

nige is champ - well done mate
you fight the winner of me and nige - its been settled - this has taken toooooo long
ok donny will do
ok - whatever is fine with me, just let me know.
I will try and be on later - if not I will be around sometime on Monday - Nige - I know you are in the uk, pm me your email and I can let you know when I'm on - i play at work see and can only do so so when office is empty (which is quite often at the moment)
I am usually on the same time as Nigel - I think me and him should fight. He deserves to fight for the title as he has waited so long. I have never crossed swords with Trinidad, but see Nige all the time.
Nigel - I am number 3 contender, only one point behind trinidad, I'm happy to fight for the title with you if you are up for it
Forum Index » Profile for Rick the Destroyer » Messages posted by Rick the Destroyer
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