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I promised you once that I would bring back the old OB1 version and as soon as I get a little extra time I'll do that.
Anyway, thanks for telling me when the server is down, dont get me wrong..
I dont understand what your saying
Paul Dion wrote:I wanna play some OB but I'm on my laptop...I tried using the controls john suggested but it doesn't work at all for me...I have played OB for years using the default controls...using new controls are totally alien to me...anyone have any suggestions for laptop controls? My keyboard layout is a Sony Vaio one...maybe some of you know what it looks like...but it's different to some of the "standard" desktop keyboards!
Just get an usb keyboard.
I'm not asking you to "worship me"..just keep it polite. "The fucking server dont work fix it " ten times in a row is not polite. Obviously since its my game I'd know about this, so even if your forehead is made out of granite you would figure out that something else is wrong if it's not fixed after two days and 20 spam threads about the fucking server.
Well it's working now so let's stop this debate.
Earnie_Shavers wrote:
Redneck wrote:fucking server still not work proper. It just freezed my fight again. Opponent was Judah. I am sick and tired of this shit.
I respect you and your work mikkel. But i cant understand why you dont comment this server-issue nor why you dont fix it.
Red Viper wrote:
Yeah I know this is bullshit, the bullshit freezes fucked me over many times and I am sick and tired losing fights because of it. Mikkel fix this problem right now please..
It's these kind of comments that would make me not respond if I was Mikkel...
You're so right Ernie.
Ive been sick last 4 days and my net has been down.
Redneck wrote:fucking server still not work proper. It just freezed my fight again. Opponent was Judah. I am sick and tired of this shit.
I respect you and your work mikkel. But i cant understand why you dont comment this server-issue nor why you dont fix it.
And you had to double post this for what reason ? ?
Tyrant wrote:Undisputed Champion of Online Boxing
-achieved by holding ALL three major titles of Online Boxing. That includes the OBA, OBF, and OBC titles consecutively.
1. Sugarray
2. Labratory
3. M.A.Barrera (2)
4. Happy Killmore
5. NewGuy (Here To Fight) (4)
6. Larry Holmes
7. Unstoppable (2)
8. Fatny
9. Salvador Sanchez
10. Ricky Hatton
(#) - number of times the player as won or regained all 3 titles from scratch. Meaning losing all 3 titles and winning them back to unify.
Super Champion of Online Boxing
-achieved by holding ALL three major titles of Online Boxing AND one regional title consecutively OR holding all 4 major titles consecutively.
1. Sugarray
2. M.A.Barrera (2)
3. Larry Holmes
4. Here To Fight (NewGuy) (3)
5. Unstoppable (2)
6. Fatny
7. Salvador Sanchez
8. Ricky Hatton
(#) - number of times the player as won or regained all 4 titles from scratch. Meaning losing all 4 titles and winning them back to unify.
Hmm, never noticed this before..does that mean that the OBW title is not a major title ?
There are some problems right now..wait for the next update to fix it.
Everytime I log on theres always 10 people at this post I'm just a big ? mark..but your not the first to leave me clueless..
Redneck wrote:come on people. Is everyone blind here? Its a fact that it is sal (i remember that Ricky Hatton told it to me once i recognized his style as sal's). Or isnt it strange that he defends this guy with every word he write? And he retired for a long time...and booom, there he is to defend this guy and his title-defenses? I thought the guys of OB got more iq to unmask people like sal doing that shit. And what does he do? He comes with one, ONE mistake i did in the past where mikkel punished me with a ban already. Thats just poor defending shit this guy does here. Please check all his answers and see that it is him, Ricky Hatton aka Salvador aka Obama. Or why does he defend this guy to the bone? lmao. See it clear my bros.
if you are consequent with banning people cheating for titles...please ban sal, too for doing this. Nothing more than fair.
I didnt ban you for fighting yourself but for flaming the boards.
From OB !
Let's hope 2009 will bring more progress to OB than 2008 (and the other years) did.
We need to have a boxing game that pay respects to our favorite sport. OB is for the real boxing fan.
In 2009 OB will turn into the ultimate boxing game, the game that all boxing fans have been wishing for since the computer was first born.
I'd wish I'd had more resources, or this dream would already be a reality.
But nevertheless, I'll keep working on the mission so don't worry, it will slowly and surely get there.
So merry Christmas and a happy New Year to all of you.
Never seen that before
rankings wrote:ban me i could care less. you dont care about this game enough to punish redneck for cheating on more then one occasion.
So ban me for making a cheaters life hell.
i was just taking out the trash for you
You forget that redneck was banned for what he did.
This was last warning.