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Messages posted by: rankings2
Forum Index » Profile for rankings2 » Messages posted by rankings2
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Dragon wrote:
Skillz wrote:Ok uh. Im better than Edder, Hurricane and Yacoob most likely you but we've never fought. Me and John r like equal and me and Cap.

Yacoob is WAAAAY better than you.

i forgot about him. that guy is better than most of the top 5 i listed.
the real top 5

1. reaper - owned nigel and owns most people here

2. redviper - uncrowned champion. he has a lots of poision

3. vargas - he hides a lot but he's good

4. nigel benn - he has 3 titles but reaper owns him.

5. john - he's only good against certain guys but he's ok

Forum Index » Profile for rankings2 » Messages posted by rankings2
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