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Messages posted by: Mikkel
Forum Index » Profile for Mikkel » Messages posted by Mikkel
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All this negativity..
Chrilla wrote:well i counted after reallife even if u get owned a whole round and u knock somebody out its till a 10-8 round in reality...right? soo why isnt it ehre in this game?

Cause tis game has other rules
Chrilla wrote:i dont want too bust your nuts does the computer count the points?

this fight...i knocked him down 1 time in round 1....2 times in round 2...he got me 2 times in round 3 and 1 time in round 4 thats 10-8 10-7 7-10 8-10 = 35-35 ;P but it did give him the Ud by = 33-37 and 34-36 twice ;P wazzup?

So the computer scored it 36-34 and u scored it 35-35. I dont see the problem
goldenboy88 wrote:hmm. to answer your question we do condition our ribs as well as our shins on a daily basis. I can kick a barstool and like 60% and not feel alot of anything. why would someone die if there was a count in mma? If somebody gets kicked in the face and falls down they get pounced on and finished, Sorry if this seems biased but a knee, elbow or kick to the face does alot more structural damage to your body then a single punch. A good kick is at least twice as hard as a punch and theres no padding. Its bone on bone. So if you give someone a roundhouse kick to the head and they fall down and the ref starts a count.... instincts kick in and the fighter attempts to get back up. all thats going to happen is another hard bone on bone strike or a clinch with like 30 unanswered knees to the head.

As for long term damage Of course boxing is worse for you the ammount of shots landed are not comparable.

U train ur shin yes but not ur rib, u cant train that. At least not more than boxers who also takes hard punches there, maybe even more.
U can get used to the pain but thats not the same.
I dont see why a count would kill anyone, if u get knocked down and get up and in condition to continue then the ref will let it go on. If your too badly hurt, he will just stop it. I dont see any difference at all. I think a count would be a good thing, would make the fights lasts longer and be more interresting. Everyone loves the fights when one gets knocked down then comes back to win the fight.
Triangle Man wrote:
Mikkel wrote:TO wrap this up, none but u see catfish as a racial slur or whatever u say. Its only u and I have the feeling u spark this conversation up where ever u go.

UM, yeah, when I see white boy, I do spark something. Just like when a black guy sees nigger, he says something. Is there something wrong with that?

No reason to comment on that..going to bed now, get ur final word and enjoy ur banishment.
I dont recall u "kindly" asking for anything, when u didnt get what u wanted u made a sig that was 10 times worse than catfish. The fact that u cant see that is really disturbing, but the point is, that cant be called "kind".
TO wrap this up, none but u see catfish as a racial slur or whatever u say. Its only u and I have the feeling u spark this conversation up where ever u go.
Triangle Man wrote:
Mikkel wrote:You will carry on with this discussion until we see it your way, which will never happen.
Come back when u have a sense of proportion.

I can't. I'll be banned.

Read the big post I just made and tell me how you CAN'T see it that way?

I'm simply asking for the respect and show of class from you and others to not have to stare at a racial slur that offends me all day, and I'm getting fucking banned for it. What the fuck.

U might have gotten longer with a different aproach, but the "do what I say or ill put all kind of stuff in my sig and spam the forums endlessly" method didnt work so well.
..And common sense..
You will carry on with this discussion until we see it your way, which will never happen.
Come back when u have a sense of proportion.
Its a free country but this forum is a dictatorship (Im the dictator) so either you stop this or get the hell out.

Edit just read your post and can see that theres no reasoning with you. Bye bye little man, will ban you when I get home.
goldenboy88 wrote:who cares whats more dangerous? danger has nothing to do with toughness. show me a boxer who can take a fucking hard kick to the ribs. and the reason theres no counts in mma..... people would die. you rarely see people get koed like that in boxing. boxing is worse on your brain because you get hit hundreds of times in the fight. it still doesnt make boxing a more badass sport.

No one "cares about whats more dangerous" it just came up.
I didnt say it was more badass did i ?, just more dangerous in terms of long term damage. Show me a mma fighter who can take a hard kick to the ribs, why would they be better at it than boxers ?. U cant train that, unless you have find a way to harden your ribcage. Maybe you have session where you kick each others ribs for hours ? I sense that u think that mma fighters are more "tough" than boxers, why is that ? Everyone practicing at a high level, football players, marathon runners etc, are tough. I dont see why mma fighters suddenly are the toughest.

And why would fighters "die" if a count was introduced in mma ?
I dont wanna treat you unfairly but you have taken this over the top. And some of the others too. So to everyone else stop this or get banned.

Regarding your sig, I think its very offensive and must go. I dont think catfish sig is offensive, we just have to disagree on that. Im not going into another lengthy discussion.
It's really annoying how you come here to raise hell over no goddamn thing. Stop it now or get your ip banned.

And remove your sig also.
I hate purple people man..they just come here to steal our JOBS !! Most of the green ones too !
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