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Messages posted by: hoznblozn
Forum Index » Profile for hoznblozn » Messages posted by hoznblozn
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I know thats not the typical type of question in this forum and it may seem a little weird, but i really need your help.

I remember chatting to the creator of this game (I don't even know your name anymore, sry) about some technical aspects of this software.

We were talking about jmonkey and you told me you would never use Java a second time to make a game, you would prefer panda3d.

To get to the point, I need help in school with the import of 3D-objects and I hope you can help me. My whole class has been desperately searching for a way to import a 3D model into Java, JOGL to be exact. As far as I remember, you told me you had to write your own import-classes to be able to import models + textures (with correct UV-coordinates).

To me it doesn't matter which file format you used, it's just important that the UV-coordinates are working correctly.

Maybe you could give me the class you are using to import models or you could describe me how you did it. Our task in school is to describe how this might be possible to accomplish, if we can't get it right, that wouldn't be a problem as long as we explain why we couldn't do it.

It would be really great if you could help my class, as our marks in the last school year are depending on our success of this import.

Thank you in advance,

Forum Index » Profile for hoznblozn » Messages posted by hoznblozn
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