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Messages posted by: Mikkel
Forum Index » Profile for Mikkel » Messages posted by Mikkel
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Triangle Man wrote:
Oscar wrote:
Triangle Man wrote:
How does it make a difference? Explain.

I explained already. I'll run you through it again though, for example say a black guy was walking down the street and saw his white friend and shouted at him saying "whaddup black bastard", the white guy would probably laugh as he means it as an ironic joke, however if the positions were swapped and the white guy shouted it then it's a clear sign of disrespect and a very low joke as no matter how good of friends they are singling out a feature such as skin colour and insulting him for having it, it's still gonna make that guy feel like shit. So if you may know Catfish has been here a long time, most people know him and his sense of humour and his sig is like an ironic joke, it's not like he's trying to insult all white people that are registered on the forum.

Soooo, it's racist when a white pisses on a black, joke or not, but it's NOT racist when a black pisses on a white, joke or not.

Yeah, that mentality is a problem, and that's my whole point.

Blacks have the pride to stand up and defend their own race when pissed on. The last few years whites have cowered in the corner and not made a peep when it happened to them. I'm not one of those whites. I actually have some fucking self pride. Just because whites don't normally pipe up about it doesn't make it right simply because it's not all over the news.

Also just because I'm a "noob" doesn't change anything about the conversation. It also doesn't matter that you've known him a long time. Maybe he's a great, wonderful, caring, hilarious, brilliant person.

That's great. Now he can be a great, wonderful, caring, hilarious, good, brilliant person without a racist comment in his sig. What's the problem?

Now u just wont to discuss at any price Triangle
There shoudlnt be a problem, didnt try myself though
Black people call each other "nigger" in a friendly way (sorry if I offended anyone) but white cant do that. everyone knows that
Oscar wrote:Triangle, first of all the "dumb" would make it into an insult and although I personally don't agree with the logic behind it, some black people would find the word "niggers" offensive, especially with dumb in front of it. However if you wrote "I eat little black people" it would be the same, but you'd have to be black, and no matter how much you argue against it, it DOES make a difference, it's like a guy with glasses calling someone without glasses "four eyes", however switch the positions and it's a totally different matter.

Right said
U can't come like a noob raise hell and judge everyone on these boards. U have to know the people here before you open your mouth.
This look so hot Oscar. Can't believe the progress you have made in this short time.
IF you dont understand it I cant explain it. Just dont make that sig and accepts cats.
Cool it triangle cat dont mean it like that. Stop it or I'll start locking and deleting these topics
Triangle Man wrote:Outstanding!
Yeah why dont u get online ?
Realized something had to be done about the slowness of the game (on lower end computers) so I did some tweakings on the engine and now the game runs 3 times faster. So that means people who would normally have a slow gameplay should now experience speeds 3 times faster.
Looks great Oscar ! Gym venue would defo be cool !
ITs working now
dread wrote:yeah Mikkel we need more ob3d taunts

I think its funny but I dont like taunting a downed opponent like that. It dont belong in the boxing world, the way they walked back after each knockdown is not very boxing like too. Raising your arms in victory or similar boxing stances would be ok though.
1 JIGSAW 1 wrote:Mikkel what would the money be used on if we donate

Mostly alcohol but whats left after that I'll try to put into ob
Was watching some fight night videos last night..and it was some of the most hysterical funny taunts ever in their online play.

Check especially at 7:28. ROOOOFFFFLLLL !
Forum Index » Profile for Mikkel » Messages posted by Mikkel
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