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Joined: 13/11/2007 12:20:46
Messages: 8

If im the champ and lose in a fight, and the guy doens't rm till the next day and i beat him am i obligated to give him a RM?

Please let me know guys
Rocky Marciano

Joined: 19/03/2007 18:04:56
Messages: 698

Let's get the facts out from your own record:

2007-11-13 chopper81 chopper81 KO5
2007-11-13 The Legend The Legend TKO9 Won OBW title
2007-11-12 The Legend The Legend L15 For OBW title
2007-11-12 The Legend The Legend KOby15 Lost OBW title

Title fight which you lost, immediate RM which you lost and title shot the next day which you won.

"If im the champ and lose in a fight, and the guy doens't rm till the next day"

First of all there actually are not any real rules at all. There are only these "gentlemen rules" that people in general follow. It is up to each indivicual if to follow these rules or not. However for the sake of discussion lets assume everyone follows these rules.

If you are the champ and you lose the title then you are entitled to RM as soon as it is possible for both of the fighters to box the RM. 15 rounds title fight takes lot real life time to actually box. The RM is ofcource set up to happen as soon as it is possible and the title holder is not supposed to box anyone else before the RM is done (note: warm ups are allowed).


Now I know you are asking this because you do not want to risk losing the title again by giving me my RM or boxing me in general so here is the deal and what happened

I challenged you for the title and you accepted the match wanthing to actually play this game I suppose. I won the title fight and then politely asked you to box me again in the next day. For whatever reason you took losing the title very heavily and complained a lot. After 15 minutes of complaining you were given immediate RM and were told to take the title back as the current champion had no time to actually box all 15 rounds due to real life commitments. Basically you were told to get the title back if it is that important to you. So you accepted the challenge sent by the champion to you but you then failed to get the title back in this immediate RM.

Then the next day the current champion logs on but there are not anyone else to box there. Then you log on. You sent him a challenge. Despite being "cold" he then accepts your challenge giving you a title shot being the nice guy he is. You manage to win and get the title. Both fighters say gf and then the former champion challenges you simply put asking for rm as the score is now 2-1 or at best 1-1 if you want to ignore the first immediate rm.

However at this point you choose to duck him. By now he propably was warmed up and much more dangerous opponent. You choose to not give him his RM or a title shot in general. Instead of that you box someone else in a non tile match and start talking trash. The former champ feels like he deserves a RM and/or a title shot in general as he is quite sure he can take you being now warmed up (the score in matches is 2-1 for him anyway). You refuse to RM him or give him title shot in general making some excuses. He calls you lame for doing that and you make this thread because for whatever reason you feel you are not lame in refusing to RM and boxing guys who pose no real threath to you.

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 13/11/2007 12:43:18

- OB Accounts: Rocky Marciano plus too many alts

- Join Date: 2007

- Status: Retired for now. Logs on every now and then just to troll.

- OB Class: A+++++ Elite and yes you got it right a FIVE STAR Elite.

- Goals: Been there, seen that, done it all so none other than reaching 1000 fights (on an alt) with above 90% win percentage I have been hunting after ever since joining OB2D.

- Titles won: too many to remember

- Title defenses: too many to remember

- Best win streak 132 wins in a row in total.

- Style: Very technical when needed to. Other than that force ko for the win!

- Signature Punch: The Rocky Marciano combo (now also available without french fries).

- Signature Taunt: Letting opponent recover back to full healt before KOing him for good.

- Weakness: Fatny, the king of OB2D

- Career highlights: Been there and done it all but yes there is one little thing that rises above all titles and such: making Reaper quit after I tkoed him 16 times in a row all inside first two rounds. We were supposed to box 100 times

- Quotes: "I just TKoed you 16 times in a row Reaper. What's the matter? Can not make is past first two rounds? Did I make you quit? Why so silent all of sudden? Oh I just made you STFU "

- Stupid nickname given by other players: Mini Fatny.

- Words of wisdom: Styles make fights. Sometimes even HOF caliber fighters lose to inferior boxers due to this fact. Everyone has their rythm and once you get inside that rythm, you will make life hell for that person (in the ring).

- PS. All signatures are stupid.

Joined: 13/11/2007 12:20:46
Messages: 8

Man quit makin excuses, and if ur gonna tell how it happened tell how it really happened. U beat me when i gave u a shot thats fair then i asked for my rm and u said i dont have time, well if u dont have time to RM why ask for a shot in the first place? But its k.

Then after 15 minutes of u still being loggen in besides the fact that u said u didnt have time to fight u told me to ko u and take my belt.. i did accept the fight but seeing that u did not move or anything, and me not being desrespectfull and just takin the title i logged off without touchin u..

Then today we meet again and u give me my real RM in wich i beat u fair and square now tell me how am i a paperchamp...

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 13/11/2007 12:56:14


Joined: 20/05/2007 12:51:06
Messages: 2299

tut widow got a point.
You wasnt rearly a legit champ rocky cause u didnt win the real match.

Retirement but may have a few fights
Joined: May 20th 2007
Second greatest ko artist in OB history based on 4k wins.
Fernando Vargas

Joined: 29/05/2006 14:05:42
Messages: 128
Location: CHI-TOWN

I also believe Widow has a point bro.. But i guess its up to Widow to decide if he wants to give u another shot bro..

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 13/11/2007 13:28:17

Viva Mexico CABRONES!!!
Rocky Marciano

Joined: 19/03/2007 18:04:56
Messages: 698

"Man quit makin excuses, and if ur gonna tell how it happened tell how it really happened."

First of all I am not making any excuses whatsoever. Since you want it then lets go trough the whole thing again.

1. I challenged you for the title and won.

- I did not win my lucky sudden ko or anything. We boxed for 15 rounds and I floored you 5 times during the match. I racked up points in the beginning and after seeing that you are losing too much stamina I decided to let you bang. I was confident I was leading anyway and can afford to rest couple of rounds (because you have skills and I was starting to lose stamina too). Now you are good and hurt me a bit forcing me to rest an extra round I was not planning to rest. However as I predicted you did not have enough stamina to actually recover so I decided to start increasing the amount of punches I do myself to the same level as in the beginning of the match. I started hurting you again and eventually floored you 5th time which would have been TKO if it had not been a KO which it was.

2. You asked to RM.

3. I told you that I do not have time for another 15 rounds match right now and asked you politely to do the RM the next day as it was getting way late and I could not afford to miss the last bus.

4. You reacted in a negative way.

5. After asking you multiple times you to stop tripping all over the chat and just RM me the next day AND after even making a post about it on forums I finally said that if it is THAT important you can have your RM immediately and now.

- I also told you I do not have time to box for15 rounds so you can just KO me quickly and take the belt back quick if it is that important to you.

6. I sent you a challenged giving you your immediate RM and free change to get the title back.

- You accepted the challenge and I told you to KO me quickly as I have to go. The RM started and you came to my end. I waited you to KO me but for some reason you logged off. The match did not froze or anything you logged off on purpose for whatever reason. It was your own choice to log off. You made the call. I logged on another alt and asked what is going on and told that I have to very soon. You neve came back and so I logged off and you lost you RM.

Now you got your immeadiate RM but for whatever reason you make a choise on purpose to log off and due to that lost your RM. You made a call and you have to accept the consequenses of your own decition.

7. I logged off and left home and went to sleep.

8. Next day I log on to play this game. Only Larry logs on but he also log off immediately. Then you come one and challenge me. Being the nice guy I am I decide to you give you a title shot despite not boxing a single match for the whole day and being "cold".

9. My timing is off and I lose the match. Lesson learned: do not box against opponents that are good when you are "cold". Does not really mean I would have necessarily won had I not been cold but then again does not mean that you had necessarily won too.

10. We are now 2-1 or if you do not want to count your RM it would make us 1-1

11. I feel that since we are at least 1-1 we have to settle it by boxing another match (best out of 3). Top of that I expect to get my RM anyway.

12. You not only refuse to RM but also seems like you want to sit on that belt and not risk it by giving me title shot.

13. Then you box some people in non title matches.

14. Now since I gave you your RM and a title shot top of that and you chose not to give me my RM or title shot I feel that you have disrespected me and ducked me and I also feel that the issue of who is the real champ is still open. That is why I called you a paper champ and that was only after you called me by names.

15. Does not even matter anymore since you already lost the title to some lagger.

This whole thread is FRAT.

- OB Accounts: Rocky Marciano plus too many alts

- Join Date: 2007

- Status: Retired for now. Logs on every now and then just to troll.

- OB Class: A+++++ Elite and yes you got it right a FIVE STAR Elite.

- Goals: Been there, seen that, done it all so none other than reaching 1000 fights (on an alt) with above 90% win percentage I have been hunting after ever since joining OB2D.

- Titles won: too many to remember

- Title defenses: too many to remember

- Best win streak 132 wins in a row in total.

- Style: Very technical when needed to. Other than that force ko for the win!

- Signature Punch: The Rocky Marciano combo (now also available without french fries).

- Signature Taunt: Letting opponent recover back to full healt before KOing him for good.

- Weakness: Fatny, the king of OB2D

- Career highlights: Been there and done it all but yes there is one little thing that rises above all titles and such: making Reaper quit after I tkoed him 16 times in a row all inside first two rounds. We were supposed to box 100 times

- Quotes: "I just TKoed you 16 times in a row Reaper. What's the matter? Can not make is past first two rounds? Did I make you quit? Why so silent all of sudden? Oh I just made you STFU "

- Stupid nickname given by other players: Mini Fatny.

- Words of wisdom: Styles make fights. Sometimes even HOF caliber fighters lose to inferior boxers due to this fact. Everyone has their rythm and once you get inside that rythm, you will make life hell for that person (in the ring).

- PS. All signatures are stupid.

Joined: 13/11/2007 12:20:46
Messages: 8

quit posting this long ass stories man everyone knows how it happened and that u lost fare an square so quit complaining... and no ur not going to be champ because i was champ ok!!!
Rocky Marciano

Joined: 19/03/2007 18:04:56
Messages: 698

Just for the record Widow (elmatador) and I just had a chat and decided to drop this and make peace.

Then we decided to see who is better since the score was 1-1. He won and pwned me in the ring and it is now 1-2 for him.


This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 14/11/2007 13:33:33

- OB Accounts: Rocky Marciano plus too many alts

- Join Date: 2007

- Status: Retired for now. Logs on every now and then just to troll.

- OB Class: A+++++ Elite and yes you got it right a FIVE STAR Elite.

- Goals: Been there, seen that, done it all so none other than reaching 1000 fights (on an alt) with above 90% win percentage I have been hunting after ever since joining OB2D.

- Titles won: too many to remember

- Title defenses: too many to remember

- Best win streak 132 wins in a row in total.

- Style: Very technical when needed to. Other than that force ko for the win!

- Signature Punch: The Rocky Marciano combo (now also available without french fries).

- Signature Taunt: Letting opponent recover back to full healt before KOing him for good.

- Weakness: Fatny, the king of OB2D

- Career highlights: Been there and done it all but yes there is one little thing that rises above all titles and such: making Reaper quit after I tkoed him 16 times in a row all inside first two rounds. We were supposed to box 100 times

- Quotes: "I just TKoed you 16 times in a row Reaper. What's the matter? Can not make is past first two rounds? Did I make you quit? Why so silent all of sudden? Oh I just made you STFU "

- Stupid nickname given by other players: Mini Fatny.

- Words of wisdom: Styles make fights. Sometimes even HOF caliber fighters lose to inferior boxers due to this fact. Everyone has their rythm and once you get inside that rythm, you will make life hell for that person (in the ring).

- PS. All signatures are stupid.
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