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Top 10 power rankings / November 2007  XML
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Rocky Marciano

Joined: 19/03/2007 18:04:56
Messages: 698


This list was extremely hard to do. Most of the really good guys have retired and then some of teh good guys really do not box enough to be ranked. Then there are few really good guys who are obviously alts but did not get ranked due to one or both of the following reasons: 1. you need to PM me your main plus 2. you have been here for less than half of this month.

Now when looking at this list please keep in mind that styles make fights. You may be able to beat a fighter who is ranked higher than you but that is just because styles make fights and overall he has had better performance.

Top 10 power rankings for October 2007:

1. Black Bear
2. Larry Holmes
3. Sugarray
4. Boxa
5. Unstoppable
6. Rocky Marciano
7. Reaper
8. Flash
9. Red Viper
10. Tigeruppercut

just outside rankings:


Explanation of rankings:

1. Black Bear

- Bear was on fire and now he has gone ballistic. Holding two titles and dominating Bear is on his way to becoming next superchamp. Black Bear has mastered the art of boxing with a good slugging as a back up.

2. Larry Holmes

- Retired, unretired, suprise comeback and a title... Seems like grand old man of OB can not make up his mind. Has enough fight to make the list and even won a title. Has the skills as usual but can not get past Black Bear or so it seems.

3. Sugarray

- Making his come back to top 10 is none other than Sugardaddy. He is back to being sweet as ever but needs to be careful of becoming fat and slow.

4. Boxa

- AMIA - almost missing in action. You know it, I know it and he knows it (although being modest he does not admit it)... Boxa is skilled and it shows. Top ranked or not losing is realistic option against him. Skilled as ever and just active enough to make it to top 10 but needs to start showing up more or MIA will be viable option for him.

5. Unstoppable

- People said he lost his skills but is that true? Did others just improve? Did people figure his style out? Only time will tell but the man himself said that he will be superchamp once again. Old saying styles make fights seems to be true as this mega slugger has trouble with other slugger Reaper. On his way down but overall performance still good enough for as high as 6th. Don't blink or you'll go down.

6. Rocky Marciano

- MIA on december but more than hold his own on November. Has his share of win and losses against other top 10 fighters. Can win against anyone but Black Bear seems to have his number at the moment.

7. Reaper

- Nob grim reaper hok warrior stle lol! Well that's the Reaper talk. No sense whatsoever. Ok back to the issue on hand. This nob is skilled but has too few fights against other top 10 people and too many losses against other top 10 people to make it any higher than 7th. Love or hate him (well everyone just hates him) he has good enough record to make it to 7th place (and that is a good rank). Has skills but only time will tell if he can man up, drop the act and improve.

8. Flash

- Still going strong.

9. Red Viper

- They call him one dimensional and that he is but oh boy is he aggressive and can he slug? Yes and Yes. Deserves respect for his gun ho style of slugging. Can win against almost anyone but streaks pose a problem for him.

10. Tigeruppercut

- Overall good boxer who really likes to mix it up with other top 10 boxers. Does not pad and someone to respect.

Just outside rankings:


- Never ever forget this man. He is a veteran of OB and famous for training some of the very best. Do not think for a moment he can not box himself because that's when you go down.

This message was edited 4 times. Last update was at 13/01/2008 08:51:33

- OB Accounts: Rocky Marciano plus too many alts

- Join Date: 2007

- Status: Retired for now. Logs on every now and then just to troll.

- OB Class: A+++++ Elite and yes you got it right a FIVE STAR Elite.

- Goals: Been there, seen that, done it all so none other than reaching 1000 fights (on an alt) with above 90% win percentage I have been hunting after ever since joining OB2D.

- Titles won: too many to remember

- Title defenses: too many to remember

- Best win streak 132 wins in a row in total.

- Style: Very technical when needed to. Other than that force ko for the win!

- Signature Punch: The Rocky Marciano combo (now also available without french fries).

- Signature Taunt: Letting opponent recover back to full healt before KOing him for good.

- Weakness: Fatny, the king of OB2D

- Career highlights: Been there and done it all but yes there is one little thing that rises above all titles and such: making Reaper quit after I tkoed him 16 times in a row all inside first two rounds. We were supposed to box 100 times

- Quotes: "I just TKoed you 16 times in a row Reaper. What's the matter? Can not make is past first two rounds? Did I make you quit? Why so silent all of sudden? Oh I just made you STFU "

- Stupid nickname given by other players: Mini Fatny.

- Words of wisdom: Styles make fights. Sometimes even HOF caliber fighters lose to inferior boxers due to this fact. Everyone has their rythm and once you get inside that rythm, you will make life hell for that person (in the ring).

- PS. All signatures are stupid.
Rocky Marciano

Joined: 19/03/2007 18:04:56
Messages: 698

Well there you have it and it was not easy to do at all due to most of the good guys being missing in action and new breed not rising to the occasion.

First four were easy to pick but after that it got really hard. Just shows that OB is at it's low at the moment.

I am too busy at the moment to write more.

This message was edited 4 times. Last update was at 05/12/2007 04:39:08

- OB Accounts: Rocky Marciano plus too many alts

- Join Date: 2007

- Status: Retired for now. Logs on every now and then just to troll.

- OB Class: A+++++ Elite and yes you got it right a FIVE STAR Elite.

- Goals: Been there, seen that, done it all so none other than reaching 1000 fights (on an alt) with above 90% win percentage I have been hunting after ever since joining OB2D.

- Titles won: too many to remember

- Title defenses: too many to remember

- Best win streak 132 wins in a row in total.

- Style: Very technical when needed to. Other than that force ko for the win!

- Signature Punch: The Rocky Marciano combo (now also available without french fries).

- Signature Taunt: Letting opponent recover back to full healt before KOing him for good.

- Weakness: Fatny, the king of OB2D

- Career highlights: Been there and done it all but yes there is one little thing that rises above all titles and such: making Reaper quit after I tkoed him 16 times in a row all inside first two rounds. We were supposed to box 100 times

- Quotes: "I just TKoed you 16 times in a row Reaper. What's the matter? Can not make is past first two rounds? Did I make you quit? Why so silent all of sudden? Oh I just made you STFU "

- Stupid nickname given by other players: Mini Fatny.

- Words of wisdom: Styles make fights. Sometimes even HOF caliber fighters lose to inferior boxers due to this fact. Everyone has their rythm and once you get inside that rythm, you will make life hell for that person (in the ring).

- PS. All signatures are stupid.

Joined: 20/05/2007 12:51:06
Messages: 2299

LOL omg how can you put urself above me when you go on your alt the legend by the way i dominated u last fight before u gave up and so called had to go and you fight on your alt the legend so u shudnet be there.
Also i think the champs should be there more then some other fighters i think flash should be higher then sugarray because sugarrays lag gifts him alot of fight and ive had 10 titles 2 time unified champ just in november with only 7 months playin this game.
You gave me a gay description but suspected you would my style has become a mix now with boxing and fighting with constant pressure also with gd defence enless i get very low stamina and i can overwhelm opponants in the later rounds thats what im known for.
Boxa doesnt even play no more i dont know how u can pick him and sugarray has a very bad lag/skip for can offer him a advantage so i disagree with your rankings but your not a vet so this list doesnt surprise me.

Retirement but may have a few fights
Joined: May 20th 2007
Second greatest ko artist in OB history based on 4k wins.

Joined: 05/12/2007 06:00:53
Messages: 1

Lol Reaper, you're not nearly as good as you think you are. Cough - one dimentional.

Yes, my fights do occasionally skip, have no idea why. Sometimes it is quite bad, sometimes it is barely noticeable. But trust me, it is an advantage to my opponents, not to me. I win in spite of the skips, not because of them.

But like I said, for the most part it is only a handful (2-3 tops) of tiny skips per round, not enough to take anyone out of their rhythm. Carry on using them as an excuse though, and I'll carry on dominating you.

You got a couple of wins over me when i was rusty, ok, but our last few fights have been embarrasingly one sided. Carry on believing you're something special, though, it is giving everyone a good laugh.

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 05/12/2007 06:25:24


Joined: 20/05/2007 12:51:06
Messages: 2299

sugarray22 wrote:Lol Reaper, you're not nearly as good as you think you are. Cough - one dimentional.

Yes, my fights do occasionally skip, have no idea why. Sometimes it is quite bad, sometimes it is barely noticeable. But trust me, it is an advantage to my opponents, not to me. I win in spite of the skips, not because of them.

But like I said, for the most part it is only a handful (2-3 tops) of tiny skips per round, not enough to take anyone out of their rhythm. Carry on using them as an excuse though, and I'll carry on dominating you.

You got a couple of wins over me when i was rusty, ok, but our last few fights have been embarrasingly one sided. Carry on believing you're something special, though, it is giving everyone a good laugh.

If u noticed u started beating me when u started skipppin fights and you have won in the skips too because your use to skippin / laggin fights.
Once you stop skippin u wil stop winnin intil then im not gna bother fighting u because of it.
Everyone tells u about ur skip not jus me so it cant be a excuse.

Retirement but may have a few fights
Joined: May 20th 2007
Second greatest ko artist in OB history based on 4k wins.


Joined: 31/05/2006 17:11:31
Messages: 364

sterlihalla wrote:
sugarray22 wrote:Lol Reaper, you're not nearly as good as you think you are. Cough - one dimentional.

Yes, my fights do occasionally skip, have no idea why. Sometimes it is quite bad, sometimes it is barely noticeable. But trust me, it is an advantage to my opponents, not to me. I win in spite of the skips, not because of them.

But like I said, for the most part it is only a handful (2-3 tops) of tiny skips per round, not enough to take anyone out of their rhythm. Carry on using them as an excuse though, and I'll carry on dominating you.

You got a couple of wins over me when i was rusty, ok, but our last few fights have been embarrasingly one sided. Carry on believing you're something special, though, it is giving everyone a good laugh.

If u noticed u started beating me when u started skipppin fights and you have won in the skips too because your use to skippin / laggin fights.
Once you stop skippin u wil stop winnin intil then im not gna bother fighting u because of it.
Everyone tells u about ur skip not jus me so it cant be a excuse.

Sugarray would have no problem beating you when he's not rusty, trust me.

Joined: 13/09/2006 10:33:31
Messages: 40
Location: Norfolk Va

After being on OB for so long, I am happy to finally be recognized in the top 10. Glad to know that my hard work is paying off. Now, on to the next step of elevating my game. I want to be champ again.

Cruelty is the wrath of my instrument
Rocky Marciano

Joined: 19/03/2007 18:04:56
Messages: 698

Let's go trough your post:

"LOL omg how can you put urself above me when you go on your alt the legend"

1. Simply put I have multiple wins over you in november while you have one win over me in november (via freeze ko).

2. I have better overall record against all other top figthers in november.

3. Third thing (well actually pretty much the same than second but I want to illustrate this more) that you fail to understand that styles make fights which is why individual H2H are not given that much significance (since this is the thing you are referring to although you are wrong in that too).

For example fighter A may have a style does not go well with style fighter B uses. Fighter B keeps beating fighter A but has hard time against all other top quality fighters while fighter A on the other hand has a much better overall record against all top fighters than fighter B. So figther B can beat figther A but loses to all other top figthers constantly while fighter A beats all other top figthers constantly but keeps losing to single individual figther B.

It is a matter of styles clash which is excatly why overall performance record against ALL other top figthers weight over invidivual matches.

Real life example: Unstoppable may have hard time with your style but keep beating everyone else while you can not win against all those other top figthers he keeps beating constantly. Overall he is better fighter.

"Also i think the champs should be there more then some other fighters"

What matter is the actual fight record against quality opponents. Second thing after that is the overall record against all opponents. You can have a title and sit on it avoiding all other quality opponents but ýou would not make it to top 10. Titles come and go.

Besides half of the people who have held a title in november do not have enough matches to make it to top 10 and are actually missing in action.

"i think flash should be higher then sugarray because sugarrays lag gifts"

I do not think sugarray lags significatly or any more than you do.

"just in november with only 7 months playin this game."

Ok so you played this game in july. Now what excatly that has to do with top 10 power rankings list for NOVEMBER 2007?

"You gave me a gay description but suspected you would"

That is the actualy way you carry yourself on OB and the way you type and "talk" to people on OB. You really should take a look at your own posts on forums and the text you type in ingame chat before making comments like this.

"my style has become a mix now with boxing and fighting with constant pressure also with gd defence enless"

Ok nice but how is this related to tthe topic?

"Boxa doesnt even play no more i dont know how u can pick him"

He has enough matches in november although barely, he also came back and has lot better record than you.

"and sugarray has a very bad lag/skip for can offer him a advantage"

You obviously have entitlement issues. You propably feel you are entitled to higher rank or something. Well you are entitled to... nothing. Instead of talking so much go and improve your skills and start beating sugarray etc. to improve your rank.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 05/12/2007 17:33:28

- OB Accounts: Rocky Marciano plus too many alts

- Join Date: 2007

- Status: Retired for now. Logs on every now and then just to troll.

- OB Class: A+++++ Elite and yes you got it right a FIVE STAR Elite.

- Goals: Been there, seen that, done it all so none other than reaching 1000 fights (on an alt) with above 90% win percentage I have been hunting after ever since joining OB2D.

- Titles won: too many to remember

- Title defenses: too many to remember

- Best win streak 132 wins in a row in total.

- Style: Very technical when needed to. Other than that force ko for the win!

- Signature Punch: The Rocky Marciano combo (now also available without french fries).

- Signature Taunt: Letting opponent recover back to full healt before KOing him for good.

- Weakness: Fatny, the king of OB2D

- Career highlights: Been there and done it all but yes there is one little thing that rises above all titles and such: making Reaper quit after I tkoed him 16 times in a row all inside first two rounds. We were supposed to box 100 times

- Quotes: "I just TKoed you 16 times in a row Reaper. What's the matter? Can not make is past first two rounds? Did I make you quit? Why so silent all of sudden? Oh I just made you STFU "

- Stupid nickname given by other players: Mini Fatny.

- Words of wisdom: Styles make fights. Sometimes even HOF caliber fighters lose to inferior boxers due to this fact. Everyone has their rythm and once you get inside that rythm, you will make life hell for that person (in the ring).

- PS. All signatures are stupid.


Joined: 26/02/2007 02:43:49
Messages: 595
Location: Canada

im sick of these bullshit ratings. im never mentioned. im better than tiger uppercut. ask him yourself.


OB NAME: catfish

Wins:2707 Losses:1369 Draws:21 KO's:2660
KO RATIO: 64.92%

Titles Won: 12
Defences: 3

Best KO Ratio Based On 2000+ Wins:
1 Nigel Benn 80.26%
2 Mike Tyson 79.96%
3 Fatny 77.78%
4 Black Bear 72.43
5 john/Demonjabber/James A. Braddock 70.51
6 Here To FIght/Newguy 68.93%
7 Unstoppable 68.85%
8 Red Viper 69.78%
9 catfish 64.92% <------Sexiness prevails.
10 Reaper 64.86%

Started playing: November 15th, 2005

i eat little white boys
"i got a fever, and the only prescription, is more cowbell"
"rofl dofl with springles on top" -words of Reaper

Don't ever forget me.

[Email] [MSN]

Joined: 20/05/2007 12:51:06
Messages: 2299

Rocky Marciano wrote:Let's go trough your post:

"LOL omg how can you put urself above me when you go on your alt the legend"

1. Simply put I have multiple wins over you in november while you have one win over me in november (via freeze ko).

2. I have better overall record against all other top figthers in november.

3. Third thing (well actually pretty much the same than second but I want to illustrate this more) that you fail to understand that styles make fights which is why individual H2H are not given that much significance (since this is the thing you are referring to although you are wrong in that too).

For example fighter A may have a style does not go well with style fighter B uses. Fighter B keeps beating fighter A but has hard time against all other top quality fighters while fighter A on the other hand has a much better overall record against all top fighters than fighter B. So figther B can beat figther A but loses to all other top figthers constantly while fighter A beats all other top figthers constantly but keeps losing to single individual figther B.

It is a matter of styles clash which is excatly why overall performance record against ALL other top figthers weight over invidivual matches.

Real life example: Unstoppable may have hard time with your style but keep beating everyone else while you can not win against all those other top figthers he keeps beating constantly. Overall he is better fighter.

"Also i think the champs should be there more then some other fighters"

What matter is the actual fight record against quality opponents. Second thing after that is the overall record against all opponents. You can have a title and sit on it avoiding all other quality opponents but ýou would not make it to top 10. Titles come and go.

Besides half of the people who have held a title in november do not have enough matches to make it to top 10 and are actually missing in action.

"i think flash should be higher then sugarray because sugarrays lag gifts"

I do not think sugarray lags significatly or any more than you do.

"just in november with only 7 months playin this game."

Ok so you played this game in july. Now what excatly that has to do with top 10 power rankings list for NOVEMBER 2007?

"You gave me a gay description but suspected you would"

That is the actualy way you carry yourself on OB and the way you type and "talk" to people on OB. You really should take a look at your own posts on forums and the text you type in ingame chat before making comments like this.

"my style has become a mix now with boxing and fighting with constant pressure also with gd defence enless"

Ok nice but how is this related to tthe topic?

"Boxa doesnt even play no more i dont know how u can pick him"

He has enough matches in november although barely, he also came back and has lot better record than you.

"and sugarray has a very bad lag/skip for can offer him a advantage"

You obviously have entitlement issues. You propably feel you are entitled to higher rank or something. Well you are entitled to... nothing. Instead of talking so much go and improve your skills and start beating sugarray etc. to improve your rank.

haha what a noob lol.
I agree with you catfish these rankings arent any gd but it is only rocky doing them and viper in the top10 lol he doesnt even come on anymore to.
Tiger uppercut there :S he gets pwned by everyone and tyrant doesnt even come on anymore to.
Last time we fought i dominated rocky anyway so i know i shud be higher then rocky and boxa barely comes on :S so strange these rankings.

This message was edited 3 times. Last update was at 06/12/2007 04:50:00

Retirement but may have a few fights
Joined: May 20th 2007
Second greatest ko artist in OB history based on 4k wins.
Rocky Marciano

Joined: 19/03/2007 18:04:56
Messages: 698

"im sick of these bullshit ratings. im never mentioned. im better than tiger uppercut. ask him yourself."

You will be mentioned when your record shows that you should be mentioned.

What you are doing Catfish is referring to induvidual H2H. However individual H2H does not count that much when making these rankings. Remember styles make fights. What counts more is overall performance of a boxer against quality opponents in time span of last month. Simply put Tigeruppercut has clearly better record against other top 10 boxers. He has multiple wins against many of the other top 10 boxers. You have boxed and your record is nice but the quality of your opponents is just not there. H2H is not completely irrelevant but used more when two boxers have had similar performance against other top figthers in general and are competing for same rank. In such case H2H is used to place these two figthers in right order.

...but since you refer to H2H here are last 4 matches you two have fought:

tigeruppercut TKO1 catfish venturi - catfish 16-11-2007
tigeruppercut TKO2 catfish venturi - catfish 16-11-2007
tigeruppercut TKO3 catfish venturi - catfish 25-11-2007
tigeruppercut KO3 catfish venturi - catfish 25-11-2007

Before that you two traded wins and losses with it being pretty even. At the moment Tigeruppercut has winSTREAK over you.

So here are the facts:

- he has better overall record against quality opponents
- he has wins over several top 10 boxers and has even manged to get winstreaks against some of them
- he has ongoing winstreak over you
- you have not really done that well against other top 10 boxers

Again you will be mentioned when your record shows that you should be mentioned. Good luck and get some wins over some of these top 10 rated boxers and I am sure you'll be in top 10 in no time.


Now to Reaper. Yawn. Ok since you have nothing else to say than lol I take it that you understand that you were wrong.


Why dont you actually do something positive and contribute to this game instead of always whining about something?

As far as these monthly rankings go:

It seems that you still dont have a clue how rankings are done. Few points:

"viper in the top10 lol he doesnt even come on anymore to"

- last time Red Viper boxed on OB was on 2007-12-05

- he was active whole november which is all that matter

- seems like he is planning to be active in december too

- you really should think before making these comments

"Last time we fought..."

- what matters is overall performance in time span of last month. Please try to get that. Simply put last time this last time that means very little. For example figther A do not magically jump to ranked 1 if he manages to beat Black Bear once while Black Bear has been owning him for whole month.

- Besides you lost more against me than you won against me in november (and your "win" was by freeze ko anyway).

"Tiger uppercut there :S he gets pwned by everyone"

- wow you really know how to be disrespectful

- from your own record:

tigeruppercut TKO6 Reaper 2-12-2007
tigeruppercut TKO1 Reaper 3-12-2007
tigeruppercut TKO1 Reaper 3-12-2007
tigeruppercut TKO1 Reaper 3-12-2007

So this boxer who "gets pwned by everyone" recently made nice streak against you. Now either you yourself suck getting owned by boxer who "gets pwned by everyone" or Tigeruppercut is good boxer worthy of his rank. Which is it Reaper?

"and boxa barely comes on"

- Boxa was pretty active at the end of november and overall active enough on november. Here is an example:

Boxa KO4 Reaper 2007-11-25
Boxa TKO3 Reaper 2007-11-25

- It is irrelevant to top 10 powerrankings November 2007 if Boxa has gone missing in action on December 2007. However it seems he has not gone MIA.

These rankings are based on overall performance of boxers on this game over the time span of one month. Various factors such as quality of opponents, performance against quality opponents, total record inside specific time span are taken into account when building the actual ranking. I hope you finally to understand all this.

"it is only rocky doing them"

- Yes you finally got one thing right. Congrats! It is me doing these rankings.

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 06/12/2007 06:53:58

- OB Accounts: Rocky Marciano plus too many alts

- Join Date: 2007

- Status: Retired for now. Logs on every now and then just to troll.

- OB Class: A+++++ Elite and yes you got it right a FIVE STAR Elite.

- Goals: Been there, seen that, done it all so none other than reaching 1000 fights (on an alt) with above 90% win percentage I have been hunting after ever since joining OB2D.

- Titles won: too many to remember

- Title defenses: too many to remember

- Best win streak 132 wins in a row in total.

- Style: Very technical when needed to. Other than that force ko for the win!

- Signature Punch: The Rocky Marciano combo (now also available without french fries).

- Signature Taunt: Letting opponent recover back to full healt before KOing him for good.

- Weakness: Fatny, the king of OB2D

- Career highlights: Been there and done it all but yes there is one little thing that rises above all titles and such: making Reaper quit after I tkoed him 16 times in a row all inside first two rounds. We were supposed to box 100 times

- Quotes: "I just TKoed you 16 times in a row Reaper. What's the matter? Can not make is past first two rounds? Did I make you quit? Why so silent all of sudden? Oh I just made you STFU "

- Stupid nickname given by other players: Mini Fatny.

- Words of wisdom: Styles make fights. Sometimes even HOF caliber fighters lose to inferior boxers due to this fact. Everyone has their rythm and once you get inside that rythm, you will make life hell for that person (in the ring).

- PS. All signatures are stupid.

Joined: 20/05/2007 12:51:06
Messages: 2299

LOL u got to much time on ur hands rocky lol.
Listen rocky i dont agree with ur top 10 thats all its jus my opinion.
Posting peoples losses is not gna prove nothing when i lost 3 times to tiger in a row i beat him 4 times back and he loses to alot of top 10 fighters.
Viper losses against all of top 10 also and again il say its my opinion i dont care what facts u try to bring.
Boxa is barely online and i can beat boxa when i have paitence and tyrant barely comes online too.
Again its jus a opinion so learn to accept what other people think instead of jus flaming me and trying to dis credit what i say cause it jus looks like u desperate to prove people wrong to make urself feel smart.
And your gna do another essay replyin to this also jus proving my point.

Retirement but may have a few fights
Joined: May 20th 2007
Second greatest ko artist in OB history based on 4k wins.

Joined: 13/09/2006 10:33:31
Messages: 40
Location: Norfolk Va

I think the way rocky is doing the top 10 is fair. I feel he is offering an unbiased insight on the rankings as opposed to the way it has been done in the past. If i had not made this list this time around I would have been upset but, I would try harder next month. Ive been playing OB for 3 yrs, I have won multiple titles vs top players from those eras(HTF, Larry Holmes,Unstoppable), and yet, I have never been in the top 10.

With a record like mine you would think I would have made it in at some point. At any rate, Mr. Reaper, I know you didnt mean anything by it but, there is no reason to even mention my name and say i get owned by everyone. If you feel I dont deserve to be at the very bottom of the top ten then state you case. You are rated ahead of me, so its a mystery why you would say something so silly. If I were ranked ahead of you, and you stated you case, i would agree. I havnt been able to beat you on a consistant bases. So you shouldnt have a problem with my ranking, or even Red Vipers. i mean, Im ranked 10! thats at the bottom. Its ok to voice your opinion but you dont have to disrespect others.

Catfish, I know you and I have had back and forth battles and have butted heads but step back and look at what Rocky is saying. I have been having a good month, I have a wins over some of the top 10 people and managed to get a legit title. I have a streak over legendary Salvador Sanchez, pts win over Larry ( thats no easy task) and a few other quality wins over top 10 people, So I think I deserve that last spot in the top 10.
If I get lazy or dont have many fights this month I will lose that spot.

This goes out to all people who arent in the top ten, If you dont see your name up there, dont complain about it. do something about it like me. Go win some titles or challenge only the top players and get some wins. if you can beat the top ten players on a consistant basis, then you can make a case of having your name up there.

If my name isnt on the list next month, Ill know that I didnt do enough to get up there and ill just have to fight harder the next month. Hope this helps

Cruelty is the wrath of my instrument

Joined: 13/09/2006 10:33:31
Messages: 40
Location: Norfolk Va

Rocky, bring up my h2h vs boxa, then compare that vs the wins he has over top 10 vs mine. I wont look but I bet he has a overall better record. We are probably even h2h with him with an edge.

Cruelty is the wrath of my instrument

Joined: 20/05/2007 12:51:06
Messages: 2299

Or another bum can make a top10 power rankings lol this aint even offical its jus his own little list lol he even added himself so no one should take these too seriously.

Retirement but may have a few fights
Joined: May 20th 2007
Second greatest ko artist in OB history based on 4k wins.
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