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Kimbo Slice exposed, win gift stoppage.  XML
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Joined: 06/10/2006 18:19:47
Messages: 685
Location: Earth's Cousin

Yes that's right, the hype machine got his chin expoesd, well not really more like his ground game and got beat down for like 2 minutes without defending himself. The ref let Kimbo take the punishment and next round Kimbo busted JT's cauliflower ear and it started bleeding, then he staggered JT and the ref was quick to save a gassed Kimbo. It's official.

Kimbo is a joke.

EDIT: Seeing this fight made me gain 100 respect points for Brock Lesnar. Kimbo fights someone who is perfect for his style and has limited ground game, is slow and has a suspect chin and he still pretty much loses if it weren't for the ref bias. Brock Lesnar has little to no MMA expierence and went up against Frank Mir who was a submission master and former champion and still manage to make Mir look like he just got done shooting a horror movie. Now he's going to fight ANOTHER top heavyweight in Heath Herring and he's still incredibly raw, but he wants a challenge and I respect him, if he wins against Herring or even loses but does well I'll respect him even more. Kimbo Slice is just a terrible brawler who needs go back to street fighting.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 01/06/2008 10:02:52

OBID: ProfsBack
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Joined: 18/04/2006 06:15:39
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I want to see him against Tyson.


Joined: 06/10/2006 18:19:47
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Location: Earth's Cousin

I doubt Tyson's in shape but if he was he'd kick the shit out of Kimbo Slice.

OBID: ProfsBack
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Multiple OB champ
I took Fatny's streak. 7/1/2008

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Joined: 05/01/2007 15:36:43
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The ref definitely stopped it too early, James was staggering but he was in round 2 as well but he recovered, saying that though if Kimbo had went mental then James would have got seriously hurt. You've gotta give Kimbo credit though for actually going into MMA where he will get a challenge rather than kicking fuck out of unskilled wannabe gangbangers.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 01/06/2008 12:20:16

Oscar De La Hoya 1025 - 842



Joined: 09/02/2008 07:58:54
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Kimbo wonder why it didnt last more then 20 secs.....he and james got very tired att the end....and Kimbo Slice won fair and square.....rm maybe? but then he will just bust his other ear

OB ID: Chrille
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Joined: 09/02/2008 07:58:54
Messages: 191
Location: Sweden

next match 4 kimbo.....= Brett Rogers.......both heavy punchers....

OB ID: Chrille
Nicknames: Chrille,Chrillah dah Killah,The Chrill Pill, Vitamin C and CWA = Chrille With Attitude
Titles held: 6 OBA 1 OBW 1 OBF and 1 Tournament Champion
Join Date: Oktober 2006
Class:from C too A
Status: Half aktiv
Aggressive Style: Ko Them Fast
Defensive Style: Defense and Counter Attacking
Current Objective: Show that im not a C-fighter
Record :Won 2040 Lost 714 Ko's 2019 Draw 6
Quotes: I dont have any predjuice...i hate you all.
Im not a pussy your a pussy your pussy.
I Just Killed Kenny, Aint im a bastard?
Win over u every fucking day every fucking way Chrillah da killah is here too stay

Best KO Ratio Based On 2000+ Wins

1 Red Viper 99.09%
2 Chrille 98.96
3 Catfish 98.28
4 Reaper 98.07%
5 The Sniper 96.19%
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7 Black Bear 95.58%
8 Fernando Vargas 93.74%
9 USA 92.26%
10 Monkeytail 92.24


Joined: 18/04/2006 06:15:39
Messages: 1584

Just saw the fight, Kimbo is nothing special. He is pretty powerful but nothing out of the ordinary..he is very slow, his boxing sucks and more less or everything else he does sucks too or at average level. He has some guts thats for sure but its a matter of time before he will be owned badly.
Its strange how UFC has take the same path as boxing, building undefeated records..this fight was very competitive but I dont think that was intended.

This message was edited 3 times. Last update was at 01/06/2008 17:20:01


Joined: 01/03/2007 14:35:55
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Location: United States, DC

Yeah i saw it to. I think their just setting up easy matches for kimbo for now. I think he has alot of potential though. Oh and even if the ref hadnt stopped it that guy would have gotten brutalized.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 01/06/2008 19:50:06



Joined: 01/11/2007 16:10:40
Messages: 10

I still need to see the fight. Been wanting to ever since I hear James Thompson, of all people, being the one to actually hurt Kimbo.

And James Thompson had been a pretty funny joke, especially with his debut against Alexender Emelianako.

(Just saw it- post fight comments: yeah, shoulda been stopped in the second if that's how they were gonna stop it. Realistically, neither had enough gas to knock the other out though, so either the fight should have gone on or it should have ended in the second when Kimbo had no other options and clearly wasn't fighting back.
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Joined: 06/10/2006 18:19:47
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Location: Earth's Cousin

Mikell that wasnt UFC that was EliteXC. UFC doesn't build undefeated all. They throw their undefeated fighters to the wolves and even sometimes throw them at each other. EliteXC however is a joke.

EDIT: I actually don't think Kimbo is slow, just innaccurate and otherwise terrible at most aspects of mixed martial arts. Even though I doubt BJ Penn would KNOCK HIM OUT like Dana White says, BJ's striking isn't even that great for the welterweight divison, no way he can take out Kimbo.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 01/06/2008 20:26:42

OBID: ProfsBack
Status: Active

Multiple OB champ
I took Fatny's streak. 7/1/2008

Offensive Style: Power Puncher/ KO Artist
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Joined: 18/04/2006 14:22:37
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I knew it, I come on to see if anyone had posted about this and here it is.

He did well, the other dude is a big trained guy and would kick all our arses in about ten seconds (so would Kimbo!). Being trapped underneath him and taking all those shots didn't make me think he had a weak chin it made me think "damn thats a hard head".

Kimbo will get smashed to pieces soon but until then I wish him all the best and I totally agreed with the stoppage, the guy was going to sleep any time soon and they are skinny little gloves and it could cause serious damage so no point in letting him take more than he needed to, the fight was done.

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Joined: 26/02/2007 02:43:49
Messages: 595
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kimbo slice is a piece of shit. i was so pissed that he won. he didn't deserve that win at all, all he did was lie around and get the hell beaten out of him.

i can't wait till he gets beat so bad he has to retire early.


OB NAME: catfish

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Joined: 30/01/2007 01:38:10
Messages: 953

jesus dont even get me started on this garbage....... first of all i will bet anyone here everything I own that the fight was rigged.

reason 1. everytime james took kimbo down the ref stood them up in under 10 seconds even if james was transitioning to a more dominant position, That of course favoured kimbo

reason 2. I counted over 30 unanswered blows from james when he had kimbo pinned against the cage. they usually stop fights after 5-7 unanswered especially when its elbows

reason 3. Thompson isnt a great fighter but his standup is better then it was by at least 3-4 times. He koed Don Frye who whos hands make kimbos look like reapers. I believe don frye was won a gold medal in boxing and almost did in wrestling as well. Thompson didnt throw a single knee or kick vs kimbo and he just bobbed around with his hands down

Reason 4. No body and I mean nobody fights without draining an ear like that. the fucking promoter probably paid him not to that way kimbo had an out he could use at any time.

reason 5. I hope that ref isnt expecting to ever ref for the ufc again because if dana saw that fight that refs out some big paycheques in the future..

so there you have it. that fight was shit and proff Bj penn would beat kimbo id say probably 9/10 times. for you to say he doesnt have good standup makes you an uneducated fool. he koed din thomas, caul Uno, Shawn sherk, and he Mashed GSP faces up. Bj Penn also has the strongest jujitsu around out of anyone and has a chin on him like a fire hydrant. If you say he has no stand up watch any of those fights more importantly his last fight against sherk when he put Striking clinic on

for you to say his stand up isnt very good is like me saying that just because those people running the 100 metre sprint on tv dont look like they are going fast so I must be able to beat them

Joined: 18/04/2006 06:15:39
Messages: 1584

Well when I say he aint very good its relative, compared to others. I dont think he deserve this kind of attention at all. It's a funny little experiment and kimbo is dedicated, but he is not GREAT at something, just above average. I dont think theres any reason to stir things up unless its about someone truly special.



Joined: 18/04/2006 14:22:37
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Location: Manchester , England

Mikkel wrote:Well when I say he aint very good its relative, compared to others. I dont think he deserve this kind of attention at all. It's a funny little experiment and kimbo is dedicated, but he is not GREAT at something, just above average. I dont think theres any reason to stir things up unless its about someone truly special.

Agreed dude, he is doing well for what he is (glorified street scrapper) but that's about it.

@Golden -

What do you mean dude, the guy is a legend. Damnit where is Randy and Fedor, pfft why are they waisting time trying to fight each other when Kimbo is where it's really at

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 02/06/2008 10:11:55

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ONLINE BOXING NAME = don_king_promotions

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