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Street Fighter vs. Boxer  XML
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That 1 Dope Mexican

Joined: 21/01/2007 19:25:41
Messages: 70

slow hard puncher vs faster technical boxer, who wins?
the second fight on that video

Rocky Marciano

Joined: 19/03/2007 18:04:56
Messages: 698

Well first things first that is not a street fight.

It is pre arranged event with rules - which are followed but not to the point...

Now there is really no such thing as "street fighter".

Kimbo Slice trains boxing and works as security guard for pornsite called In The VIP.

The black looking person who is "fighting" is part of Kimbo Slices crew. What Kimbo's crew trains is boxing.

The white looking guy who wins is from Mixed Martial Art gym called Freestyle Fighting Academy. He is trained by MMA fighter Marcos Avellan. What they do for stand up is pretty much thaiboxing.

So what you see is street thug vs. trained MMA fighter with rules that only allow stand up and limits use of kicks.

Obviously the street thug gets his ass kicked. BTW. for the record that guy from FFA academy who wins is MUCH lighter than his opponent.

- OB Accounts: Rocky Marciano plus too many alts

- Join Date: 2007

- Status: Retired for now. Logs on every now and then just to troll.

- OB Class: A+++++ Elite and yes you got it right a FIVE STAR Elite.

- Goals: Been there, seen that, done it all so none other than reaching 1000 fights (on an alt) with above 90% win percentage I have been hunting after ever since joining OB2D.

- Titles won: too many to remember

- Title defenses: too many to remember

- Best win streak 132 wins in a row in total.

- Style: Very technical when needed to. Other than that force ko for the win!

- Signature Punch: The Rocky Marciano combo (now also available without french fries).

- Signature Taunt: Letting opponent recover back to full healt before KOing him for good.

- Weakness: Fatny, the king of OB2D

- Career highlights: Been there and done it all but yes there is one little thing that rises above all titles and such: making Reaper quit after I tkoed him 16 times in a row all inside first two rounds. We were supposed to box 100 times

- Quotes: "I just TKoed you 16 times in a row Reaper. What's the matter? Can not make is past first two rounds? Did I make you quit? Why so silent all of sudden? Oh I just made you STFU "

- Stupid nickname given by other players: Mini Fatny.

- Words of wisdom: Styles make fights. Sometimes even HOF caliber fighters lose to inferior boxers due to this fact. Everyone has their rythm and once you get inside that rythm, you will make life hell for that person (in the ring).

- PS. All signatures are stupid.
el capillo

Joined: 27/02/2007 17:06:16
Messages: 269

nah it was bareknuckle boxing i.e no kicks no biting no chocking no flooring and little wrestling.

the guy won because he made the bigger guy (in muscle)work for it and by chokin him and hitting him while he was down was just awful
simple london prize fighting rules.

and most of kimbo's fights last around 5 to 6 mins of interupted punching in this it's 10 mins of kimbo continously punching...most modern heavies couldnt do that rather impressed by him without any cardio training.

maybe to muuscle bound for the mercer fight but ...hey

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 19/04/2007 21:53:45

Ike Bungu

PDP record
edder- tech draw 6
trpche-win ko3
jigsaw-win ud
mikkel-win tko2
prof-win tko 7
viper-lose ko1

"ill taught them i'll teach em. after now i knock him out like i said before, i'll be the guy and after i beat him i'll show him his mistakes"
-oba champion
-world most overated fighter ever
-worst right hand in the game
-even worse still jab in the game
-horrible finisher
-blue cobra

Red Viper> El Capillo is your post name
That 1 Dope Mexican

Joined: 21/01/2007 19:25:41
Messages: 70

the mexican guy (the guy that won) did look like he had boxing in him



Joined: 18/04/2006 14:22:37
Messages: 907
Location: Manchester , England

A good fight (kind of), you can tell the smaller guy had better standup and the way he stood more front on is a good way to spot what his stand up training is.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 23/04/2007 08:24:00

/** Call this method when you want to play OB.*/
public void playOb() {
while(moreBeers()) {
if(sleepy) {
}else {
ONLINE BOXING NAME = don_king_promotions

menicaha behaniclo

/** Call this method when you are dealing with users.*/
stock HandleUsers()
for ( new i = 0, j = GetUsers(); i < j; i ++
if ( !IsUserConnected( i continue;
switch ( GetUserState( i
case USER_STATE_SPAMMER : RemoveUserPost( i;
case USER_STATE_IDIOT : WarnUser( i;
case USER_STATE_TOUGHGUY : LaughAtUser( i;
default : IgnoreUser( i;
return 1;


Joined: 31/05/2006 17:11:31
Messages: 364

im easily pleased but that was pretty awesome. i like the way the smaller dude used defense and movement to counter the big guy. tamed!!
Rocky Marciano

Joined: 19/03/2007 18:04:56
Messages: 698

Kimbo SLice got schooled by Sean Gannon

- OB Accounts: Rocky Marciano plus too many alts

- Join Date: 2007

- Status: Retired for now. Logs on every now and then just to troll.

- OB Class: A+++++ Elite and yes you got it right a FIVE STAR Elite.

- Goals: Been there, seen that, done it all so none other than reaching 1000 fights (on an alt) with above 90% win percentage I have been hunting after ever since joining OB2D.

- Titles won: too many to remember

- Title defenses: too many to remember

- Best win streak 132 wins in a row in total.

- Style: Very technical when needed to. Other than that force ko for the win!

- Signature Punch: The Rocky Marciano combo (now also available without french fries).

- Signature Taunt: Letting opponent recover back to full healt before KOing him for good.

- Weakness: Fatny, the king of OB2D

- Career highlights: Been there and done it all but yes there is one little thing that rises above all titles and such: making Reaper quit after I tkoed him 16 times in a row all inside first two rounds. We were supposed to box 100 times

- Quotes: "I just TKoed you 16 times in a row Reaper. What's the matter? Can not make is past first two rounds? Did I make you quit? Why so silent all of sudden? Oh I just made you STFU "

- Stupid nickname given by other players: Mini Fatny.

- Words of wisdom: Styles make fights. Sometimes even HOF caliber fighters lose to inferior boxers due to this fact. Everyone has their rythm and once you get inside that rythm, you will make life hell for that person (in the ring).

- PS. All signatures are stupid.
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