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Joined: 29/09/2011 10:21:44
Messages: 104

I'd just like to quickly make a note of a change I made to the website I was creating.

I am going to make it free for anyone to make any changes to the site if they wish. Anyone who reads this thread is effectively an Admister of the site. You need to know the Username and Password of the site to be able to Access it as an Administer, make changes and publish any changes.

You can do this at the website:

The Username is:

The Password is: Onlineboxing

If anyone wants to make changes to it they can do. You may know already or you may need to learn how to do it, but the website is pretty straight forward and helps you to make any changes you want to make.]

As you already know the website is

but you need to go via to make changes to it, or maybe the actual site as well.




Joined: 29/09/2011 10:21:44
Messages: 104

HTF23 wrote:Good idea man but honestly I wouldnt do it like that.. To many faggot little childish pricks that will just go in and fuck every thing up.

Thanks for the support and point noted.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 11/03/2013 18:30:34



Joined: 29/09/2011 10:21:44
Messages: 104

HTF23 wrote:Only real problem with this game is and has always been getting its name out there.... Its not easy with so many other games out there and little fan appeal for boxing games.

Im also working on other ways to get the name out there and attract people to the game like posting on Yahoo answers to questions related to boxing/online games etc.

Its not really something that Mikkel Approves greatly publicly or otherwise i dont think but im still giving it a go.

Joined: 18/04/2006 06:15:39
Messages: 1584

Fierce wrote:
HTF23 wrote:Only real problem with this game is and has always been getting its name out there.... Its not easy with so many other games out there and little fan appeal for boxing games.

Im also working on other ways to get the name out there and attract people to the game like posting on Yahoo answers to questions related to boxing/online games etc.

Its not really something that Mikkel Approves greatly publicly or otherwise i dont think but im still giving it a go.

Why wouldnt I approve that ?

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