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Profile for :: vowito7629
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Registration date:  20/05/2021 06:14:54
Number of messages posted:  No posted messages available
Created topics: No topic created
Biography: Effective resume In today’s competitive and technological world, finding best jobs and career opportunities has become much convenient, rapid and successful through online platforms. If we take a look at the past situation when information technology and online media was not flourished, finding job was way to slow and hectic process. In past vacant job opportunities were announced in the newspapers or magazines and it could take months to fill the vacancies. Similarly, job hunters had to wait many days before they were hired or not. Since there was no online communication such as email, messengers and websites to submit job applications, therefore, mostly job applications were posted through couriers, leading to telephonic interviews and then walk in interviews. The whole process could take more than 3-4 weeks or even longer. Similarly, this process was limited to fewer applicants due to low reach.
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