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Profile for :: zetsus
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Registration date:  08/08/2021 11:01:01
Number of messages posted:  No posted messages available
Created topics: No topic created
From:  United States
Biography: Zetsus as a company can be described as a bridge of solution with the collective methods, technologies, and processes to help protect the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of computer systems, individuals, networks and data, against cyber-attacks or unauthorized access. These cyber-attacks are usually aimed at accessing, changing, or destroying sensitive information; extorting money from users; or interrupting normal business processes. We as a company are making sure the general public does not fall into the traps of people of the cyber-underworld. For victims of investment scams, cryptocurrency exchange scams etc, and lost funds in general; we have specialists and operators available to help with such cases and we have retrieved close to $760,000 in the first half of the year 2021 alone from cyber-criminals. Our aim is to make the cyber world a better place with a safe space for each and every individual to operate without the fear of being harassed, monitored illegally and so on and so forth.
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