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Profile for :: walker785
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Registration date:  23/12/2021 08:58:55
Number of messages posted:  No posted messages available
Created topics: No topic created
Biography: dog walking company 360 Dog Walker San Francisco is one of the original, and oldest, San Francisco dog walking companies. We’ve been successful because we’ve stuck to our beliefs: Small walking groups Putting clients first Finding ways on a daily basis to make the parks and beaches we walk better places than we found them Always striving to be better at what we do today than we were yesterday Our commitment to excellence in customer service At 360 Dog Walker, we strive to be the very best at taking care of both our dog and our human clients. We are a mature, responsible company and we keep our values at the forefront of everything we do: Reliability Consistency Integrity If we tell you we’ll do something, we’ll do it. And then whenever possible, we’ll look for opportunities to do a little more. Just because we care.
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