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Profile for :: yorktownmemorialhospital
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Registration date:  17/10/2023 06:32:14
Number of messages posted:  No posted messages available
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Biography: Yorktown Memorial Hospital, nestled in South Texas and commonly referred to as the Hospital of Nuns, locked its doors in 1986, but its sinister legacy endures. A place chronicled on Wikipedia, this facility carries a foreboding legend that continues to intrigue history enthusiasts. Constructed in 1950 by the Felician Sisters, the hospital was intended to be a beacon of hope, but as time passed, unsettling revelations came to light. Tales of suspicious deaths and mistreatment revealed a dark underbelly lurking behind its façade. The hospital's former caretaker, at one point, was believed to have been possessed, particularly within the former church. Mysterious noises, such as the cries of phantom infants, agonized wails, and eerie laughter, reverberate throughout the decaying structure. The first-floor chapel is a focal point for malevolent energy, with unsettling reports of the organ playing by itself and chilling sightings of sinister shadow figures in the pews. Some even speak of the presence of demons and other dark entities. Today, the hospital's current owner avoids the premises, unwilling to confront the lingering malevolence and grim legend associated with it. Yorktown Memorial Hospital, with its closed doors and eerie history, remains a subject of fascination and dread for those who dare to explore its ominous past.
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