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Profile for :: xowori5251
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Registration date:  25/09/2020 14:52:37
Number of messages posted:  No posted messages available
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From:  213 W 35th St. Suite 807, New York, NY 10001
Occupation:  Jeffrey Anderson, Associate Broker, Capital Real Estate Advisers
Biography: Phone: (917) 568-9642 Category: Real Estate Advisors, Commercial Real Estate, Real Estate Services Finding the perfect commercial space for your business can be difficult, especially in New York City. Jeffrey Anderson, Associate Broker, Capital Real Estate Advisors is a full-service commercial real estate advisor with more than 14 years of experience as a credentialed architect and urban designer in New York, NY. He’s brokered commercial real estate deals all over New York City, including those in trendy neighborhoods such as: SoHo Tribeca Battery Park Midtown Lenox Hill Leasing the right commercial space is a big investment, which is why you need a real estate agent that knows how to do business. His services are perfect for businesses looking to relocate or lease commercial properties. Jeffrey specializes in Manhattan office and retail markets and understands the complexities of real estate submarkets. His in-depth knowledge of the city’s real estate means quickly identifying any inefficiencies in valuation. As a tenant advocate, he ensures the most beneficial terms for his client’s commercial leasing transactions. Enjoy personalized insight and Jeffrey’s eye for prosperous properties when you choose his commercial real estate advisor services. Jeffrey’s architectural and design expertise is invaluable when deciding how to best use a space or office design according to your specific needs. His clients are always his main focus, and he’s dedicated to matching them with promising properties at the real estate market’s best prices. Trust Jeffrey Anderson’s extensive real estate experience and innovative vision to help you find the perfect commercial space at a competitive price. Call (917) 568-9642 today to schedule a consultation.
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