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Profile for :: yinih33889
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Registration date:  29/09/2020 19:24:32
Number of messages posted:  No posted messages available
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From:  165 Union Ave, West Haven, CT 06516
Occupation:  Joseph G Michel & Sons Inc.
Biography: Phone: (203) 933-7931 Category: Home Remodeling Contractors, Plumbers, Remodeling Contractors Most of us do not think about our plumbing until something goes wrong. When it does, you want to be sure that you have the right team on your side to fix your problem and get your life back to normal. If you live in West Haven, CT, Joseph G. Michel Sons is the right team for you. For more than 80 years, their plumbing contractors have helped residents of the area with plumbing installations, plumbing repairs, and bathroom remodeling. The plumbers and contractors at Joseph G. Michel Sons can assist you with all of your plumbing needs, day or night. Their team is qualified to perform all standard plumbing duties including drain cleaning, faucet repair, and the installation of new plumbing features. They also have a heating contractor on staff to help you with the installation of a new water heater, or water heater repair. In the rare but possible event that something goes wrong with your plumbing or heating on the weekend or during off-business hours, Joseph G. Michael Sons has emergency staff on standby 24 hours a day, seven days a week. In addition to providing residents of West Haven, CT, with plumbing services, the team at Joseph G. Michel Sons also includes contractors that can work with you during your home remodeling project. Their skilled staff specializes in bathroom and kitchen remodeling and will work with you to choose and install new flooring, cabinets, sinks, and standing showers. Their contractors will be with you every step of the process, providing free estimates, and keeping you updated on the progress of your remodeling project as it is being performed. If you live in the West Haven area and would like to hire a plumber or plumbing contractor from Joseph G. Michel Sons, call (203) 933-7931 today for a free estimate. For more information or to view previous remodeling projects, visit their website today.
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