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Profile for :: voxpow
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Registration date:  28/04/2021 05:44:51
Number of messages posted:  No posted messages available
Created topics: No topic created
From:  USA
Biography: Adds speech recognition and voice commands to a website easily. Allow customers to use their voice and interact with the site. Allow users to type with voice (speech-to-text conversion). Voxpow uses the built- in modern browser speech API’s, extending this functionality and giving an additional value, like saving searches, statistic modules and voice commands. Benefits in short: - Allowing customers to interact easily with a website and not spend too much time on typing/searching. - Modules to measure and improve conversion (tool for optimizing revenue). - NLP tools to perform sentiment analysis. Voxpow enables businesses to adopt voice recognition through just a few lines of code. This is a simple way to add cutting-edge voice recognition to any website. Voxpow is committed to making voice recognition more widely accessible, empowering websites, and businesses to offer their users and customers better experiences through usability and comfort. We are working to simplify voice recognition so that all websites and companies can tap into it. We believe that the internet's future is voice recognition, platforms moving away from traditional interfaces, and we are proud to lead the way there. At Voxpow, people know that they can find cutting-edge voice recognition tools, and because of those tools, we are expanding the reach of the technology as a whole. Our vision is one of an entire internet powered by voice recognition.
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