Warning: Don't fight alts. the exit cheat still exists.

  • http://onlineboxing.net/scorecard/862174

    A coward hiding behind a name, "Bedroom Bully" decides to leave as he is about to be KO'd. All bars red. Knowing he is up on cards he admittedly exited the game to f--k me out of a win. Then calls me a lag cheater among other insults. I was obviously being aggressive knowing he blew his stamina in the first 2 rounds.

    @Mikkel @admin this cheat still exists. I think we are better off leaving it where if you exit the other guy can just KO you. If you are the one with the connection that drops off you are out of luck. That is better than what currently exists. Our resident troll is still abusing this flaw.

    Beware of alts.... I don't know why I even bother. I should have known better.

  • WARNING BEWARE OF CHEATERS LIKE SNIPER: He KOD me on lag, and second fight was getting outboxed and losing , so he started the lag again so he can gain an advantage.

    keep crying to MIkell, why not go lick his ass you cheating loser.

    yea you should have known better than to cheat, or get a better internet connection its 2021 f you.. cry some more, go sit under a raibow and write a poem.

    and he says i beat current champs, anybody can beat anybody anytime you clown just cause you win some here and there dont mean shit, just like how you KOD me with your lag, and right afer was getting outboxed and decided to lag again so you have a chance to win :D fuck off clown... you are SHIT

  • @BedroomBully said in Warning: Don't fight alts. the exit cheat still exists.:

    WARNING BEWARE OF CHEATERS LIKE SNIPER: He KOD me on lag, and second fight was getting outboxed and losing , so he started the lag again so he can gain an advantage.

    keep crying to MIkell, why not go lick his ass you cheating loser.

    yea you should have known better than to cheat, or get a better internet connection its 2021 f you.. cry some more, go sit under a raibow and write a poem.

    and he says i beat current champs, anybody can beat anybody anytime you clown just cause you win some here and there dont mean shit, just like how you KOD me with your lag, and right afer was getting outboxed and decided to lag again so you have a chance to win :D fuck off clown... you are SHIT

    LOL Your word is no good, you think people are going to believe a cheating alt troll? You exited the game, the ultimate cheat. The connection was stable. None of the people in this game who matter have ever complained about my connection, nor accused me of cheating.

    You punched yourself out and fell straight into an easy trap. I knew you would never be able to KO me so I was purposely aggressive. Ever heard of a strategy? Sorry you can't hang with the big dogs.

    You are compromising the integrity of the game. If you cared about the game, you would never expose this bug. We don't need this sh*t in our community. Get the f--k out of here.

  • cry some more, sounds like bunch of excuses for being a shit player... is that the same excuse you use for losing to all the top players? :D you were getting your ass kicked you lagging piece of shit and you made it lag even more, go cry some more LOSER

    talking about beating champs here and there motherfucker when were you ever a dominant champ????..... let me answer that NEVER.. so all these excuses you can stick em up your ass. got out boxed and getting your shit pushed in and made it lag worse so you have a chance. shut the fuck up failure.. loser... BUM

  • @BedroomBully said in Warning: Don't fight alts. the exit cheat still exists.:

    cry some more, sounds like bunch of excuses for being a shit player... is that the same excuse you use for losing to all the top players? :D you were getting your ass kicked you lagging piece of shit and you made it lag even more, go cry some more LOSER

    talking about beating champs here and there motherfucker when were you ever a dominant champ????..... let me answer that NEVER.. so all these excuses you can stick em up your ass. got out boxed and getting your shit pushed in and made it lag worse so you have a chance. shut the fuck up failure.. loser... BUM

    Lol. You got your ass kicked twice and you're literally the one who cried and quit the game. Pulling anything out to explain your behavior. You're the one crying and cheating. You're nobody. I won't argue with a fool. Enjoy living in a dream world.

  • last i checked you cheated for a cheap KO, and got outboxed after, so tried to cheat again... you got a boxing lesson.. you should quit since you aint shit all these years, dont look like youll improve.. even bums like faker are getting inducted on HOF while you here cheating and complaining :D.

  • @BedroomBully
    You're a liar and delusional. Enjoy. Keep justifying your psychosis. Bye.

  • brah, aint nothing to justify, besides your lag KO you got outboxed, and tried to cheat again its a FACT. so go get a better internet or stop cheating on purpose...

    PSL if you kiss mikells ass enough maybe hell put your mediocre ass in HOF like faker.

  • @BedroomBully said in Warning: Don't fight alts. the exit cheat still exists.:

    brah, aint nothing to justify, besides your lag KO you got outboxed, and tried to cheat again its a FACT. so go get a better internet or stop cheating on purpose...

    PSL if you kiss mikells ass enough maybe hell put your mediocre ass in HOF like faker.

    I'm not a cheater and have never been accused of it. By anyone but a fool in hiding. Later

  • ummm you did lag KO me, and you did start lagging the fight after getting your shit pushed in..... OK
    on top of that made a thread complaining LOL

  • @BedroomBully I have never lagged a fight in my life. Keep believing your own made up BS to make yourself feel better. Troll

  • i talked to others they all said the same about you... so keep staying delusional fool LAGBOI

  • @BedroomBully cool. Glad you feel good about yourself for quitting.

  • do you feel good about yourself for cheating? and right after getting your ass kicked so you go back to cheating again? and after that going on the board to complain? :D pathetic fool

  • @BedroomBully there is video evidence you cheated. All you have are unfounded accusations.

    I'm done arguing. Goodbye troll

  • too bad video evidence dont show lag? right that works on your favor BITCH

  • @The-Sniper Don't argue with stupid people. They'll drag you down to their level and beat you with experience. - Buddha

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