- Red Viper dudes like fuking mike tyson up and down 10 times in one second and throws uppercuts that will decapitate u, 20 uppercuts=1 second GOAT.
2.Fatny-great defensive fighter but Red Viper would Decapitate him.gg
3.John-Great offensive fighter yes very sexy (like..his nvm)
4.StreetBully/Reaper-ReaperthePeaperPeeweeHerman lag is the most chotic in the game causes memorible upsets of top players. StreetBully takes VITamin-6942011118748934hufihv fiku so he is tied for number 4 he fights to smart to be listed lower.
5.Toosmooth(Toogay)/CrankTheDank/FakerTheBaker6942004296969- Toogay should not be hof but I put him on the list cuz I am a clown and he has won against, even tho he has lost, like pretty much all his opposition. Faker the baker- U just never know what he is going to bake, Crank the dank, He's too High on weed makes him Yoda and he punches fast and hard gg wp nerds.
-Tomato Rojo