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Messages posted by: Titan
Forum Index » Profile for Titan » Messages posted by Titan
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The War against The Crank...are you kidding me? That was just you and Crank. I challenged Crank and i was ignored. I fought this Fierce and he ran away the 2nd time witout rm me. I was a little numbed tonight because i drank a bottle of wine (celebrated something. I dont tell you fucks what..its my private thing) and this fuck fierce koed me and he run once again without the rm. Is that the normal way in OB2D these days? Not giving the fucking rm? I dont know. Its time to get back the honorable guys like Sanchez, Holmes, Viper, Redneck, catfish and all that gentlemen not running away after a lucky win.
I tell you guys now how a good conversation works:

Mikkel: "No its not my dear friend. Where do you think google gets its billions from ?"

Fierce: "Not from Adsense. Theres about 100 different varieties my good friend."

Mikkel wrote:Anyway, going to put it on then..but might take a month or two. And you gotta live with the sucky AI.

Thank you mikkel to give us the Singleplayer back. The sucky AI does not matter because i really think it hooks new players.
But think about your advertising-strategy once again. You got a great game with much potential. They just dont know that it exists.
Mikkel wrote:You're the one who needs a reality check. Games been online more than 10 years. Singleplayer at least online 5-6 years.
Where are the millions of players you talk about ?

1. I am more worth than 1 million other players.
2. Man, you got the very good boxing game that delivers a real challenge for boxing fans. The problem is that 999 999 dont know that the game exist. And thats just your fault because you are a noob in advertisement
3. I bet you are angry vs. me now because i told you that

Time switch 20 years later:Mikkel has created new shiny singleplayer and 20 new faces and punches. He now works on 2D 10 hours a day. He got problems with the servers because thousands of players playing the incredible Onlineboxing 2D! The servers are about to explode! He earns millions of $ because of the ads inserted on the forums.
King,Pre wrote:
To my old friend
And my New enenmy

LMAO. Come on now. I dont need another enemy. I still consider you as friend. I love you Cranky. Excuse me if i was too harsh
try using .,!?
Maybe then i understand your blabla
If you wanna see a sad loser fighting - watch these fights.
Its easy to pick out just the fights where you won. These guys beats the ass of The Crank 2 normaly 10:1.
What a sad posting..tssss.
...and this is mikkel reading this thread:

Time-Switch!! 20 years later...

The players of OB2D ask mikkel to insert singleplayer. Same amount of players (2-3 active guys) for OB2D because he never recognized the potential of this 2D game. Same amount of players (0 active guys) for OB3D because noone cares about that accident.

Mikkels answer:
"I can see it..yet I don't have time because of 3D right now."

LMFAO!! Really, i love this guy!
Mikkel wrote:I can see it..yet I don't have time because of 3D right now.

Pay_Up wrote:Hey Titan,

I am sorry, I was overly harsh. I just think we should be more appreciative of Mikkel's efforts.

Oh wasn't. Here in the OB-Forum that was a very nice kind of answer.
Mikkel created a very good game and he got my respect for this. But he will never be successful with it if he keeps ignoring the wishes and the suggestions of his own players.
And if he writes that after this wish comes another etc. he should clearly say: "Guys..i will put this singleplayer in the game but if you people come with another thing then i take it away again". I bet it would be dead silent then...
Pay_Up wrote:First off, I am not Mikkel and do not speak for him. What I will say is that everyone knows that he basically (or as you guys like to say basical) designs, runs, debugs, and improves this game (and 3D) on his own. He sees virtually NO compensation for doing this, which is very generous on his part, or as you call it "bad marketing". So Titan, if you want single player, perhaps you could design it and add it on. Or alternatively, with your excellent marketing ability [and your obvious abundance of time], buy into the game and make it what you think it could be.

Oh and perhaps you should thank him every once in a while instead of pitying him.

Pay_Up wrote:Well then pay the 3 months salary Maxine!

There must be some intelligence. You created this game. But i doubt it at the moment.
Your players tell you what is deeply missing and whats the main problem that no new players arrive to the game and all you do is giving them comments like this.
Well, i dont care. But dont ask yourself in another ten years why noone is playing your games. Just keep ignoring the active players.
Looks like you are a marketing genius. While other developers pay people to help them finding out problems of their games you give a shit to the things your players say.
I pity you mikkel.
Not the best strategy to refuse basical things like singleplayer to get more players. But its your game.
Forum Index » Profile for Titan » Messages posted by Titan
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