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Messages posted by: Titan
Forum Index » Profile for Titan » Messages posted by Titan
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But just in your own world. I have not faced 4 out of this 5. Strange, isnt it?
I love your ideas fierce. But we both know the answer of mikkel. "Yeah, i will think about this. It sounds good..." and thats it hahahaha.
Red Viper is dead and gone...i think he recognized that he is not able to reach the top and quit playing for this reason. He got not the balls.
Maxie is on here and there. But not very much. But he reads the forum.
Slugger was a cheater as i remember. I think he was the only one that was able to slow the games down in his favour. No need for cheaters.
Trpche disappeared and i am very sad that this happened. He was always a nice guy and a very good opponent. Miss him..
Kreo and Sniper i dont know, but both good fighters and their disappearence are a loss for the game.
Captain America? Dont know where he is...but also sad because he was ok and a good fighter.
Fatny is shaking his dick most of the time and is not able to fight exactly for that reason.
Thanks john for this interview with the new player.
I give OB2D 1/10.
It could be 10/10. But there is just one reason why its 1/10.
I cant play OB2D most of the time because there is no opponent.
Without opponent you got just 1 option. Staring at the fight-lobby-screen. Because of the nice colors i give it this 1 point from the 1/
The singleplayer is necessary to bind new players and old players that want to test some new punches.
johnbludger wrote:Getting back to the issue at hand. Singleplayer is a need not only to keep people playing the game but to let new fighters practice the controls and to get used to the game. A tutorial would be really good, either a scripted one(like an interactive tutorial) or something that they can watch off of youtube and just have the link put into the website. You might bring in a little bit more people then before and at least they will have a chance to practice and get better and like the game more instead of getting their asses handed to then they rage quit and never come back. You might not think that its important but it is. You have to look at it from a newcomers perspective. They don't want to fight veterans right off the back. They want to learn the controls and fight the CPU till they get better then they will fight real fighters.

i agree in every word of good ol' John.
Greatest wrote:

Know who i am?im the king of the world.

...the little boy in titanic shouts.
Mikkel wrote:Wow my Advanced IP tracker has just discovered a startling fact..EVERYONE is Redneck ! From the beginning of OB to now ! Fatny, Unstop, EVERYONE.
I dont know how he faked all these fights against himself ! Countless of hours where he did nothing but chat with himself.

You are right! I am EVERYONE! I am also the moment i am talking to myself again. I am pure OB...


wait for you in the ring.
who are you? The one with the lag-spikes...ahhh..i remember.
I got a message from mighty mikkel in my PM-Box:

"I know its u you made the mistake of posting from same ip coiple of times "

So i am Redneck? Yes i am !!

I always watched you

I apologize to toosmooth my nemesis that i told him i am not. He was so bitter because of that and i hope that he will forgive me one day

John my good friend was the first one i told because i made some evil jokes with him in different postings as titan. So he deserved that.
toosmooth was the second one because he is my nemesis.
Crank was the third because of long time knowledge and because i like this guy.

....all the others know it now.
When i start OB2D i keep getting this message:

JavaScript Error javascript.JSException: Line 32xr QR

and then i get a freeze and i need to restart my computer.
Fatny wrote:I'm back.

Someone bring Unstoppable from the club here.

Someone bring Fernando Vargas from the bank here.

Someone bring Yacoob from the psycho yard here.

Someone bring Larry Holmes from the grave here.

And get ready to rumble!

*Thanks to John for making my OB work again.

and then we got the bunch of losers together...
johnbludger wrote:

hahaaaa to being paid by mikkel to be in HOF.

Thats mikkels way to do some advertisement. He pays the guys to be in the HOF instead of doing some really good ad.
oh you can. I bet they paid you a lot of money to reach the HOF. Thats boxing business.
johnbludger wrote:
Titan wrote:
johnbludger wrote:
Fierce wrote:I think you should write it John, or Fatny, but I don't think he will so you should.

If nobody wants to do it then I'll try. I will be glad to do it.

OMG. Now everything is lost.

Just kidding. I think you will do a good job Mr. Average

Thanks and thats funny look whos talking . Beating Fatny is average alright lol.

Average fighter beats average fighter = Average fighter, yeah.

Come on, i am playing with you
johnbludger wrote:
Fierce wrote:I think you should write it John, or Fatny, but I don't think he will so you should.

If nobody wants to do it then I'll try. I will be glad to do it.

OMG. Now everything is lost.

Just kidding. I think you will do a good job Mr. Average
Forum Index » Profile for Titan » Messages posted by Titan
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